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Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters
There already is one "Same sex Parenting" buried somewhere in the archives.
It's NOT about same-sex parenting.
It's about Parenting. Full Stop.

In the absence of conclusive studies into parenting outcomes as a function of parents' sexual orientation, we can not make any but the most cursory and biased statements on the subject. Every Tom, Dick, and Harriette will pick anecdotal tales that support their personal bias. And the result will be statements as offensive as "Same-sex couples raise AIDS kids" or "Dark-skinned girls are raped by their relatives from an early age" or "single-parent kids think it's normal to live on the Dole"...

What makes you think that same sex parents would be any better on average ?
So, you agree then that same-sex couples are quite "normal" - on average.

Can you honestly say that anyone who has been raised in a happy environment by their biological mother and father would prefer that they were raised by homosexuals ?
Can you honestly say that anyone who has been raised in a happy environment by their biological mother and father would prefer that they were raised by homosexuals ?
Che ???!! .
I'm speechless Rumpy. Your waaaay better than that post.
Che ???!! .
I'm speechless Rumpy. Your waaaay better than that post.

It's a straightforward question, maybe a bit blunt, but I don't see why the outrage.

Think about it honestly Bas. If we would not be prepared to go through it ourselves, I don't see how we can expect others to.
Can you honestly say that anyone who has been raised in a happy environment by their biological mother and father would prefer that they were raised by homosexuals ?
I would have preferred to have been brought up by the Swedish Bikini Team, but I may not be "normal".
Mate, what sought of logic is that, so if we are going to through up irrational comments try this.

Would you have rather been parented by two loving homosexuals (cannot stand the need to label but in the context of this discussion it seems necessary) or by a woman and man (opposite sex) where one party or both were abusive, alcoholics?

Of course in a perfect world, every child would have a mother and father who loved each other and the sibling(s), but last I checked, we don't live in a perfect world.

If you are so concerned with how children develop into adults, do you donate your valuable time to all those children in need, who come from abusive opposite sex marriages or are you another idealist that thinks every is sunshine and lollipops out their if they ad hear to your ideologies.

My apologies, I take everything back about you Rumpole. Anyone who goes by the name SIR aligns themselves with the old customs of being a feudal lord, which explains your current thought process on these issues.
My apologies, I take everything back about you Rumpole. Anyone who goes by the name SIR aligns themselves with the old customs of being a feudal lord, which explains your current thought process on these issues.

Oh no, SIR was simply a tongue in cheek response to Tony Abbott's knights and dames bullshite.

Would you have rather been parented by two loving homosexuals (cannot stand the need to label but in the context of this discussion it seems necessary) or by a woman and man (opposite sex) where one party or both were abusive, alcoholics?

I did say "all else being equal". Are you saying that no homosexual couples are abusive ?

Anyway, time to end this. I'm voting No, not because I think gays shouldn't be able to marry but because I think the traditional Marriage Act should be maintained.

I'll probably lose, but that's life.
The Australian people have long since made up their minds that they support marriage equality so let's take the last small step together.
Tiernan Brady
This bloke makes a lot of inclusive statements as if everyone has free issue rainbow coloured glasses on. I was genuinely interested in the outcomes two years after the homosexually governed Irish voted to change the definition of marriage. Instead it is an article written by the homosexual political director of the Irish Yes Equality campaign who gaily attempts to persuade people to vote yes in Australia. I had better check if my free issue rainbow coloured glasses have arrived so I can make the transition to completely persuaded.
In the workplace there is a campaign for LGBTIQ. "If I wear it I declare it" something to do with wearing a purple ribbon and declaring you are gay or a gay supporter. WTF. Where does this unimportant stuff come from? I don't want to be "made aware". Next will be a 0.5% levy imposed to raise funds to build cities for these people, free medical and employment preference over non LGBTIQ.
It's a straightforward question, maybe a bit blunt, but I don't see why the outrage.

Think about it honestly Bas. If we would not be prepared to go through it ourselves, I don't see how we can expect others to.

So you are serious and you can't see the "madness" of the hypothetical question you pose ?
We live in the real world where time doesn't go backwards and we can't magically propose another past that somehow might be better than the one we have already experienced.
You ask the question about a person, say me or you, who has had a "happy childhood environment with Mum and Dad" prefering to have been raised by 2 men/women.

Firstly I just can't see almost anyone who has had a happy childhood wondering whether another pair of parents could have been better. Really, why would you ? What mental gain is achieved by the process ? What would it prove ?

But for the sake of the hypothetical lets say we pursue the question. Would our next parents be more exotic than our perhaps staid, average Joe / Jane family ? Could be they be better off ? More cultured ? More sport ? More arty ? Would I have more interesting siblings ? Perhaps ones who were nicer to me ? What would the grandparents be like ?

What if there were two men/woman who were wealthy, intelligent, kind, fun and loved you to bitts ? What if they supported you in whatever career you chose, gave you the kicks in the bum to keep you on track and kept you out of trouble during the challenges of adolescence ? Would these characteristics be enough to make up for the fact they were two men/two women?

In the real world many of us have average or poor or irresponsible or slightly crazy parents. Or they have these traits some of the time. That is just the way it is. We deal with it as best we can. But in my view the qualities that make people shine as parents don't include whether they are straight or gay.
Perhaps that is why we now allow gay people and singles to become foster parents and adopt children if they present as loving, responsible, committed people.

So its a long response Rumpy but in essence you posed a silly non-question which could only generate a million sillier non responses.

Rubbish in. Rubbish out
It is observed that females are the producing and nurturing of offspring with male input to varying degrees. That bond begins in the womb and stays physically until the offspring is ready to exist independently. If it is about parenting then it is going to be about adoption for males and transvestites and sperm donations or adoption for females. Out of the multiple scenarios it would be natural (whatever natural could mean going forward) for females to do better instinctively (again whatever instinctive is going forward). There is also the possibility a child raised in these alternate sexuality relationships one day learns the majority of other kids have a mum and dad. Some conditioning about the new normal will be required.
We deal with it as best we can. But in my view the qualities that make people shine as parents don't include whether they are straight or gay.

Well, we will just have to disagree there.

Male & female role models are essential in a child's development in my view and the best place to get these is in the home.

As the children of gays turn into adults a number are coming forward in favour of traditional families. I've posted links to their stories before. If we don't listen to those who have been through the experience then we have no right to make judgements from our own ivory towers.

All the things you mentioned are irrelevant. The question was not about "more arty" or "more sporty", it was simply about their gender. If children in school are required to imagine being in a same sex relationship I'm sure you could imagine if your mother was a man or your father was a woman couldn't you ? It's the same principle of putting yourself in other's shoes which I believe you said was a valid thing for children to do. Or are you prepared to abandon that philosophy ?
Well found Tri. The piece comes as no surprise to anyone following the evolution of the SSM push. The gays are just dates for the Prom. My bolds..
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Do old people have the moral right to be voting, given they are not likely to see the mess they left behind.
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