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Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters
Same sex/transgender couples are already recognised by the government, they have civil unions.

In 2008, 84 pieces of Commonwealth legislation were changed.


Marriage is based on the truth that men and women are complementary, the biological fact that reproduction depends on a man and a woman, and the reality that children need a mother and a father.

Redefining marriage rejects these truths.

Marriage is one man and one woman.


No I'm not hurt. I don't know where you get that from. I'm free as well as very happily married to my wonderful partner living in a country that doesn't have the same uptight dogma that you guys are thrashing around, still. Did you know Marriage was originally about land ownership a legal agreement? It still is. This is a human rights issue not a religious issue. But all the bible bashers will come out with something to defend themselves and the man and woman only marriage thing..all day long. So there is no point going there because it's ingrained old school, fear based beliefs with 'well-meaning' and many not so well meaning people with such a pious view on their authority. I can hear the stampede running for their bibles now. Besides that I really am surprised at the amount of bigotry, mis-information and homophobic rhetoric and hatred that exists in Australia. It was prevalent there when I resided there in the 80's but it seems to have risen to new heights. It's a little like being in the bible belt of USA. How did this happen to a wonderful country like Australia? I wish you all well and will continue to visit on work related trips and holidays.

The ACT tried to enact SSM and the High Court knocked it back.
You are missing the point,

No, I'm not missing the point, you seem to be. The Parliament has voted 18 times against SSM and the High Court has not decided that this is unconstitutional. Every law comes down to a vote in Parliament.

People shouldn't need to be told how government works in this country.

Marriage is not an "inalienable right". It is society's recognition of a relationship. We choose not to recognise marriages between siblings because it could be bad for society, so we can choose not to recognise SSM's for the same reason.
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Does Australia have a bill of rights?

Two items:

1) Tell us more about your assertion "Marriage was originally about land ownership"
2) How did what happen when you write "How did this happen to a wonderful country like Australia?"? Oz has traditionally had a major aversion to homosexuality and SSM was never overtly on the agenda. it was unthinkable.
Marriage is between a man and a woman. Alternative relationships need to lobby government for an alternative legal recognition. The two are not the same.

The bigot/homophobic remarks made to religious people is nonsense. You may as well say that Jesus Christ is a bigot too since he would not have approved of gay marriage.

I think marriage occurs both naturally in humanity and is also a very religious thing too. Societies that don't have any main religion realize that marriage contracts are needed, but God also has a say too , particularly in western countries (at least in the past), of how it's meant to be done. Jesus was the one to establish the one male to one female setup, lifelong commitment. So that is where western countries get their marriage tradition from.

People here are shutting their eyes to the problems occurring in SSM countries, likely to occur here as well. Conscientious objectors are compelled to do things against their own personal moral codes. This is what happens in communism (they control religion). e.g. We see in SSM countries they are compelling religious schools to teach gay sex. And some religious and conscientious objectors are likely to give up their jobs. And when they go after the religious people , they usually come after everyone else at some point later on.

We saw what happened to bishop Julian Porteous for merely upholding the christian belief. Imagine what they'll do later on when they have the law behind them.

The other point is that religious freedom and conscientious objection are key features of a democracy. They limit what a government can do, so vital for the protection of everyone (religious and non religious people). Also, it is against human dignity to force people to do things that are against their own interior moral beliefs.
You may be interested in this statement too.

A lot of fine print to decipher there - not only on SSM but of Tony Abbott's future possibilities and the future of Conservatism in general.
The poll on this thread has rapidly narrowed. It was running at 2 to 1 Yes in the beginning. Now just 55% Yes: to 45% No
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Although I broadly support social conservatism; ie support for traditional family unit, anti same sex parenting etc, Tony Abbott's brand of Conservatism comes with the baggage of economic and fiscal Conservatism; protecting the rich, more corporate power and less consumer rights which are abhorrent to me so I could never vote for a party that supports these principles.

Unfortunately I can't seem to find a party that expounds both social conservatism and financial liberalism so I usually take pot luck or vote for independents.

One day my ideal Party may arise.

What Oliver says about polls is pretty irrelevant these days with Trump and Brexit. Only those interested in the outcome will give a positive reply, once people have to vote they will usually go with their gut instinct which is towards conservatism, usually.
Well its an important issue that affects more straight people than Gays.

Problem is the gay crowd don't see how it could possibly impact on straight
people. Straight people are beginning to understand the impact acceptance
of gay marriage will have on a vast number of other ---seemingly un related

As Trump says far too much political correctness in the world.

He's a personified cartoon, and actor and therefore cannot be believed as anymore than sideshow Bob.
Well its an important issue that affects more straight people than Gays.

Problem is the gay crowd don't see how it could possibly impact on straight
people. .

They must do, because they told us they are just like us.
Unfortunately I can't seem to find a party that expounds both social conservation and financial liberalism so I usually take pot luck or vote for independents.

One day my ideal Party may arise.

Corrected for my ideal.
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