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School BBQs - Halal or not?

I quite like eating foreign tucker, spaghetti, dim sims, halal, kosher, pie floaters, the list is endless.


I'm not sure its a generational thing, I know people of all generations who are not happy with the concessions being made to cater for some people in our community.

People only resent change if it's change for the worse. Australia is well within its rights to ask of new people coming into their country that they must think as we do, eat as we do, behave as we do and bugger off if that's how we feel, we are a sovereign nation and we can do as we like. In reality we don't put these type of requirements on people coming to Australia but we do require them to abide by our laws and fit in to our culture. Previous immigrants did this while still maintaining aspects of their original culture which in time enriched our culture. I think part of the resentment towards Halal meat, apart from concerns about its cruelty, is that it represents a culture that has been shown time and again not to be compatible with our culture. I used to be philisophical about Islam being part of our culture and reluctant to believe the people that criticised it so heavily but a recent personal experience highlighted to me how it is indeed a threat to our culture and I do not support any concessions to this culture at all.
Comparing which is better for chicken wellbeing out of battery and free range is a bit like apples and oranges, they suffer in different ways, but neither is clearly better than the other..

First its unprecedented weather statistics and now its crazy talk about range is clearly better, absolutely beyond dispute and discussion....record temperatures in 6 states across 3 time zones and 3 weather zones the same.
First its unprecedented weather statistics and now its crazy talk about range is clearly better, absolutely beyond dispute and discussion....record temperatures in 6 states across 3 time zones and 3 weather zones the same.

Next we will be back to your bloody nasal polyp.

Can the Moderator please get this thread back on track.


How about Ha... BBQ there is video screened how animals are tortured to satisfy Ha... regime.

Lets kids see if kids can watch it and eat it !
How about Ha... BBQ there is video screened how animals are tortured to satisfy Ha... regime.

Lets kids see if kids can watch it and eat it !

That will cause too many throw thank you

A friend of mine works as a security officer at a meat works.
This business exports a small percentage of its meat to Islamic countries. Hence there has to be some Muslims on the killing floor to ensure the animals are slaughtered according to Islamic tradition.
Recently the Islamic contingent started insisting that they be provided with their own toilet block because they found it unacceptable to use the same toilets as the other meat workers. So now a separate toilet block has been built for the Muslims, and the other workers are not allowed to use it.

This sort of thing disgusts and offends me. Who the hell do these people think they are!!??

One well endowed woman in the meat works office wears low cut blouses to show a bit of cleavage. One of the Muslim blokes grabbed her by the boobs. He was reprimanded, but he wasn’t dismissed – anyone else would have copped instant dismissal for the same offence.

I’m with Miss Hale – I don't supprt any concessions whatsoever to Islamic culture....workplace toilets, school barbeques or whatever.

Has there been any other emmigrant group that has even come close to asking for these sort of things? No, there hasn't. My question is, if they hate us so much that they won't even use the same toilets as us why do they want to come here in the first place? Why not migrate to a country that is Islamic? Why are they leaving their Islamic homeland? The only conclusion is that they plan to make us Islamic, in which case, why are we accepting them into our country?

This is the thing, once I thought that if they wanted the women in their culture to wear headscarves etc. well that was their choice and their business not realising that if the rest of us don't comply there will be consequences. Sorry, not on, and I would like to see our government do something about it

Apologies DocK for hijacking your thread
30 years ago, it was Aussie tradition to have blokes and sheilas stand in different corners at a BBQ.
That has gradually changed to the point where it's now even acceptable to have a sheila light the gas and turn the meat - provided she does it properly. It took a few of us blokes some getting used to, but now hardly anybody has reservations about integrating. That's how Australian Culture has evolved - to the better, methinks.

So, now there's a bunch of newcomers, sticking by some ancient rules that were made up by desert tribes, and calling it "Culture". And what do we do? We're falling over ourselves to drop our own values to accommodate this tiny minority, lest a handful of inflexible d**kheads can stick to their superstition?

I’m with Miss Hale – I don't supprt any concessions whatsoever to Islamic culture....workplace toilets, school barbeques or whatever.
How idiotic! It is NOT "culture". It is racism, disguised as religion, perpetuated by a power-hungry group of egomaniacs!

I know many people, who were brought up in different faiths: Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh. I must be lucky that most people I know have a sufficient degree of intelligence to give them the flexibility to recognise dietary rules for what they are. If you lack refrigeration, as ancient Jews and Arabs did, you prevent getting sick by not eating seafood or pork that is likely to "go off". You may even be forced to have a rule for which hand to use tor eating and greeting, and which for touching your bum. But every one of the people I have shared a meal with appreciates the benefits of soap and water being today in sufficient supply, the increased variety of food thanks to modern preservation methods, and the quality of meat of any kind sourced from our local butcher.

I find it extremely offensive and disgusting that any group of Australians would even consider dumping their local butcher, who has supported them for decades, out of fear that one or two newbies may not be willing to integrate and accept the culture of their new home. Private school or not, the first thing that should be taught is integration, not a new apartheid.
+1. And to Miss Hale's and Bunyip's remarks.
(Let's remember that DocK has pointed her own preference for retaining the original butcher.)
Suppose that I go to one of these Islamic countries and try to force some Australian (or American or any other Western country) culture on them.

Think they'd tolerate it? Not likely.....

I have no problem with these people coming to Australia. But we don't use cruel methods to kill animals in this country, and no religious belief ought to override that. End of story.

Agreed, but you could argue that Australia was founded on Christian values. Values which have taken Australia from the Stone Age to the Information Age in 200 years. Unparralled in human history. And I see no reason, none whatsoever, to start jettisoning them now in favour of the recently imported principles of cultures which have failed miserably in their own homelands.
We've become so tolerant that we'll tolerate other people being intolerant of us. If you want your torture meat I respect it, but why should you stop me having pork chops or chicken wings or whatever else I may happen to feel like? The very fact that these people want to put restrictions on others screams as a reason to ignore their request to impose restrictions on others, even if those restrictions seem trivial. If we give away our freedom and principles we start our way down a slope we may fail to get back up. Even if it's a small thing, we are doing something so bad if we move in that direction. Often the damage isn't obvious until you see it behind you.

So cynical: Go do an agriculture course or talk to some unbiased people who know the industry well. I'm guessing you're basing your belief on gut feeling or what the RSPCA makes money out of saying or something. Go talk to any ag science student.

However you are comparing free range on a small scale with commercial battery operations. I used to have free range chooks too, a small happy group who wandered freely around our very large country garden, eating my petunias and laying their egss in odd places I was so soppy about them that they stayed around as pets after they were past laying age, we just didn't have the heart to get rid of them after all the eggs they gave us and they were clearly happy and contented pottering around the garden.

The free range that Sdajii talks about is on a commercial scale and while I think on balance it's better than a battery situation it definitely has it's problems and is a lot different to the type of free range that is a few chooks in your backyard.
Obviously on a small scale of around a dozen or less chickens, as is typical of a back yard, absolutely, the chickens are happiest. When you see hundreds or thousands together it's not a big, happy family. If you think it's absolutely clear cut you aren't familiar with commercial chicken farming.
+1. And to Miss Hale's and Bunyip's remarks.
(Let's remember that DocK has pointed her own preference for retaining the original butcher.)

I have come rather late to this thread, but I too endorse Miss Hales', Bunyip's and Pixel's remarks.

It is galling to me to think that an organisation would even think of changing a social and cultural activity, against the wishes of many, simply to please a small minority.

I don't want to eat halal meat. It is killed less humanely than non-halal meat, and it has some sort of mumbo-jumbo incanted over it. I object to that. So I suppose if I were there I would be expected to forego my pork sausages and eat meat slaughtered in a way to which I object, just to satisfy a foreign cultural belief - which is based on nonsense anyway. What about my feelings? My cultural beliefs?

Oh, and to say it tastes different is a load of $%^&. It is no better for you either.
Yes, I'm late to the thread too and agree with others here.

I guess the thing is that this is likely just the beginning. What will be the next request? Will it be that all female teachers must have their heads covered? Then what?

Are they using the the kindness and the good nature of Aussies in the name of multiculturalism? It is openly known that they plan to take over Australia.

And I don't support cruelty to animals either.

So cynical: Go do an agriculture course or talk to some unbiased people who know the industry well. I'm guessing you're basing your belief on gut feeling or what the RSPCA makes money out of saying or something. Go talk to any ag science student.

I worked on the land for a decade and a half...raised chickens, worked in battery hen sheds, picked Tomatoes, planted trees, cleared scrub and dug fence post holes...chickens are dumb and i cant say i have ever seen one smile but i have seen them living in appalling conditions and i have seen them chasing a cockroach around a log and rolling around in the dirt.

Well sails, if you want to take over a country, that is aligned to a superpower, the only way to do it is from within.

If Indonesia or any other SE Asian country tried to invade Australia by force, they would not only have the U.S and U.K all over them, the EU would join in also.

Due to our small population base, a passive takeover by immigration is much easier.
There are 300million in Indonesia alone, it doesn't take a brain sugeon to work out how easy it would be to relocate a voting majority
It's a shame Labor are ringing the bell "come on down"
It just encourages more undermining of our structure. IMO
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