Bobby, it's one of those topics that a bit taboo. Folks tend to polarize themselves into either
1/a purely scientific camp, where any sort of faith/spirituality is regarded as infantile/stupid. This is evident in the article.
2/a purely religious camp where evolutionists are considered as satan personified.
...and never the twain shall meet.
Just because religions suffer from some truly ludicrous propositions, does not disprove God.
Science also contains some bizarrely outrageous and unprovable claims also, and cannot disprove God.
Both sides promote their doctrine with a preposterous and indefensible arrogance, refusing to concede valid points from the other side. Both sides suffer blinkered vision.
I love this topic and it is best discussed comprehensively and at length. Internet forums suffer a time lapse between responses that degrade the quality of discussion appropriate.
Thats why I'm staying out of it.