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Social Engineering

And all of that in the name of some fictitious Superman who allegedly created mankind in his image."

Minor Correction - Genesis 1:26
Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."

Sorry for interrupting...

Carry on.
same sex already have civil unions which gives them the same rights as heterosexual couples.

So recognise their marriages too, what difference does it make in your life?
Just to make it clear that though I stand up for traditional marriage, .

you mean like the ones in the bible, where where they have multiple wives?

Or the Bible ones where men marry their slaves?
or the ones in the bible where men sell their daughters?

Which version of traditional do you mean?
It's either that God is a bit of a prick. Or that His followers just make up stuff about what He deem important or acceptable.
The God of the bible is equal parts stiff and war monger.

I prefer Maui, lol there is no need to pray he'll just say your welcome.

think about it, if maui doesn't exist, why do we have coconuts? (check mate christians)

Has it ever occurred to you that the translators could have made a mistake?
Like using the Royal Plural because they may have thought it more appropriate for The Lord? They got it right when they translated the 10 Commandments: "I am ...". Remember also that, at the time when the English version was compiled, the idea of Trinity - "Three in One" - had already been conceived and marketed for over a thousand years.
When the Pentateuch was put together, old Yahweh was very much solo and very macho. Which is understandable, considering he graduated from the office of God of War in the usual assortment of special-purpose gods that occupied the minds of pre-Mosaic tribes in the region.
The God of the bible is equal parts stiff and war monger.

I prefer Maui, lol there is no need to pray he'll just say your welcome.

think about it, if maui doesn't exist, why do we have coconuts? (check mate christians)

Yea, the Abrahamic God is a real SOB. He sure know how to hold a grudge... so Eve made a mistake and disobey you about the Apple. Don't put a juicy apple tree in the middle of endless lawn then get upset when the fruit's eaten - that's entrapment.

And if you're upset, do you really need to condemn all the kids for generation upon generation?

I remember catching an episode of that "Touched by an Angel" show some decades back. Some one asked the Irish looking Angel where was God during WWII, the Holocaust.... "He wept". He what?

btw, your Disney owe me a marble coffee table top. My son was doing his Maui routine, jump with both feet on the thing and it cracked in half dude.
Tink is this the Traditional marriage you are talking about? these are the rules the bible lays out for marrying your slave.

(Note, you can have more than one wife, you just can't deny the first wife food and sex)

Exodus 21:7-11
7 “When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. 8 If she does not satisfy her owner, he must allow her to be bought back again. But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her. 9 But if the slave’s owner arranges for her to marry his son, he may no longer treat her as a slave but as a daughter.

10 “If a man who has married a slave wife takes another wife for himself, he must not neglect the rights of the first wife to food, clothing, and sexual intimacy. 11 If he fails in any of these three obligations, she may leave as a free woman without making any payment.
This is social conditioning propaganda from the the right of politics

Caption reads:
Tisme started this thread with a video from parents "outraged" at the sexualisation of their children through the Safe Schools program. I suggest it would be useful to discover who these outraged people are, their political agenda and the lies they spead about the Safe Schools program to encourage the community to reject the Safe Schools curriculum material - and join an ultra-conservative Liberal Party

Check out the whole story

Who's behind the Safe School videos? The concerned mums' political connections
Marijke Rancie peers intently into the camera and calls on Victorian parents to "get really angry".

Her outrage is directed at Safe Schools, a program the Melbourne mother claims is trying to "erase gender", expose children to dildos in the classroom, and teach them how to masturbate using household items.

Current Time 0:15
Duration Time 1:50

More videos
'Safe Schools is teaching your children anal sex'
A parent's social media plea to fight the Safe Schools program has gone viral, but she fails to mention she's a Liberal Party member.

"I kid you not, the rumours about this program are 100 per cent true – this program sexualises children!" Rancie declares, in a 14-minute video that has so far been viewed online more than 4 million times.

"Safe Schools is teaching your children anal sex and anal sex positions. It's teaching them STIs like it's no big deal. The concept is hyper, hyper-sexual. I'm not OK with that. This is grooming."

Anti-Safe Schools campaigner and Liberal member Marijke Rancie.
Rancie's claims have been disputed by the Victorian Education Department but if clicks are anything to go by, there's no doubt her video has struck a chord since it was uploaded on her Facebook page "Politicalpostingmamma", and later on an anti-Safe Schools website called You're Teaching Our Children What.

But why does this supposedly parent-driven website have the same server and registrar as the Australian Christian Lobby? Why has there been a sudden resurgence in campaigning activity against Safe Schools in recent months: from travelling roadshows and viral posts, to angry letters to principals and politicians?

And should Rancie have disclosed on the video that she's a Liberal Party member, part of growing network of so-called "mumma warriors" who are waging what critics claim is essentially a right-wing political war dressed up as a "grassroots" movement?

.In the corridors of power at Spring Street, in the suburban branches of Liberal heartland, and in the meeting rooms of the party's Exhibition Street headquarters, a stoush over the party's internal culture
At its centre is Marcus Bastiaan, the charismatic 27-year-old who who has made it his mission to re-energise the Liberals' conservative base through a membership drive targeting everyone from Mormons and Evangelical Christians to Probus and ethnic community groups. Safe Schools, according to one Bastiaan ally, has been "a good recruitment tool"


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I'm guessing no one has a problem with this, because they have the right, just like any of us. 'Sick" is such a subjective word LOL
Open the flood gates, we need millions of these donkey f--ker coming into this country.

I cannot believe that article and it's content are real and if they are, please help us all.

Having a wank is seen worse than f---king a helpless animal.

I need to find a new forum that doesn't expose me to this, I am just an innocent being.
I'm guessing no one has a problem with this, because they have the right, just like any of us. 'Sick" is such a subjective word LOL

Ha, ha, ha, ha ha,ha,ha,ha,ha.,ha,ha,ha ad nauseum

Really and truly do you or anyone with more than 2 working neurons actually believe that piece of rubbish ? Did you get any clues from the other ridicululous stories around it ? Come on folks you run big businesses. Your articulate. There is evidence of intelligence in most of your comments.

How on Gods earth can't you see that that poisonous dribble is just that ?
(But perhaps you do and are just taking the urine .. )
Folks, this thread is about social engineering, so please discuss the topic at hand.

The use of centralized planning in an attempt to manage social change and regulate the future development and behavior of a society.

There's no need to dive into the gutter and turn ASF into a dumping ground for "news" articles that would be more at home at The Daily Mail. This thread has gone way off topic and I'm asking everyone nicely to please get it back on topic. Some intelligent discussion about actual examples of social engineering would be good to see.
The ABC's pushing of the YES vote on SSM for example ?

If you like, sure. However, I think we've probably had enough links to articles about muslims and donkeys and other similar gutter press rubbish.

I'm all for intelligent, well reasoned, constructive discussion and debate and I think that's what most people would prefer to see here at ASF.

(I'm not suggesting you have posted such stuff SirR, just commenting generally)

So someone was offended by the click bait I posted. If this was a Social Engineering uni class it would be a legitimate tool to gauge the response of protagonists.

What boundaries are deemed inappropriate; certainly that piece is fairly benign by facebook and twitter standards, their users well used to those kind of posts? Obviously the mods on this forum have their own thresholds as do any members.

Social engineering is a real pain for many exasperated people who think society is moving in the wrong direction. Facebook and Twitter followers are more likely to want change, because they are at the coal face of the impetus for huggy huggy change. Don't believe me, then count the number of your friends proclaiming SSM and who are females who post those incessant life's rules memes.
Some intelligent discussion about actual examples of social engineering would be good to see.
The stock market is a perfect example of social engineering
One financially gains from exploiting anothers' weakness...
The trouble with social engineering is that it is so insidiously ridiculous that any obsequious notion can be true:

I must admit I am puzzled why there is a such a movement and why society (especially women in this instance) is so easily manipulated into joining into a chorus of words they patently haven't investigated past the drivel layer of social media.

Are we being manipulated by global govts as a means to an end ... eg rest control from our superstitions to enhance their own?
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