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Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters
It's a snapshot of what we saw in the 70's - except back then it was common practice and not reported. If we are regressing back to it in the 21st century it proves society has learned nothing.

Star Hotel - Cold Chisel
They are connected, Triathlete

If Marriage is changed to genderless, then the (un) safe school will be rolled out as compulsory to every school and every child.

The state will take over the parenting of the child, and push parents out.

Homosexual marriage will be placed above traditional marriage.


VC, they are not banned.

They have civil unions which gives them all the same rights as heterosexual.

So it seems the people are receiving their postal votes now. It will be interesting to see if the results follow polling or if the polling was just the Bradley effect.

What, riots because the cops shutdown a band playing inside?
Yeah, pretty daft hey? Just like today.
And the authorities wanted it shut down because it attracted gays at the bar.

Homosexual marriage will be placed above traditional marriage.
That's a bit over the top - don't you think?
Yeah, pretty daft hey? Just like today.
And the authorities wanted it shut down because it attracted gays at the bar.

I remember going to the Sunday sessions in Perth 70s and there were always gays in the crowd and no one seemed to care, except my partner was always amused them eyeing off my arse when getting drinks.
LOL. Don't tell me.... your response was apathetic at best ?
LOL. Don't tell me.... your response was apathetic at best ?

That's a fault of mine...I really have a hard time getting interested and passionate about much at all...even after about two hours on the nest I start thinking about an intermission.
The state will take over the parenting of the child, and push parents out.

The overcrowded, already stretched public school system will never 'take over' the parenting of the child. You are peddling a ridiculous fear campaign.

Homosexual marriage will be placed above traditional marriage.

No it won't.

Heterosexual couples comprise the overwhelming majority of relationships. This will never change. Look at the long list of countries where SSM is already legal. Is everyone turning gay?

It's not an agenda to turn everyone gay. It's simply an issue of equality and inclusiveness. A positive change.

They have civil unions which gives them all the same rights as heterosexual.

And soon they will have weddings too. Much like the blacks and women gained the same rights as everyone else, so too will homosexuals, and society will be better for it.
You can't get much more accurate than a poll by the ACL and/or Safe Schools and/or ABC
Since the public system seems to be going against Western Culture, and our public holidays, then maybe they should consider making those schools private, since they seem to be peddling their own agenda.

Why is the taxpayer paying for this political correct school?

This is my view.

You are entitled to your own and you are free to have your own vote.

I am glad we are having a VOTE, not like these Communists that tried to stop us.
I am glad we are having a VOTE too, not like these Conservatives that rammed it through parliament in 2004. We should really repeal that legislation then have the vote
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I don't understand why a business or sole trader doesn't have the right to deny service to anyone they consider detrimental to their ability to go about their activities. I can imagine the aggravation and loss of focus at being made to perform a service that you are fundamentally opposed to doing... it's not like being an employee and just quiting or going to the shop steward.
Canada, USA, Ireland, Denmark, Sweden - why would it be any different in this country? Australians will already face special restrictive legislation during the current postal plebiscite!

Businesses should have the right to serve whoever they like.

In reality I think the vast majority of businesses will do work for whoever pays, but just like I don't have to work for people I think are d*ckheads, businesses should not have to serve people that they fundamentally object to.

The number of people adversely affected by religious freedom in this area has to be minute, but the militant PC'ers feel they have to make an example of a few little bakers who dare to oppose their 'rights' to a wedding cake they could probably just as easily make for themselves or find someone else who will do it.
The crazy thing about this, is, if a baker was fundamentally opposed to serving me, why would I even consider trusting in the quality of any of his legally enforced offerings?

For all I know, he could decide to lace the cake with laxatives (or worse) in revenge!

Lets say its a small country town, with 1 petrol station, and the owner decides he doesn't want to sell petrol to asians anymore, This can cause a huge problem for the asians in that town, not to mention its just a **** thing to do.

So society has decided that to get along we shouldn't discriminate, and if you sell a product or service you should just serve all that come regardless of race, gender, sexuality etc.
Lets say its a small country town, with 1 petrol station, and the owner decides he doesn't want to sell petrol to asians anymore, This can cause a huge problem for the asians in that town, not to mention its just a **** thing to do.

Do you have some examples of this actually happening ?

Businesses are there to make money,they will take all the money they can get.

Agreed, they can serve who they like.

The reality is, if a cake shop refuses to serve someone because they are gay, there will be a social media sh!tstorm and they will lose business. 99.9% of businesses will just serve anyone who walks in anyway.
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