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Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters
hey gigar smoker what is marriage all about ? you tell me...

I understand the problem for you because I have the same.

I think that there is a group possibly as you described but maybe also anarchists who will protest at anything if it makes the status quo look bad. People like those idiots who invaded Parliament last year wearing burkas. People who will defend Islam as "feminist", even when it is patently not and will invade churches making loud noises and talk over anyone who defends the status quo. They are getting louder as I said before.

I think we still need standards in this country, because we are going downhill in many ways; science, education, civil unrest, domestic violence, family breakdowns, immigrants who don't care about our values etc.

Maybe defending the traditional family is a start to restoring the standards that we have lost through the uprising of groups who want to tear them down .
Don't forget, a "NO" vote is a free kick to Bill Shorten at the next election
Why redefine accepted vocabulary in a world where new words are created as times change?
I'm comfortable with recognising the solemnity and dignity of a same sex union and full legal equality with a heterosexual union, but let's create a new word to describe it......
And, yep, I am probably on a loser...... And I'm not religious and have been around for over 70 years.... And have same sex couples in my family and care for them equally.
The reason for the marriage equality is so the family court skips the steps of loving relationship and union, rather than dispassionate cohabitation. It's a jump queue ticket
What queue is being jumped?
Or why not just call it what it is eg marriage
so why bother this gay marriage bs another way to waste money
It could equally be said that not allowing it is a waste of time and taxpayer funds on the debate versus the alternative of just letting the market (that is, people who want to get married) decide.

A century or so it was women voting. Then it was aboriginals. Then it was the legality of homosexuality in the first place. Now it's gay marriage. 50 years from now this whole debate will be seen in much the same way as any of those are today. We'll likely have gotten our minds around the concept of euthanasia by that time too.
What queue is being jumped?

You need to reed the legislation rather than question it through me.

This is the real situation isn't it. The public have little concept of the legals, but focus on the egalitarian aspect they have been spoon fed over the last 30 years
Marriage is about the family unit
I see this as an attack on families and our heritage.
Mother and Father
Boy and Girl.

Children want their parents.
Not to be bought and sold.

This is about destroying our language, our culture, our Christian foundations, imv.

Marriage should not be changed at all.
It has always been one man and one woman, whether you are black, white, whatever.

You can self identify however you like, but you are still a man or a woman.
And it takes a man and a woman to have a child.
Don't forget, a "NO" vote is a free kick to Bill Shorten at the next election
Is it? Depending on how big the no majority wins by I think it would put Shorten in a tricky spot as swinging voters may consider that Shorten should listen to the will of the people and alter Labors policy stance on SSM.

Those same Christian values that allowed children to be abused and covered up within the Catholic church, I want no part in your christian values as they have done more damage to children than a few gays getting married ever will.

100 years ago Tink you most likely would have said marriage is between a white man and white women but thankfully others at the time saw that indigenous Australians too have a right to marry.
Can homosexuals have children?

Why would we over ride marriage.

Marriage is about the family.
Can homosexuals have children?

Why would we over ride marriage.

Marriage is about the family.
Marriage is about commitment, plenty of people are married without children and plenty of people with children aren't married.
Is it? Depending on how big the no majority wins by I think it would put Shorten in a tricky spot as swinging voters may consider that Shorten should listen to the will of the people and alter Labors policy stance on SSM.
Way too late for that. They own SSM regardless of any baggage that comes with it. IMO

Just out of morbid historical curiosity I looked at the parliament bill for SSM five years ago which was defeated 42-98 under the Gillard Govt.

Yes votes
Mr Albanese Mr Dreyfus Mr S Jones Ms Roxon
Mr Bandt Mrs Elliot Dr M Kelly Ms Saffin
Ms Bird Ms Ellis Ms King Mr Shorten
Ms Brodtmann Mr Garrett Ms Livermore Mr Sidebottom
Mr Butler Mr Georganas Ms Macklin Mr S Smith
Mr Champion Mr Gibbons Mr Marles Ms Smyth
Mr Cheeseman Mr Gray Mr Oakeshott Mr Snowdon
Mr Clare Ms Grierson Ms Parke Mr C Thomson
Ms Collins Mr Griffin Mr Perrett Mr Wilkie
Mr Combet Ms Hall Ms Plibersek Mr Crean
Mr Jenkins Ms Rishworth
No votes
Mr Abbott Mr Entsch Mr McCormack Mr Rudd
Mr Adams Mr Fitzgibbon Mr Macfarlane Mr Ruddock
Mr Alexander Mr Fletcher Ms Marino Mr Schultz
Mr K Andrews Mr Forrest Mrs Markus Mr Scott
Ms K Andrews Mr Frydenberg Mr Matheson Mr Secker
Mr Baldwin Ms Gambaro Mr Melham Mr A Smith
Mr Billson Mrs Gash Mrs Mirabella Mr Somlyay
Ms B Bishop Ms Gillard Mr Morrison Dr Southcott
Ms J Bishop Mrs Griggs Mrs Moylan Dr Stone
Mr Bowen Mr Hartsuyker Mr Murphy Mr Swan
Mr Bradbury Mr A Hawke Mr Neumann Mr Symon
Mr Briggs Mr Hayes Mr Neville Mr Tehan
Mr Broadbent Mr Hockey Mr O'Dowd Mr K Thomson
Mr Buchholz Mr Hunt Ms O'Dwyer Mr Truss
Mr A Burke Mr Husic Ms O'Neill Mr Tudge
Mr Byrne Mr Irons Ms Owens Mr Turnbull
Mr Chester Dr Jensen Mrs Prentice Ms Vamvakinou
Mr Christensen Mr E Jones Mr Pyne Mr van Manen
Mr Ciobo Mr Katter Mr Ramsey Mr Vasta
Mr Cobb Mr Keenan Mr Randall Dr Washer
Mr Coulton Mr C Kelly Mr Ripoll Mr Windsor
Mr Crook Mr Laming Mr Robb Mr Wyatt
Mrs D'Ath Ms Ley Mr Robert Mr Zappia
Mr Dutton Mr Lyons Ms Rowland Dr Emerson
Mr McClelland Mr Roy

Quite a change from then to today and it tells me the YES is inevitable..
Marriage is about commitment, plenty of people are married without children and plenty of people with children aren't married.

Marriage to you is commitment, but traditionally it was about having legitimate kids, avoiding going to hell, having taxation benefits, taking the two of them off the available market, obeying the law, avoiding the community scorn, ostrasisation and disdain .... I'm not sure banns and marriage were primarily based on licencing love and pretty sure it wasn't based on homosexuality .... that was reserved for the odd priest here and there.
Sadly the future is full of reactive popular decisions to suit maintenance and Control of power.

Global warming
Kim Jong
Same sex marriage.
Australia Day
Sale of Australian Asset.
Paid Maternity leave.
Green Energy.


So be it.
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