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Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters
Toxic Trent. If he's the best the Libs can come up with for North Sydney, what hope have they got.

As good as admitting that SSM supersedes any notion of freedoms of religion or expression. He is the exact reason we should have voted No. A fanatic, and fanatics are dangerous.

Not even representative of his own electorate, parachuted in by HO

It only takes one vandal to infiltrate an organisation and open the back door to his sect. They promote each other to top positions and gut it of its original purpose to the point of extinction.
The ABC has published a who-will-vote-what in parliament in the event of a yes outcome tomorrow.

Meanwhile from the US of A, don't forget the lube.

“I usually use Crisco or vegetable oil but we were out of everything. It was definitely not our lucky day” admits Iglesias, visibly amused by the media attention.

You did vote no, regardless of what Zimmerman said, by we you mean the majority of Australians that going by polls appear to disagree with you. Freedom of religion is a load of **** and is just freedom to discriminate. If they want a baker to be able to refuse to bake a cake because of SSM then I should be in my right to refuse to serve that baker because of their sky fairy belief system. Yes I think churches shouldn't be forced to marry SS couples but that should be as far as their exemptions go.
What would we expect from a bunch of foreigners with no respect for local customs.

We need to vote some dinky die Australian citizens into parliament for a change.
It looked to me like an overwhelming majority would vote yes which is what it should be in the event of a public yes vote.
Just heard Penny Wong on a radio news segment (6PR Perth) talking about the survey result in past tense.

I discriminate in my business every single week for a whole range of reasons (usually, but not restricted to either idiocy, or philosophy of horsemanship).

Followers of a certain American immediately get short shrift, and anyone with donkeys (AKA equid ninjutsu practitioners), well, just no.

Likewise I have told preachers of cultural Marxism to go perform an impossible auto-erotic act.

Vis a vis, nobody should be forced to conduct business with someone they don't want to, be that religious, ideological, or any other grounds.

Likewise, I should never ne able to force someone to do business with me.

Personally, I don't give a rat's arse if someone is gay or trans or whatever , one of my client s is a prostitute ffs.

Additionally, if you dis freedom of religion, then Halal certification, dress codes, public prayer etc, are all open to be restricted by the state.

Which way do you want it Komrade?
Ultimately the system we end up with is one that our society is worthy of, good or bad. The people as a whole decide our future.

It's not rocket science, if you don't want to do business with someone you say you're too busy, having stock issues etc But the religious fundamental nut-jobs want the right to be able to tell someone to their face that they object to their lifestyle choice. They can't have their cake and eat it too, if they want to be able to refuse service due to a lifestyle choice then it should also be legal to refuse service over their lifestyle choice.

As for your continued claims of cultural Marxism I point you to this piece.
Ultimately the system we end up with is one that our society is worthy of, good or bad. The people as a whole decide our future.
It does indeed appear that our society is terribly eager to cast a vote for enrolment in yet another refresher lesson from the shool of life experience.
And those not requiring that harsh revisionary experience, will unfortunately still be obliged to accompany their assenting classmates for the ride.
So are you suggesting that fabrication of such excuses, is somehow preferable to the free and truthful expression of one's views?

And furthermore, are you suggesting that this proposed alternative, somehow makes the removal of a valuable (if not crucial) civil liberty, acceptable in a purportedly civilised society?
Ultimately the system we end up with is one that our society is worthy of, good or bad. The people as a whole decide our future.

That's not representative democracy, it's anarchism (mob rule) and does not work.

Likewise, I should never ne able to force someone to do business with me.

Wayne, apart from this statement being illegal, try the trade practices act, I, as a business own, 100% agree with you, but for one exception, that being the tax free exception religious organise work under. Why do you think they have so much asset wealth?

If the church or any other charity wants to have the right to exclude any individual(s) they pay tax.

The church(s) cannot cry foul when they don't actually pay any taxes - simple.
so you were suggesting that if I approach the church to conduct a satanic orgy on their premises they have no right to refuse me Less they be taxed?

Why conflate the one with the other? Pensioners and the poor folks don't pay any tax either. Should they also be stripped of their civil rights?
Why conflate the one with the other? Pensioners and the poor folks don't pay any tax either. Should they also be stripped of their civil rights?
No. Two reasons.
  1. Because they actually do pay tax.
  2. Because they don't pretend to rule the world by proxy.

I think it's bull**** to suggest ones views should be protected, to be given the right to discriminate based on a belief system that then enjoys the protection of not being able to be discriminated itself.

People fabricate excuses all the time, they do it to not be a **** human being, to avoid litigation, to avoid an unfair dismissal, to not be punched in the face etc etc
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