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Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters
It's all academic anyway in my view. Enough people have already voted to set the result regardless of any further campaigning. Essential sampled around 1800 voters yesterday.

I like the funny bit on the top right - it says 5% of YES voters really mean NO.
They must have been bullied or hypnotised or drunk or indifferent...
I like the funny bit on the top right - it says 5% of YES voters really mean NO.
They must have been bullied or hypnotised or drunk or indifferent...

I think a number of people who said they voted YES actually voted NO for fear of being bullied or branded.
I was at the Grand final BBQ with about 20 others.

At a friends who is the director of one of Adelaide's prestige
schools---the sort of school ducks don't frequent.

Many there were friends who had kids attend the school
most business owners. A few were ex students adult kids
of people at the BBQ.

Discussion went to SSM and I noticed the chatter was very non committal.
General plus and minus.

Being a duck who doesn't mind voicing my stance I did with argument
seen above. From there I sat back and the discussion turned abruptly as
if all of a sudden it was ok for the teaching fraternity to voice their serious
concerns with the consequences to not only the kids in school but those
teaching them. The egg shell situations caused by the fear of offending
someone or some sector, along with the goody goody brigade which have
given power to students that if abused can ruin a teachers life. Saw me
listening to a strong majority NO vote.

There are many people this will directly effect.
Those that think it wont effect don't consider beyond the equal rights argument.
Those it does effect realise that their equal rights are well and truly under attack.

There are lessons to be learnt from those who have adopted SSM.
The egg shell situations caused by the fear of offending
someone or some sector,

That statement, of yours, sums up the whole problem Duck.

It allows the bullies and those who don't care what others think, to take the aggressive position.
I think a number of people who said they voted YES actually voted NO for fear of being bullied or branded.

That barcode scared a lot of people, which says a lot about trust or betrayal of it in this country.
We know our society is changing when a new County Court judge takes the opportunity to express his love for his male partner and looks forward to being married.

I suggest this reality and hundreds of thousands like this are the reason the majority of people will accept SSM.

Our love is equal, new Victorian judge tells his 'husband-in-waiting'
"I say to you, dearest Shane, I have no doubt our love is equal. Not better. Not worse. But equal.

"And I am proud to call you my husband-in-waiting."

Current Time 0:54
Duration Time 1:33

New judge's moving tribute to same-sex ...

New judge's moving tribute to same-sex partner
Newly appointed County Court judge Paul Higham gave a heart-felt tribute to his partner, revealing his hopes the postal vote will allow them to become mister and mister. Video: County Court of Victoria.

Speaking from the bench was His Honour Paul Higham, newly-appointed judge of the Victorian County Court.

Judge Higham, in an address unlike any previously delivered by a Victorian judge, made clear to the gathering of leading judicial figures and guests that he hoped the "yes" vote in the current plebiscite on same-sex marriage would carry the day.

Judge Paul Higham (left) and partner Shane McGowan. Photo: Facebook
"So if a certain vote goes a certain way," he said, holding a finger to his lips and uttering a mock "shh" to the guests, as if afraid he might jinx the vote, "We'll be Mister and Mister very soon."

Judge Higham, speaking at his swearing-in ceremony and formal welcome to the County Court in late August, devoted the final minutes of his 40-minute address to his long-time partner, Shane McGowan, who the court's Chief Judge, Peter Kidd, publicly welcomed to the ceremony. Mr McGowan is an internationally recognised illustrator and writer of children's books, who is published under the name Shane McG.

The new judge was at pains to present the pair's long relationship as no different to any other, short of he and Mr McGowan being granted the right to marry in Australia.

"We met 29 years ago," Judge Higham said of Mr McGowan.

"There have been ups and downs, of course, but we are still together.

"Over that time, he has quite simply put up with me. The endless, endless conversations about my cases. The me, me, me-ism of the needful corporate barrister. The last-minute enforced holiday cancellation when a case overruns.

"We have been around the world, we have had fun, we have also stayed at home, and – there's a confession here – watching Midsomer Murders. It doesn't get more normal than that, ladies and gentlemen."
All fine.

So long as the the resultant impingements on freedom of religion, thought, and speech aren't realised as they have been in other jurisdictions.

Two chances of that my brownshirt friend, mine and Buckley's.
Any respect left Wayne or have they been flushed with this debate ?
Let me tell you something Komrade.

I made my position known via my FaceAche page, of which most of my clients recieve my feed.

I thought I would lose a portion of my clientele, those who serve as useful idiots to the cultural Marxist masters.. and pawns such as yourself. But, viewing their opinions, I felt it important to have my say.... and I've got too many clients anyway.

But, not one has left me and it had prompted many thoughtful discussions and different points of view. Even though many remain at opposite ends of the debate, our respect for each other remains, with an understanding of each other's position. Others agree... all commend me for my cajones in braving the bullying twats.

So my unvirtuous, virtue signalling, propagandist friend, your ad hominem barb had no edge, and once again reveals the cold foetid intellectual cancer at the core of your poisonous attitude and ideology. One that probably believes the country music fans in Las Vegas deserved what they got.

My self respect is at maximum bro.
So Wayne you believe your way to engage people in a discussion is tar them with any and every derogotary term you can muster and see what sticks best .

You use a lexicon of abuse that I would have thought was not a part of this Forums acceptable behaviour. (But that concept has fled ages ago..)

"So my unvirtuous, virtue signalling, propagandist friend, your ad hominem barb had no edge, and once again reveals the cold foetid intellectual cancer at the core of your poisonous attitude and ideology. One that probably believes the country music fans in Las Vegas deserved what they got."

I thought the Brownshirt jibe was a nasty little comment that was worth pulling you up on. Clearly however that was just a taste of what was to come if I did buck up wasn't it.

Trying to pin that idea on me is about as insane and offensive as the coterie of Alt Rights saying it was all a hoax. When I think of the sorrow around the hundreds of people and families in Las Vegas at the moment I wonder how you can run that line.

LMAO - Straight for the "I'm so offended" strategy.

Do I really need to dig out the litany of abusive terms that you have directed towards me? does "brain dead" ring any bells? (a term that is surely offensive to those genuinely suffering severe brain injury and has touched my immediate family)

Are you such a bleeding hypocrite that you can't take as good as you give?

C'mon bas, man up, just a tad.
Others agree... all commend me for my cajones in braving the bullying twats.
Is this the same WayneL? The He man, mans man, ute driving, tool grinding, molten steel dodging, wild brumby taming tough guy is getting bullied by a bunch of girls riding ponies. You need to harden the f*ck up.
Is this the same WayneL? The He man, mans man, ute driving, tool grinding, molten steel dodging, wild brumby taming tough guy is getting bullied by a bunch of girls riding ponies. You need to harden the f*ck up.
Rich middle aged dressage queens riding 17:2hh warmbloods actually mate.

They're a whole nuther level of scary mate
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