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Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters
Who actually created the creator? Something had to.

Actually its a pretty simple construct:

God is the all powerful eternal spirit. Being eternal means that time is a dimension he does not have to contend with, being a spirit means he has no material dimension, thus not created, just an image that he patented for exclusive use of humans if you believe the bible and who wouldn't with all that evidence.

So when he decided to make everything material and time based he wasn't constrained because he created the universe of matter, energy and time from zip and being omniscient that would be a snap.

Because we can't expand our observations outside our universe we are constrained into circular arguments about who created the creator and we can't create new matter or time because that has been defined already for our space by God himself, which made it easy Einstein prove conservation of mass-energy so long as the universe doesn't blow a puncture.
Found this interesting.

Had a BBQ after work last night with all staff.
So talk around Plebiscite.
26 of us
3 Girls the rest Male Construction guys. 17-65.
So how many voting yes--------5 all are males.
21 no's!

One of the girls single said this!
"I don't want the male pool diluted any more
its hard enough finding a decent gut now lots are gay!"

One of the guys asked this.
"If like me you had a 7 yr old son who is invited to a sleep
over and their parents are gay---would you let them?"

Just found it interesting.

Both answers are pretty ignorant.

1 seems to be hoping that banning gay marriage will make a gay man marry her instead, so she not the brightest spark obviously.

2 seems to think gay = pedophile, which is simply not true, as already discussed.
Anyone see the National Press Club ?

They seemed to have a good rent-a-crowd there.

Made some good points though.
Yes of course but what I'm asking is if governments should even control the definition of marriage in the first place. Since they do we now require $110 million to ask them to change it.
One thing I do agree with is the waste of money for a non compulsory survey. Mainly the gays and their emotionally charged friends and family will be involved and considerate people like me. It should have been a compulsory vote with the outciome the final decision. I would accept that.
One of the girls single said this!
"I don't want the male pool diluted any more
its hard enough finding a decent gut now lots are gay!"
Hmmm, does she prefer a beer gut or a muscular one?
Don't think she's a gut sorta gal.
Flat or flimsy.
Never got into that side of life.
Finally someone with some sense has come out of closet, so to speak :
Marriage trashed by straight people not gays, says Christian Lobby boss Lyle Shelton
There is the truth and nothing but the truth, tried to point that out with statistics.

The concept of marriage is failing, why fight for something that is not progressing.
Marriage is like a deck of cards. In the beginning all you need is two hearts and a diamond. By the end, you wish you had a club and a spade.
The concept is not failing, the execution of it is.

Sorry, facts are facts. You statement sounds like an excuse for addressing the facts, marriage in decline, divorce on the rise.

The concept doesn't meet todays needs or requirements, it is "old" fashioned.

Brave new world here we come
Sorry, facts are facts. You statement sounds like an excuse for addressing the facts, marriage in decline, divorce on the rise.

The concept doesn't meet todays needs or requirements, it is "old" fashioned.

Brave new world here we come
That's making it sound more and more like the "no camp" are doing the homosexual sector a favour, whilst the "yes camp" are trying to fedex them a rotten fish!

For reasons that are clear to those acquainted with mathematics, the trends you are describing, (i.e. declining marriage rates, increasing divorce rates), will prove terminal, as they quite simply cannot sustainably coexist. (In order to be able to divorce one must first marry!).
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