Hi Moneyking,
Not sure if you read my post properly - I'm using IB's platform - I didn't mention MF Global and have never used them for trading futures so can't comment much about them. But perhaps you could tell us a little bit more about using their platform if you've been with them since January (brokerage costs, margins, data feed costs, platform costs, speed of execution, charting programs, order entry etc...)
Cutz - not sure quite what you were asking. The SPI trades each day from 9:50am till 4:30pm and then from 5:10pm to 7:00am or so (depending on day light savings), and trades on a quarterly contract. I'm not sure if there is a 'continuous' contract on IB which links past contracts together - I haven't looked for it either though. Maybe someone else knows? The current contract through IB is listed as "APU9" on SNFE and as "SPI 09-09" in Ninja Trader.