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Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters
Certainly is
Talk to Shane
Tell him your talking with JR.
They aren't going to tell you are they!
They just don't serve them booze.
As such they aren't there.

Shane wasn't available, how ever I spoke to a second staff member, I told them myself and my family were going to be stopping by next week on driving holiday on our way to Darwin, and that we were aboriginal and I asked if we would have trouble being served, she said we would have trouble, and were welcome to accommodation too.

I asked if they had a ban on aboriginals or denied them service, and she said there wasn't a blanket ban on aboriginals, but they would deny service to individuals who were trouble makers.

Maybe Shane hasn't communicated his policy well enough to his staff.

But either way, is Shane a police officer? because that was Rumples claim.
Wow! In all the time I have been reading his posts, I never would have guessed that VC was an indigenous Australian!
Alcohol and the indigenous don't mix well in the top end.
Its pretty clear you haven't spent a lot of time out of a capital city.

By the way police don't tend to lock up the drunk and unruly
indigenous---often choosing a 20K ride in the back of the Paddy
over bumpy dirt roads then walking back to clear their head.

If you don't think there is a problem out there your sadly
she said we would have trouble
I meant that to say we wouldn't have trouble.

Wow! In all the time I have been reading his posts, I never would have guessed that VC was an indigenous Australian!

I am not, I only said that to see if they would openly deny an aboriginal family on a road trip to see if the claims of a blanket ban were true.
Alcohol and the indigenous don't mix well in the top end.
Its pretty clear you haven't spent a lot of time out of a capital city.

when I was in the Army, we worked out of Port Hedland for a little while doing some training with the pilbara regiment, and I have also worked out of Darwin, but Never saw a pub that had a blanket ban on Aboriginals. I am not saying they don't exist, but it certainly would be against the law.

Dress codes etc were often enforced, but never a clear ban on race I never saw.
Another example of modern day ill-informed, device thumbing, trash talking, world conquering youths. Interesting how Emma (rainbow coloured glasses) Alberici guesses a connection between the safe schooling program and homosexual marriage. Can't wait for the next "in thing" to consume us.
Received the Question in today's mail. Made my cross and licked the return envelope shut.

Now, here is an observation to consider:
Several letterboxes in our community are overflowing because residents are not bothering to check every day. The Postie doesn't care much, just squeezes the letters as far in between the junk mail as it goes - and most of it sticks out. Many elderly residents will also leave their letterbox unlocked, expecting a friendly neighbour to empty junk mail and bring them the regular mail when they come for a chat.
Which raises the question: Who can be sure that the cross on the returned form has been made by the person it's been sent to? And that uncertainty doesn't only apply to Strata complexes or share houses, but goes right down to families. Take a pigheaded bigot of a bible-thumping patriarch: What's stopping him to cross off every form that arrives at his family's home in the only way he approves of? Or a kid "helping" Grandma make the "right" cross to save her the hassle of getting the reading glasses she'd need to find the No box?

Makes me even madder about the utter waste of the Nation's money on an inconsequential, ineffective, unreliable process that could've been finished within half an hour max in open conscience vote by members of Parliament, doing what they're paid for in the first place. If workers refuse to do what they're hired to do, it's the sack. We really ought to treat our Pollies more equitably, in line with community practice and expectations.
A viewpoint from both sides 2 x 1 hour addresses...

The Yes case >

The No case >

PS: ABC bias is on clear display here... The NO video is 87 seconds longer than the YES video
It's certainly a sub standard process. But who do we blame. a. the Liberals for not allowing a free vote or b. Labor for not going with a "real" plebiscite when we still get the open debate anyway.

Take your pick, they have both politicised the issue.

Personally I think there should have been a plebiscite at the last election. That would have saved the dosh and a lot of trouble as well.
@pixel that's a good point. I could easily knock off a hundred forms where I live.

Chances are there's probably one on my windscreen already


FORMS for the same-sex marriage survey have only been landing in mailboxes for two days now, but Australians have already exposed a number of potential security flaws with the ballot.

People have reported voting up to seven times after receiving multiple forms at their address thanks to former residents who failed to update their electoral details.
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Should have been done online, just like the census
if it goes through, wait till you see the new type of TV programs that come out. the TV is toxic enough already as it is. gay marriage will just be a normal thing. they'll have to teach it in class too. then again, everyone will be spreading that it's not normal.

Even Dr Who had a lesbian in it.
Who really gives a **** about Issy's opinion. He has been welcomed with open arms by three different football codes. His contract must be up for renewal.
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