Political correctness is out of control. I'm actually very surprised that political correctness hasn't yet vilified halal meat in the west. Many people (myself included) consider the halal method of killing to be very inhumane. Rather than a quick, instant, painless kill, the animal is sliced with a blade and bled to death.
I suppose pandering to peoples' religious stupidity which calls for animal cruelty is more important than preventing animal cruelty.
Interestingly, the Koran states that if no halal meat is available it's okay to eat non halal meat, so they should just be tolerant and eat what the others are eating.
I have no problem with people having what they want, but I do have a problem with one group preventing another from doing what they want to do. If everything is halal it will mean you can't ever cook pork on those barbecues. If someone turns up with regular sausages from the supermarket, too bad, you miss out, you can't cook them. If I turned up with some lamb chops or chicken wings, too bad, I can't cook them.
If one group wants to do their own thing, no worries, that's fine, do your own thing, bring your own barbecue and your own meat, eat whatever you like, but don't put restrictions on others. Even if it's a very trivial matter in this case, the precedent it sets is a very dangerous one, it's a small step in a very wrong direction, and paths the way for more steps in that same direction.
+4 well said. Not everyone can be pleased. If they want halal meat they can provide it at the BBQ. Just like vegetarians at my school's camps are told to bring the food they want instead of being catered for. Local butchers these days are very rare and should be supported.
EDIT: I graduated last year