Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters
And no money changed hands. Nice commerce fellas :p

OOH lookie - someone just voted YES :)
No I'm just fed up to the back teeth with the rubbish you serve to justify your attacks on gay people who want theiir relationships recognised in the same way as straight people.

I certainly can see you point about undoing conditiong. Like you I'm old enough to remember when homosexuality was a crime, a perversion and a good reason to go xxxx bashing with a righteous air. Fifty years later one can see that trashing people because they have a different sexual orientation is about as reasonable as saying blacks and orientals are subhuman, slavery makes sense and women really don't have the brains or capacity to vote.
Absolutely nothing wrong with re evaluating conditioning Tisme. It goes with evualiting unmitigated BS.

Yeah but I only quote facts, Mr Objectivity is my second name. Truth always hurts people who build arguments on fantastic yarns and subjectivity.

You still haven't debunked anything I have said as not true. Instead yo keep attacking me instead of the issue and throw up LGBTxyz fictional narratives to support your unbreachable predisposition that is predicated on bigotry to normal plug + socket behaviours, preferring socket² and plug² instead
Its not all roses.

Has anyone here besides myself been placed in an un wanted Homosexual situation in their life?
I have 3 times and wasn't pretty for me or them on each occasion. All happened in my late 20s
and 30s. As its more accepted it will be more prevalent.

So you're the fella who spurned my advances on all three occasions!!
I agree with you tech/a.

Refer to the video posted by Tisme in the other thread.

The LGB lobby like to say everything is fine with "their" kids, but most of them are just growing up now and some are saying gay parents is not all its cracked up to be.

Studies have shown that gays on average have far more sexual partners than hets, so I fear for the kids on a constant merry-go-round of "who is my father/mother this week".

They could set up a Victims of Paraphilias association?
I think this whole deal will come down to nothing. Which ever way it goes the losing side will quite rightly challenge the result citing compromised integrity of this survey.

$120mil straight down the swanny.

Yep, I'm afraid you are right. There should have been a genuine plebiscite at the last election, this is a farce.
Remember the children:

This is one more reason why people should vote NO. Blatant discrimination and denial of employment for expressing an opinion. This person should be able to sue for wrongful dismissal. Disgusting.
SSM: Canberra kids' party organiser ditches entertainer who said it's OK to vote no
Deeply concerning, and nothing the 'No' campagners haven't been predicting. And from a Canberra childrens party organizer! Not compulsory to hire them is it, so the company might just lose a bit of business as a result
..."The fact that you could share your own personal view on a matter like this and find yourself out of a job is extraordinary," he said.
"What this woman actually currently supports is the law of the land — is [Ms Sims] suggesting that she's not going to employ nearly half the nation?
"If that's acceptable now, I shudder to think what will become the norm after a vote goes through and the Yes campaign actually wins.
"We are going into terribly uncharted waters."

I voted yes. But if someone expresses an opposing view respectfully and thoughtfully, to be fired for this is certainly an attack on freedom of speech. A person's political views is irrelevant to your work. The more disturbing thing about this is that because the fired person was an "independent contractor, and not a direct employee", they have no employment rights, like the right to make an unfair dismissal claim.
By Michae1 20 hours ago
Capital Kids Parties' [ACT] owner, Madlin Sims... In a public Facebook post later that day, Ms Sims wrote that she didn't want "homophobes working for me, especially in an environment with children".
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that a publicly uttered defamation? The anonymous 18 year old target has roundly denied this blatant smear.

Update: Sen George Christensen will take this case to the Human Rights Commission. Now we'll see what the HRC are made of
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Deeply concerning, and nothing the 'No' campagners haven't been predicting. And from a Canberra childrens party organizer! Not compulsory to hire them is it, so the company might just lose a bit of business as a result
She obviously doesn't understand the new normal. Will take more effort to bring her around and job rejection should move her in the right direction.

Update: Sen George Christensen will take this case to the Human Rights Commission. Now we'll see what the HRC are made of
Roz Ward runs that organisation. :D
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that a publicly uttered defamation? The anonymous 18 year old target has roundly denied this blatant smear.

Doubly so I would think.

1. that the person is a homophobe for voting no.

2. that he/she is a danger to children.

With a good lawyer the sacked person should have a good chance in court.
I'm not too sure about Clark. o_O

Maybe he is Clark Kent...dual identity, straight at home gay away. :laugh:
Too right! Those choosing to fly around the globe, with their flowing red cape, complete with red undies, worn on the outside of blue pantyhose, must surely be advertising their homosexuality!