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Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters
They could just say "sorry, I already have a booking on that day, try Jim down the road...".

That would be risky. And eventually people who lie get caught out.

It is interesting how history is unfolding. With the coming of Christianity mainstream homosexuality disappeared. They resisted the craziness of Nero and the Romans. They believed in God and that giving up their life for a good cause (note : this isn't killing oneself or other people) would conquer extreme intolerance. A revolution in sexual relationships and family values came about, and free health-care.

And now 2000 years later, the opposite seems to be occurring all over the world (some have used the word sodomizing). You would think it's impossible for this country to remain unaffected. And you would expect another showdown between religion and the state powers to occur. Just a thought. See what happens.

Christianity kinda got its hands on that lever of power with the new Rome though. They didn't really resists the crazinesses of Rome, just merely replacing the old Rome's multi-deities religion with their own version and their own martyr hanging at the centre in the new capital.

Once Christianity came out of the crypts and lion's dents, you know, becoming the new state religion under Constantine... they immediately start to suppress and otherwise liberate other cults. So no, not fight against intolerance as we'd like to believe.

Free healthcare is a Marxist/Leftist idea. Well... free healthcare of the Christian kind mean you just pray or something... so I guess that's partly true. Not as effective though.

Religion as a political/economic entity... they work with the state. So they wouldn't be fighting each other. They might appear like they're fighting, but you know... we're here discussing how gross out gay sex can be... as Woody Allen once say, sex done right isn't pretty ...

Oh yes, we're debating gays and how they're hurting Australian families and children... and not enough time to focus on jobs, money, education, clean air, industry and innovation... might miss the debate on their funding cuts and skewed priorities served to us by our corporate media and other people's politicians.
Don't watch then, simple.

yeah right ... they don't show a precursor "R" rating, warn you of unnatural themes, let alone high impact pictures about to induce gag reflex are coming up.

And they lie bigtime by making false statements like "this program may contain mature content" when we all know that choosing a debauched promiscuous lifestyle and trying degrade a millenial heterosexual tradition on the back of it is far from mature.... it's obviously adolescent pooh willy bum confusion combined with arrested development

We got the pill, which kinda empowered those who believe Freudian ideas:
Free healthcare is a Marxist/Leftist idea. Well... free healthcare of the Christian kind mean you just pray or something... so I guess that's partly true. Not as effective though.

I hope you're not trying to trick us on that. That's a big claim you know. I read it on Wikipedia. With the coming of Christianity healthcare came into the world. And I always thought so, since it's hardwired in the Christian faith to help poor/sick people (Jesus's words). Even now there are still a lot of charities around. I guess when the Church doesn't perform well enough, it gets smashed. And a new way of life comes in.

Yeah the church made many mistakes in the last 2000 years. People do whatever they want , even if you got a religion telling them otherwise. “love your enemies” though is harmless to me.
Surely freedom can't be the enemy of the church can it grah33 ?

Marriage is a religious thing.
Most of em are demanding the religions recognize and marry them!
What? The religions are supposed to change their tenets in order to accommodate LGBTs. That's ridiculous.
Let em start their own religion and get married under that if they want. Worked for Henry.
A civil contract? Well ok if you insist. But you can draw up a contract on bloody anything if you really want to ie What happens with your stuff if you end up sward fighting with swards instead of.....
Who the frick in their right mind wants marriage any way.
The whole thing is so dumb.

If Christians all follow the moral teachings of Jesus, the world would be doing alright. Just that in addition to those moral philosophies, there's a bunch of magic and voodoo too that's pretty neat to listen and follow... that and it's not easy being good or moral, hence the "vile maxim of the masters of mankind: all for ourselves and nothing for anybody else."

That and, for some people, it's not enough that they have the good things in life. They must have that and the other guys must have nothing as well! "Greed is good" and what not.

It's not a Western or Christian thing, whatever that thing is you cared to name. We're all humans... some good, some bad, all self-interest.

The Church will get smashed if it doesn't perform well, as you said. Issue is, who does it perform well for. Who get to smash it.

Not the plebs.

Plebs, peasants, gays, women, children, savages, barbarians... all they can do is go suck a lemon if the Church didn't serve them right. As long as the Church serves the interests of the State [and those that control and benefit the State, it can carry on. Otherwise, they'll go all Communist and godless on it.

I wouldn't take any healthcare advise from a priest man. So I don't know where (good) healthcare and Christianity crosses path.

If by healthcare you mean good morality, caring for the sick etc... I mean there are good and kind Christians and all that. Just it's hard to say whether they're good because of the Bible or good because they were raised right.
The Church will get smashed if it doesn't perform well, as you said. Issue is, who does it perform well for. Who get to smash it.

Not the plebs.

If the plebs stop going to church, that's the end of the Church isn't it ?
If there is no longer religious freedom PZ, I'm sorry but it's not freedom. All explained in my previous posts.
Attempting to redefine freedom to suit a religious viewpoint is dabbling with communism grah33.
Which religious viewpoint, PZ.


We are all entitled to our view.

Freedom of speech and freedom of thought, is a part of this country, and a part of the West.

I have already explained about Christianity, and its creation of the West.
Monasteries were the foundations of education and hospitals.
The scientific method comes from Christianity.

As they say, Rome wasn't built in one day.
When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
The eternal city - A lot of History, Christianity, beautiful architecture and moving artwork.

One thing I like about Europe is its lack of political correctness.


There are many 'belief' systems, and Australia was created on its Christian heritage.
Our public holidays are a reflection of this country.

The state has no reason for same sex/transgender marriage, and to be teaching children about homosexuality and 70 different genders etc imv.
Homosexuality does not create life.
Heterosexual couples do - one man and one woman.

Marriage is about FAMILY.
A mother and a father raising their children, and taking responsibility for their children.
Children are the most vulnerable.

Mother and Father
Ladies and Gentleman.

Luutzu, as I have stated already, there is no discrimination as they have civil unions in this country.

Our public schools need to be privatised, as they are going against what this country was built on, Western Culture.
I am all for public and private.

People taking responsibility for their actions.

This is my view.
Which religious viewpoint, PZ.
The one that restricts people's rights to their freedoms... Such as SSM

Religion opposing same-sex couples the freedom to marry is akin to communism.

Your claim about civil unions where "there is no discrimination" is strange...

Did you know that in the UK heterosexuals are fighting for their right to have the same civil partnerships as same-sex couples? It's not the same thing as marriage.
There you go. You exemplify why freedom is better than communism.

So let's give same-sex couples the freedom to marry and let's stop being lefty commies!

So let's give same-sex couples the freedom to marry and let's stop being lefty commies!

As long as they do it under their own legislation and don't try to hijack that which 98% of people value. (At least for a while).
There you go. You exemplify why freedom is better than communism.

So let's give same-sex couples the freedom to marry and let's stop being lefty commies!

Okay, but let's make sure does not impinge on the liberties of everybody else, like they have in other anglo countries.
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