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Serious question do you believe...

Re: Serious question do you believe (for WayneL and julia)

wayneL, no worries mate, after all we are here to share our views.... appreciate your interest. I'll try to put my views brief cos i don't have a long concentration span on my train of thought.

"Why would God give us free will and then punish us for exersizing it? e.g. those who choose not to believe in Him, yet are good moral people. Why such a horrible neverending torture for such insignificant and in a lot of cases unknowing transgression. It seems incredibly cruel, and dare I say "unforgiving"

God is not a dictator. He is a God that longs to have a relationship with His creation especially Man aka humans. So though He is omniscience, He still gives Man freedom to operate in His realm. God desires a genunie heart of Man to fellowship with Him. He longs for a mutual relationship with Man not robots. The freedom He allows is not all bad IMO. In this process, being a believer, this freedom helps me to mark out my boundaries. an example would be if i stay out too late too often, two definite things will happen:

1. my immune system would be down and i'll get sick;
2. i'll have a loss of cocentration the next day.

how would i know? i was allowed to experience that myself. i pushed my human limits and then if it is not beneficial to me, that's where i make a mark not to overstep that it the future. There is still that human responsibility that mankind needs to bear- cause and effect.

Why are other mediums and writings, which are claimed to be inspired, condemned as works of "the devil". e.g. Neale Donald Walshe. Why couldn't have God spoken to him if he spoke to Moses et al? Could Moses have been a nutter, delusional?

If the Bible is Gods inspired word, why did he only ever talk to Jews? According to the church, he has never spoken to a christian. Why?

I am not very familiar with this. I know the bible used by evangelical christians e.g. baptist, methodist and brethen, is different from the one used in the Catholic church. and apparently, in recent years, someone or group discovered about the gospel of thomas. i do recommend this book 'A general introduction to the bible' by norman L. geisler and william E. Nix, publisher moody press. if you are keen to find out how the bible came about including how the 66 books and letters make up what we call the evangelical bible (which in itself has a few versions). even if you are not a believer, its a good one to work your brain.

personally, i believe the number of books and letters (66) is the true word of God. i'll be very skeptical if someone comes along and say that there are missing links that should be continously adding to it.

What of science, and the theory of evolution? (another religion requiring a leap of faith IMO) How does the christian explain away discoveries of fossil records which, even if they don't prove anything, can at least disprove the literal creation account?

again, what i know of creation is simplely it was done in 6 24hours days. God rested on the 7th day. There is a particular organisation that actually answers pro- creation issues. They are evangelical and non-profit christian organisation (i think). They are call the 'Answers in Genesis'. google them and see what you can find. Their main men are Ken Ham and Carl Wieland. both are scientist.

Julia, depending on which religion and from that religion which sect. There are extreme so called christian groups that practice controlling their followers. i nearly got involved into one after high school where their 'god' is so important that family commitments can be sacrificed. i tend to stay away from such extreme teachings.

i think the general public must not group christians as a whole. i mentioned in a earlier reply that christians in today's definition, is just any group or denomination that has a god or more to worship from a western culture. i think catholics won't call evangelical christians 'christians', my guess for their definition would be protestant.

got to get some sleep. just my opinions.

good night.
Re: Serious question do you believe

Gods will is that all men should come to him through Jesus who is the Christ to recieve the gift of eternal life. Not for one second should anyone think just because they go to some religious group and are morally good that they have a free ticket to eternal life in heaven with God. It is good to see that so many people are open to discuss this topic.

Another question then is Jesus who he claimed to be as He is the only one out of all that you cant find his bones in the tomb where he was laid to rest. go to other religious leaders graves and they are still there. So if God is real then the devil has to be because God speaks of him in his word the bible then that would point to Jesus as who he claimed to be. Jewish historians especially Josephus who was a very acurate writer never once denied the existance of Jesus and that he was crucified. If you look into jewish history and a roman soldiers responsibility when it came to guarding the tomb then it was not a natural occurence that someone just wandered in and removed the body. Roman soldiers to fail at their post meant certain death and there was not only one soldier there. So God promised to send the Christ and Jesus claimed that he was sent by God he said he would rise again and the tomb was found empty so what do we do with Jesus who is the only door to eternal life with God and everything that is good? Again i am not trying to win an argument or offend in anyway just wanted to ask a few questions that may provoke some response. This has certainly been the case.
Re: Serious question do you believe

just to answer one question above God through Jesus spoke to many who were not Jews he also spoke to the Gentile or non Jew. We must consider that God's chosen people are Israel so then of course he will speek to them in days of old as there was a purpose to what he was doing but that is a far too lengthy discussion for here just saying that God is God and if he wants to talk to certain people that is entirely up to him I for one do not think we are wise enough to question God on why he does what he does. sounds like a cop out but know just my feelings towards God and His right to do as it pleases him. cheers
Re: Serious question do you believe

Waynel -

would be interested for some examples of fossils that disprove creation (it makes it easier to answer your question).

While there may well be many fossils that don't "exactly" fit in the creaton account (in our minds) what of fossils such as those of chariots etc found in the middle of the red sea? how do the evolutionist's explain them?

At the end of the day the subject can be debated and proven/disproven for eternity - that is why it is called faith.

In terms of God talking to people - He does and so does the devil. I am sure there are mediums working for god as well as those who work for the devil.


No I cant really answer your first question.

The requirement to avoid hell is simply accepting God (Jesus) as your savior - nothing more and nothing less. What is the cut off point - I do not know but I do know that if a person accepts god as his savior he will start to follow god's word over time (and grow his relationship) (by god's word I do not just mean the bible). In fact if you continue doing something that dipleases him he will not stop bugging you about it until you either submit to him or renounce him.

God is used to comorft people. (he also does comfort people).

Saying to a mother that her 5 year old child who just died of a horrible disease is god's will and for the best has an element of crap to it IMO.

Really it is just a comforting statment and the truthful statement should be - Don't worry (gives your sadness to God) becuase she is in god's hands now and you will join her again when the time is right.

I certainly don't think that it is God's will that a child die (or anyone for that matter) of some horrible disease.

It is interesting to note as well that we where actually design not to die. adam and eve would have lived forever
Re: Serious question do you believe

clowboy said:
Waynel -

would be interested for some examples of fossils that disprove creation (it makes it easier to answer your question).

Heya clowboy,

I didn't say fossils disprove creation, rather, they disprove the biblical creation account.

Equally, there is much to disprove the Darwinian theory of evolution.

Both views are articles of faith IMO.

What really happened can't be known fully and will ones view will aways require a leap of faith.

I don't think we can ever know fully, and I don't really think its important... but does make intereasting conversation :)

Re: Serious question do you believe

The following is a quote from today's paper and is an extract from a letter written by the young Australian due to be executed next Friday.

"I am glad and ready to go now. I believe by then, God's purpose
for me will have been achieved ..... I truly believe God put me here
for a reason and now that his plan for me has almost been achieved,
he is preparing for me little baby angels to play with when I return to

Now, no one will want to deny a condemned person anything at all that gives him comfort, but if this isn't a great example of rationalisation, I don't know what is.

Can anyone seriously believe that God would plan to make someone commit a heinous crime for which their punishment would be the death penalty?
If they do, then so much for a "just and loving God"

Or perhaps "God's plan" was to make an example of this particular person in order to discourage others from attempting similar crimes?

Re: Serious question do you believe

happytrader said:
Hi Julia

Many mentally ill people often see themselves as persecuted religious characters and central to carrying out 'Gods' will or to save the world.The amazing part is they can usually quote stuff quite accurately from the Bible - its all that focus. Some could probably be quite convincing as sect or religious leaders to people who didn't know any better.


Hi Happytrader

You are right. I experienced an example of what you describe some years ago when I was doing some work in a psychiatric institution. The staff introduced me to a schizophrenic patient in his 30's. He was very courteous, well presented and quite charming. He absolutely believed he was Jesus Christ, presented his case to that end very effectively, and had I been a visitor from another planet I would have been totally convinced that he was who he said he was.

Re: Serious question do you believe

Hi Julia,

I can't see that God plans for people to commit crimes of any nature, let alone one that would result in the death penalty. The ten commandments alone cover most criminal activity with an emphatic "Thou shalt not...", so doesn't make sense that God planned the criminal side of things. While there is no excuse for criminal activity and there are consquences that have to be accepted, as I understand it, God does still offer forgiveness when one is genuinely sorry for the wrong they have done.

However, I think this young person is accepting responsibility for the crime he chose and it seems to me that he has found forgiveness and great sense of peace with His Maker in these difficult circumstances.

Just my thoughts.

Re: Serious question do you believe

julia, i guess when a person knows he is about to die in a week or two, he/she gets a bit philosphical in life & religious too.... in these last days, i don't think there will be a person who is going to correct this convicted person's theology and tell him 'hey mate, you got it wrong. you are in this situation because of this act you have done not God's will.... don't blame it on God, matey.'
Re: Serious question do you believe

fossils actually prove the bible more than disprove because it says that sin and death entered the world through the fall of man so therefore nothiing could have died before the fall to become a fossil so the earth according to the bible is approx 6000 years old. so outside of the account of the fall then the earth cannot be millions of years old if you are really interested challenge yourself to go to the creation science web page and look into there proof that the world is not actually millions of years old. One of the most intelligent people on this subject is Ken Ham
Re: Serious question do you believe

sails said:
Hi Julia,

I can't see that God plans for people to commit crimes of any nature, let alone one that would result in the death penalty. The ten commandments alone cover most criminal activity with an emphatic "Thou shalt not...", so doesn't make sense that God planned the criminal side of things. While there is no excuse for criminal activity and there are consquences that have to be accepted, as I understand it, God does still offer forgiveness when one is genuinely sorry for the wrong they have done.

However, I think this young person is accepting responsibility for the crime he chose and it seems to me that he has found forgiveness and great sense of peace with His Maker in these difficult circumstances.

Just my thoughts.


Hello Margaret,

Fair comment. It was a bit unkind of me to point out that in view of his circumstances he was, with the aid of religion/belief in a life herafter and little angels, rationalising why he is where he is.

I expect if I were in a similar position I'd be thinking along the same lines.

So, my last comment above brings the discussion back once more to the question
"do we need to believe in a God or have faith in something we don't understand in order to provide ourselves with comfort in bad times?"

Re: Serious question do you believe

kerosam said:
julia, i guess when a person knows he is about to die in a week or two, he/she gets a bit philosphical in life & religious too.... in these last days, i don't think there will be a person who is going to correct this convicted person's theology and tell him 'hey mate, you got it wrong. you are in this situation because of this act you have done not God's will.... don't blame it on God, matey.'


You are absolutely right. See my previous post in reply to Margaret.

I shouldn't have implied any criticism towards the poor chap for his pictures of little angels etc. He needs something to hold on to.

Re: Serious question do you believe

julia, might attempt to comment on your last question tom night.... a bit late for deep things atm.... brain shutting off.

amohonour, since you started this thread, care to share why the question? (does the question sound right???? pardon my darn english).
Re: Serious question do you believe

"do we need to believe in a God or have faith in something we don't understand in order to provide ourselves with comfort in bad times?"

Clearly, in many cases this is true, evidence in the sudden conversion to religion of folk in adverse circumstances.

There is a growing number of intellectual believers however, who do so on scientific grounds.

Others belief is experiential. i.e. stuff has happened.

I fall into both catagorie 2 & 3. However I am very critical of religion and the religious portrayal of God. My conception is entirely different...and I am always open to any argument.
Re: Serious question do you believe

I watched a movie tonight and someone said god was an imaginary friend of grown ups.

I also watched escape from LA. Haven't seen it for years.
Re: Serious question do you believe


The following is supposedly an actual question given on a University of Washington chemistry mid-term. The answer by one student was so "profound" that the professor shared it with colleagues, via the Internet, which is, of course, why we now have the pleasure of enjoying it as well.

Bonus Question: Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic (absorbs heat)?

Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle's Law (gas cools when it expands and heats when it is compressed) or some variant.

One student, however, wrote the following:

First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time. So we need to know the rate at which souls are moving into Hell and the rate at which they are leaving.

I think that we can safely assume that once a soul gets to Hell, it will not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving.

As for as how many souls are entering Hell, let's look at the different religions that exist in the world today.

Most of these religions state if you are not a member of their religion, you will go to Hell. Since there is more than one of these religions and since people do not belong
to more than one religion, we can project that all souls go to Hell.

With birth and death rates as they are, we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially.

Now, we look at the rate of change of the volume in Hell because Boyle's Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in Hell to stay the same, the volume of Hell has to expand proportionately as souls are added. This gives two possibilities:

1. If Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter Hell, then the temperature and pressure in Hell will increase until all Hell breaks loose.

2. If Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in Hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until Hell freezes over.

So which is it?

If we accept the postulate given to me by Teresa during my Freshman year that, "it will be a cold day in Hell before I sleep with you", and take into account the fact that I slept with her last night, then number 2 must be true, and thus I am sure Hell is exothermic and has already frozen over.

The corollary of this theory is that since Hell has frozen over, it follows that it is not accepting any more souls and is therefore, extinct...leaving only Heaven thereby proving the existence of a divine being which explains why, last night, Teresa kept shouting "Oh my God."

Re: Serious question do you believe


Very good!!!! .........good news also :D

Re: Serious question do you believe

Son of Baglimit:

Much laughter here. Really funny and incredibly reassuring!


Re: Serious question do you believe

interesting read, and rather compelling.

If there is no devil though I guess mankind (as a whole) are just a bunch of selfish idiots.

Guess we will be in big trouble when someone else in the universe decides to settle on earth....or just plunder it.