Re: Serious question do you believe (for WayneL and julia)
wayneL, no worries mate, after all we are here to share our views.... appreciate your interest. I'll try to put my views brief cos i don't have a long concentration span on my train of thought.
"Why would God give us free will and then punish us for exersizing it? e.g. those who choose not to believe in Him, yet are good moral people. Why such a horrible neverending torture for such insignificant and in a lot of cases unknowing transgression. It seems incredibly cruel, and dare I say "unforgiving"
God is not a dictator. He is a God that longs to have a relationship with His creation especially Man aka humans. So though He is omniscience, He still gives Man freedom to operate in His realm. God desires a genunie heart of Man to fellowship with Him. He longs for a mutual relationship with Man not robots. The freedom He allows is not all bad IMO. In this process, being a believer, this freedom helps me to mark out my boundaries. an example would be if i stay out too late too often, two definite things will happen:
1. my immune system would be down and i'll get sick;
2. i'll have a loss of cocentration the next day.
how would i know? i was allowed to experience that myself. i pushed my human limits and then if it is not beneficial to me, that's where i make a mark not to overstep that it the future. There is still that human responsibility that mankind needs to bear- cause and effect.
Why are other mediums and writings, which are claimed to be inspired, condemned as works of "the devil". e.g. Neale Donald Walshe. Why couldn't have God spoken to him if he spoke to Moses et al? Could Moses have been a nutter, delusional?
If the Bible is Gods inspired word, why did he only ever talk to Jews? According to the church, he has never spoken to a christian. Why?
I am not very familiar with this. I know the bible used by evangelical christians e.g. baptist, methodist and brethen, is different from the one used in the Catholic church. and apparently, in recent years, someone or group discovered about the gospel of thomas. i do recommend this book 'A general introduction to the bible' by norman L. geisler and william E. Nix, publisher moody press. if you are keen to find out how the bible came about including how the 66 books and letters make up what we call the evangelical bible (which in itself has a few versions). even if you are not a believer, its a good one to work your brain.
personally, i believe the number of books and letters (66) is the true word of God. i'll be very skeptical if someone comes along and say that there are missing links that should be continously adding to it.
What of science, and the theory of evolution? (another religion requiring a leap of faith IMO) How does the christian explain away discoveries of fossil records which, even if they don't prove anything, can at least disprove the literal creation account?
again, what i know of creation is simplely it was done in 6 24hours days. God rested on the 7th day. There is a particular organisation that actually answers pro- creation issues. They are evangelical and non-profit christian organisation (i think). They are call the 'Answers in Genesis'. google them and see what you can find. Their main men are Ken Ham and Carl Wieland. both are scientist.
Julia, depending on which religion and from that religion which sect. There are extreme so called christian groups that practice controlling their followers. i nearly got involved into one after high school where their 'god' is so important that family commitments can be sacrificed. i tend to stay away from such extreme teachings.
i think the general public must not group christians as a whole. i mentioned in a earlier reply that christians in today's definition, is just any group or denomination that has a god or more to worship from a western culture. i think catholics won't call evangelical christians 'christians', my guess for their definition would be protestant.
got to get some sleep. just my opinions.
good night.
wayneL, no worries mate, after all we are here to share our views.... appreciate your interest. I'll try to put my views brief cos i don't have a long concentration span on my train of thought.
"Why would God give us free will and then punish us for exersizing it? e.g. those who choose not to believe in Him, yet are good moral people. Why such a horrible neverending torture for such insignificant and in a lot of cases unknowing transgression. It seems incredibly cruel, and dare I say "unforgiving"
God is not a dictator. He is a God that longs to have a relationship with His creation especially Man aka humans. So though He is omniscience, He still gives Man freedom to operate in His realm. God desires a genunie heart of Man to fellowship with Him. He longs for a mutual relationship with Man not robots. The freedom He allows is not all bad IMO. In this process, being a believer, this freedom helps me to mark out my boundaries. an example would be if i stay out too late too often, two definite things will happen:
1. my immune system would be down and i'll get sick;
2. i'll have a loss of cocentration the next day.
how would i know? i was allowed to experience that myself. i pushed my human limits and then if it is not beneficial to me, that's where i make a mark not to overstep that it the future. There is still that human responsibility that mankind needs to bear- cause and effect.
Why are other mediums and writings, which are claimed to be inspired, condemned as works of "the devil". e.g. Neale Donald Walshe. Why couldn't have God spoken to him if he spoke to Moses et al? Could Moses have been a nutter, delusional?
If the Bible is Gods inspired word, why did he only ever talk to Jews? According to the church, he has never spoken to a christian. Why?
I am not very familiar with this. I know the bible used by evangelical christians e.g. baptist, methodist and brethen, is different from the one used in the Catholic church. and apparently, in recent years, someone or group discovered about the gospel of thomas. i do recommend this book 'A general introduction to the bible' by norman L. geisler and william E. Nix, publisher moody press. if you are keen to find out how the bible came about including how the 66 books and letters make up what we call the evangelical bible (which in itself has a few versions). even if you are not a believer, its a good one to work your brain.
personally, i believe the number of books and letters (66) is the true word of God. i'll be very skeptical if someone comes along and say that there are missing links that should be continously adding to it.
What of science, and the theory of evolution? (another religion requiring a leap of faith IMO) How does the christian explain away discoveries of fossil records which, even if they don't prove anything, can at least disprove the literal creation account?
again, what i know of creation is simplely it was done in 6 24hours days. God rested on the 7th day. There is a particular organisation that actually answers pro- creation issues. They are evangelical and non-profit christian organisation (i think). They are call the 'Answers in Genesis'. google them and see what you can find. Their main men are Ken Ham and Carl Wieland. both are scientist.
Julia, depending on which religion and from that religion which sect. There are extreme so called christian groups that practice controlling their followers. i nearly got involved into one after high school where their 'god' is so important that family commitments can be sacrificed. i tend to stay away from such extreme teachings.
i think the general public must not group christians as a whole. i mentioned in a earlier reply that christians in today's definition, is just any group or denomination that has a god or more to worship from a western culture. i think catholics won't call evangelical christians 'christians', my guess for their definition would be protestant.
got to get some sleep. just my opinions.
good night.