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Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters
Iinteresting position, considering sustained haye sessions are your stock in trade.
Iinteresting position, considering sustained haye sessions are your stock in trade.

And the thing is I don't have any hate for homosexuals at all. I don't pity them, I don't endorse them, I don't treat them any differently in social gatherings and more importantly I actually know a few and socialise with them, unlike teflon bas for sure. Nothing sticks to bas

I have my own opinions on their behaviours, their habits and their demolition of traditional values to brute force their way out of the basement caste. That right of bias will disappear soon so why not exercise it while we can I say

Congratulations on your achievements, despite adverse circumstances. A lot of people do succeed in less than ideal circumstances and it's all credit to them.

Anthony Albanese's story exemplifies the mental strain that many people go through not knowing a biological parent. He was conceived on a cruise ship and his father a crewman who return to Italy never knowing he had a son. Albanese is a successful man in his field, but still felt a burning desire to contact his father and say "here I am I'm your son", even though the man had played no part in his life. How much mental turmoil he went through in his life only he knows, but I can't say that deliberately inflicting that sort of thing on someone is a good idea (not that Albanese's mother did that), but a lot of people do through surrogacy and IVF. So knowing your roots is important to all of us.

In the case you mentioned where the children know their father and have contact with him might be on the lower rungs of undesirability, similar to mixed hetero families, but just because things happen doesn't mean we have to endorse or approve of them.
The 'Gold Standard' view is such a load of BS.

Do you know how easy it is to become a celebrant? A short course and then pay a registration fee to the government.

Do you know what qualifies you to get married?
- Are you currently married? No
- Is one of you an Australian citizen? Yes

That's it.

You can get married 10 times if you want. You can marry someone you met one hour ago. You can beat the **** out of your partner, get divorced, and then marry someone else a week later. There is no requirement whatsoever to have kids or involve children in your marriage in any way. You can be a convicted criminal, violent, drug-addicted individual with kids from previous marriages and relationships, and still no one will question your RIGHT to get married again.

This is not about children, it's about extending the right to get married to a minority in our society, like everyone else can. Religious or not religious, black or white....and now straight or gay. It's not about children, or about religion.
Iinteresting position, considering sustained haye sessions are your stock in trade.

Ah reeeaally Didums ? i thought i just sang Kumbya around the camp fire with my little gay friends. I'm sure that when Tizze and yourself decide to stop and reconsider the 8th Crusade against a world wide gay takeover we can all be nice to other again..
I'm sure you do sing Kumbaya with the Komrades, Komrade.
This is not about children, it's about extending the right to get married to a minority in our society, like everyone else can. Religious or not religious, black or white....and now straight or gay. It's not about children, or about religion.

Here, here, that is all that it is about. Simple really.
This is not about children, it's about extending the right to get married to a minority in our society, like everyone else can. Religious or not religious, black or white....and now straight or gay. It's not about children, or about religion.
I have never ever viewed getting married as a right. It is what a man and woman do "on most occasions" to commit and raise a family. Now homosexuals claim it is their "right", and if not for a family unit, then what for but their own self gratification. I think the underlying agenda is craving acceptance for being homosexual or acting out the opposite biological gender. Breaking the traditional marriage normality will by law make that agenda a reality.

Pity vote
No matter the result I will not be changing my morality. Those chocolate fudge roundabouts in the park will still be repulsive.

It's people like you that saw the end of the Knights Templar in parks and other places.
And the thing is I don't have any hate for homosexuals at all. I don't pity them, I don't endorse them, I don't treat them any differently in social gatherings and more importantly I actually know a few and socialise with them.
We shouldn't have to modify our behaviour to accord an unnatural, indecent life style.

You must be modifying your behaviour already if you are socialising with gays. You obviously do not carry on like you do here on ASF with your prolific unadulterated sprays of extreme malice and contempt for homosexuals.

Feel free to carry on here with your schoolboy gutter aberations, because your fun and games are just about over.
Congratulations on your achievements, despite adverse circumstances. A lot of people do succeed in less than ideal circumstances and it's all credit to them.
Thinking of my own upbringing any financial aspects left a far deeper scar than anything relating to not having contact with one parent.

All good until things turned to crap because there just wasn't much money. Single parent made redundant from a specialised industry just as interest rates were high and unemployment was rising. That most certainly wasn't fun.

Thank heavens for decent public schools and the welfare system. Suffice to say I'd take the conservative side of politics more seriously if they'd become a defender of and advocate for both.

On a scale of 1 to 10 from my personal experience I rate not having a father present as 2.

Not having a cent to spare = 10+ That was an order of magnitude bigger problem.

As the saying goes though every cloud has a silver lining. If not for that experience then I probably wouldn't have been as motivated as an adult to make money and build wealth.

Having both parents around is ideal I agree but lack of that isn't the worst thing that can happen to a child.
listen to roy moore's poem :

“They came for the bakers, but I didn’t bake cakes. They came for the florists, but I didn’t deal flowers. They came for a little clerk down in Kentucky by the name Kim Davis, but hey, I’m not a clerk. Then they came for me, and nobody was left.”

Conscientious objection and religious freedom protect everyone (not just religious people). They limit the power of government. It's a bit like having 2 laws in competition with each other. One law stops the other from having too much control, from turning evil and nasty.

A State controlling religion resembles communism.

I wasn't asking for your opinions, just stating facts, You can park your hate somewhere else. If I want your opinion I'll ask someone with a clue to do it for you.

And yes I already acknowledged people like you will take away my freedom of speech, because people like you are happy to give up what we once went to war to protect. Take away the mob and you are nothing yes?
Latest Essential survey has a gain for the NO vote...

In my view a hypothetical 55% 'Yes' vote to change the Marriage Act is no mandate for change.

If this was purely about making a few gays/lesbians happy, I'd be voting Yes with bells on -

But it isn't.
In my view a hypothetical 55% 'Yes' vote to change the Marriage Act is no mandate for change.
What percentage do you think it should be?

After all we recently returned a Govt with 50.3% of the vote and a promise for a SSM plebiscite.

Apart from Labor + Greens I don't know anyone else challenging the above result.
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