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Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters
The SSM advocates trying to stop the postal vote.
They don't want the public to have their say on the biggest change in our society.

They want it in parliament, well parliament had 18 votes until now, and they were all NO.

So will they accept the outcome, that it was NO.


Marriage is one man and one woman

Stand up for the FAMILY.
This is a facebook pic. Even I'm having trouble with the story and the grammar

This is the well used term 'new normal'. It isn't common and they aren't hurting anyone so shouldn't ridicule them in my opinion. I would only be offended if he came up to me for a chat with me thinking he is a woman only to find out later that he is acting out. Maybe a badge or something saying "I am a male" so people are in the know.

In the old days people suffering from family trauma were given some comfort and sent to coventry until they recovered.

These days people like Janet join a clan of similarly damaged people, vote Green, talk Bolshevik, march in pride parades with sheeple clingons and lash out at the foundations of morality that are overt reminders of the pain they endure because of their own innate human bias to survival of the species and civilisation.

Back to the poison well Tisme. You have absolutely no idea about Janet Rice or partner their personal life their history any thing. Absolutely Nothing At all.
But, as usual, your still happy to trash them and any fellow travellers with the full catastrophe of societies problems.
Deranged dribble.
For a bigger picture of Janet Rice and her partner (that is not based on a poisonous Facebook pic and an equally nasty Tisme slag) check out the following.

I still love her, we can stay married: The Senator and her transgender wife

Video 1/
Janet Rice is one of Australia’s strongest campaigners for marriage equality and her passion has a very personal backstory. The Greens Senator talks to SBS about her relationship with her transgender wife, Nobel Prize winning climatologist Penny Whetton.

Stephanie Anderson

6 Feb 2015 - 12:38 PM UPDATED 7 Feb 2015 - 7:57 PM


It was during her university years that Janet Rice first met her future wife, then known as Peter.

The young climate activist and future Nobel Prize winning climatologist dated for three years before tying the knot, settling down in their hometown of Melbourne to chase respective careers in politics and science.

It would be another 16 years of marriage before Senator Rice learned of her then-husband’s secret.

While it came as an enormous shock, Senator Rice said the biggest surprise was that her partner of almost two decades had managed to keep cross dressing a secret.

“The biggest shock was I thought I knew everything about Penny,” she said.

“She told me that she was a cross dresser and then over the next couple of years, she realised very much that she was transgendered and wanted to transition. It was a big time of our life.”


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here's an exercise for you and your new cobber who can count posts:

take you little finger and curl it almost closed, put it inside your mouth on one side of your cheek and pull while looking in the mirror .... get it yet?

BTW how are those counter facts going?

Go and get...... Essentially Tisme you vomit a lot of poisonous dribble on this topic and then give a cheesy smile to say 'I'm pulling your leg".

If I knew you well enough, trusted your judgement and "got" your sense of hummus ... yeah maybe I could laugh it off as just you.

But I don't have that privilege do I ? In a sense I/we have to take most of what people say here on face value. We can give the benefit of the doubt. We can offer and accept explanations or apologies if there has been misunderstandings. But frankly the overwhleming tone of your direct and indirect (content from the net) contributions to the discussion on gays and same sex marriage has been disgust and disquiet at the whole idea.
It also seems to be coupled with a strong belief that straight marriages are the bulwark of society and that the introduction of SSM will hasten the decline of civilisation as we know it.
Here are some facts.

In 2015, there were 113,595 marriages registered in Australia, a decrease of 7,602 (-6.3%) from the 121,197 marriages registered in 2014

In 2015, there were 48,517 divorces granted in Australia, an increase of 2,019 (4.3%) from the 46,498 divorces granted in 2014.

Seems society is changing regardless with a fair % of people ending in divorce.

To be fair to all, just ban marriage.
Marriage is about children, and raising those children, pixel.

As I have said, the state has no business in same sex marriage, it goes against the children, the most vulnerable.

You think children should be bought and sold?
So are we going back to slavery now.

What reason should the state be supporting same sex marriage and transgender marriage?
How is this good for society?
Marriage (true marriage) raised human dignity to new heights when it came into the world. Gay marriage throws it away.

Yes, there are many marriages ending in divorce. That tells you that society doesn't really believe in marriage anymore, not that marriage isn't necessary for society. You'll see correlation occurring – less values in society translate to more problems as well. And poorer living conditions. It's already happening.

Good point about the children - in the future it's going to be hard for them.
Marriage is about children, and raising those children, pixel.
I strongly disagree, Tink
I know scores of happily married couples that don't have any children. Do you now want to deny them the status of being married, too? Force childless couples to either adopt or get divorced? Yeah - put that to a Plebiscite...
Methinks you're trying to hijack the term "Marriage" and restrict its meaning to your personal narrow interpretation. If you wish, conduct your personal affairs on an ancient model. I, however, couldn't care less how Neanderthals, Cavemen, or some Middle-Eastern Desert Tribes arranged their private affairs many millennia ago. Nor do I wish to interfere in the private lives of any of my fellow citizens - as long as they remain within the Common Law.
Meddling in someone else's private life is, IMHO, the pinnacle of arrogance and hypocrisy.

Your statements are confusing.

How does it go against the children? Are you saying that children cannot be bought up with 2 moms or 2 dads?

My own children have 2 moms and 2 dads, should I send them to counselling, do they need help?

Is a child better or worse for having a single parent against 2 loving parents of the same sex?

Doesn't divorce on the increase and marriage on the decline affect the children in a negative way?

Are you saying you have to be married to have children or that the children of a couple who aren't married somehow are somehow effect in a negative way from the children of a married couple?
How does it go against the children? Are you saying that children cannot be bought up with 2 moms or 2 dads?

There is such a thing as "normality" in society, and kids who are outside the norm feel confused about their place in society.

IMO gays and lesbians are having children because of some perverse wish to create "little soldiers" for their own cause and to take their own perceived rejection into the mainstream, thereby depriving children of the normal upbringing that they deserve.

Children raised by same sex parents are speaking up in support of traditional families.
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