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Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters

I find it hard to believe you have actual first-hand experience regarding these godawful public displays.
What I perceive to be the strongest couple I know just happens to be same sex (female).

On the surface they have nothing in common. From careers to music preferences they're about as far apart as possible in every way.

But they've made the relationship work in a way that a lot of heterosexual couples could learn from. That they have absolute respect for and an understanding of each other is my interpretation of the reason.

So far as the marriage thing is concerned they're married in all but the legal technicality of it. Had a ceremony, ring on finger, one changed their surname to match the other and so on. I'm told that with one exception (the local council by the way) nobody who matters has challenged them referring to themselves as Ms & Mrs C.

Obviously there will be dud same sex couples just as many heterosexual relationships fail but for some it seems to work well from what I've seen.

They have two children (same mother of both) and whilst I see the point about having both a mother and father around on balance I see no major problem with it. A stable couple and the kids see their father on a very regular basis (no it's not me by the way). Their father is married to another woman.

For what it's worth I say that as someone who has never met his own father so I do know quite a bit about the issues of growing up in such an environment - it creates some difficulties certainly but I'm more worried about economic and social disadvantage and the effect that has on children to be blunt.

If I could do one thing to improve the circumstances of Australian children it would have nothing to do with same sex marriage. What I'd do is abolish neoliberal economics in one fell swoop - the misery of un or underemployment and the "everyone for themselves" society is doing far more harm to children whose parents don't succeed financially in my view.
What I'd do is abolish neoliberal economics in one fell swoop - the misery of un or underemployment and the "everyone for themselves" society is doing far more harm to children whose parents don't succeed financially in my view.

+1 to that.

Nice perspective Smurf.
Ah yes, Wikipedia, the suppository of all knowledge (malapropism apt and intended).

Feel free to blow us all over with the errors you've found in that document mate
Feel free to blow us all over with the errors you've found in that document mate
I don't discount the benefits to a very small minority of folks. Incidentally which I am not against on principles.

It is all the stuff you have dismissed as conspiracy theory, some of which is already coming to pass (vis a vis I told you so) and will continue to dismiss in the face of all evidence, no doubt.... mate.
Ahhh sorry mate but... anything that belongs to the "I told you so" cop-out doesn't apply until after SSM becomes legal, which is weeks away. Until then, these events merely add to my claim.
I find it hard to believe you have actual first-hand experience regarding these godawful public displays.

Well settle your hard to believes and broaden your scope. Not everyone leads a beige life. You could start at say New Farm park Brisbane when the LGBTxyz have their annual party ... I own a property right on the fronting street and its a bit hard to not notice these things.

Otherwise just be happy you are comfortable calling people liars.

I don't need to start thread. This thread is about people like you blindly following a herd mentality with absolutely no appreciation of how the subjects behave.

You are believing holus-bolus the whole nonsense about how it is supposed to be a benign change. And when anyone presents a true picture, a true narrative you just shut your eyes and complain that the messenger is offending your sense of decency, when it's you that is foisting indecency on the community and children by way of your crusade to be deliberately contrary to established, hard learned norms.

When you don't get your own way you go all sooky and name calling like a blathering child. When someone like me (with a spine) stands up to your bullyboy behaviour you get all bent out of shape and ask me to leave because, presumably, your conscience goes into overload from the assault on your primal, unerasable programming for survival of the species.

This SSM movement is a gross insult on the few who underpin civilised society. And it is designed to do that very thing plus destabilise the Christian foundations of Anglo Western culture, its disciplines, self restraints and modesty.
Ahhh sorry mate but... anything that belongs to the "I told you so" cop-out doesn't apply until after SSM becomes legal, which is weeks away. Until then, these events merely add to my claim.
Well, I rest my case.

Tisme your on a crusade to return the world to the times when homesexuals hid in the closet or were bashed in toilets, sacked at work or thrown off cliffs. It's about as dark and nasty a perspective as I have seen for a long time.

I reckon there is a discussion about the direction of our society in many different areas. I thought Smurfs contribution regarding reassessing the neo liberal political/economic agenda was astute. I also think the breakdown of relationships is a concern that's worth exploring.

Homosexuals or hetrosexuals banging anything and everything in sight is also, in my view "not a good thing". Perhaps the role of the internet in creating/encouraging unrestrained sexuality is a big contribution to problems we are facing.

My issue with you is this fixation on demonising homosexuality and by definition all gay people as some sort of evil that needs to be destroyed. If your trying to construct a mechanism to destroy our Western Civilisation then relentlessly inciting a hate pogram against gays (or Jews, or Muslims, or whoever else doesn't take your fancy ) is an excellent way to go about it.

Again, as I said earlier your endless diatribes against homosexuality deserve their own thread. Perhaps then they could be seen for what they are.
Again, as I said earlier your endless diatribes against homosexuality deserve their own thread. Perhaps then they could be seen for what they are.

Maybe the gay community's endless accusations of bigotry and homophobla against anyone who stands up for traditional marriage and their constant attempts at silencing those who have a different opinion to them should be called out as well.
Maybe the gay community's endless accusations of bigotry and homophobla against anyone who stands up for traditional marriage and their constant attempts at silencing those who have a different opinion to them should be called out as well.

Tisme, in particular, has taken this thread into a sustained hate session against homosexuality and homosexuals.

The SSM marriage question is not about denying other people the right to their views and life choices. It simply asks that all people have an equal right to such views and choices as long as it doesn't interfere with other peoples lives.
SSM doesn't hurt anyone:

and you want to put children in this mix?

Marriage is the foundation for a family life. I cannot see any other reason to take vows and make such a binding commitment if not to raise offspring. It is what male and female humans do naturally. Moral licencing homosexuals to practice unnatural parenting roles is a step toward an unstable society. Seeing a couple of married blokes pushing their adopted child down the street and stopping to kiss each other is somehow strange. Morality is blurring.
The way I see it, this issue only exists because homosexuals are a minority in society.

If they were 25% of the population then humans would still exist so long as the average heterosexual couple has enough children and nobody would be too fussed about the whole thing.

I see no need to make life difficult for minorities unless there's an overwhelming reason to do so which in this case I don't think there is.

It's not about children since there's nothing stopping any woman having sex with a man and getting pregnant unless there's a medical problem (and that applies regardless of sexuality). There's plenty of single heterosexual parents too and society accepted that many years ago.

Personally I'm heterosexual and never even thought of going to the other side but it doesn't bother me. There's bigger problems in society in my view - economic insecurity at the individual level, environmental issues and the threat of war all come to mind as bigger threats to both adults and children.
Marriage is about the TRUTH.
A man and a woman, becoming a mother and a father, and raising their children.
This needs to be passed on to the future generations, as has been for past generations.
They are all connected, our children, us, our parents, our grandparents.


Marriage is not a right, there is a reason that Marriage is what it is, and that is for raising the next generation.

Mothers and Fathers
Ladies and Gentlemen
Boys and Girls.

This needs to be taught in schools - the TRUTH.

Civil Unions are recognised by the government for homosexual/transgender couples.

We are not genderless - Biology is the TRUTH.
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