Apathetic at Best
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A lot of young people just go along with the anti establishment radicals, a rebellion against their elders as they always have done. It doesn't mean that their views are any more valid than those who have had a few more years to think about the issues.
Poofy lions! I've seen it all now. LOL
Can loins vote ?
"Left wing activists claim to have identified up to 250 gender and sexual categories. These include the well-known LGBTI designations — lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex — plus a bewildering array of other terminology....genderqueer, demisexual, twospirit, asexual, pansexual, polyamorous, fluid, femme, gender-binary, gynephilic, SAAB, MSM/WSW, skoliosexual, agender, androsexual, bicurious, cisgender, demiromantic, down low, FtM/F2M and MtF/M2F...
I’m a supporter of same-sex marriage and would like to vote Yes in a plebiscite. But clearly Labor and Liberals have in mind a far broader definition of marriage.
It won’t be restricted to heterosexuals and homosexuals.
It will include the multitude of categories listed above — most of which I’ve got no idea what they are talking about. I mean, what does the legalisation of polyamorous, skoliosexual and twospirit marriage involve?"
Mark Latham
he's either lying or his staff are. He advocated for Safe Schools Program and that in turn promotes "fluidity" in gender identification, and this mob is behind it: https://minus18.org.au/
So absolutely confident Tisme ... of something you have absolutely no evidence on. I'd hate to see you on jury duty. Can't see you wasting time on hearing or testing evidence when you have already made your mind up on a case.
The Minus 18 website is really interesting. It certainly gives teenagers who believe they are gay support in an otherwise hostile or indifferent environment.
Do you think the posters are genuine, specifically the one pushing for wearing what you are comfortable in to school (has a picture of a boy in a school dress), or is it just kids playing around?The Minus 18 website is really interesting. It certainly gives teenagers who believe they are gay support in an otherwise hostile or indifferent environment.
he's either lying or his staff are. He advocated for Safe Schools Program and that in turn promotes "fluidity" in gender identification, and this mob is behind it: https://minus18.org.au/
Each generation has tended to do their bit for social justice, but then tends to get to an age were they dig their heels in on issues which later seem silly.you mean the beatniks and free love of the 60's aka my parents are the ones prohibiting any bits of breast or love making on today's TV while we are having the most gruesome murders, dissection and forensic macabre scenes displayed at dinner time?? It is not a generation problem, it is an IQ and education issue
The "older generation" had something missing around now: common sense with a mixed of above education and IQ;
IQ is going down in the western world..a fact you can google, and not by an insignificant amount.
=>Dum and dummer sheeps looking for tribe inclusion a la "hitlerian youth" , keen on their instagram 2s of fame are now ruling the place...
Their parents had to read 1984 at school and knew about USSR and the horrors of propaganda.They just blame Trump or the russians.So funny in a way
Each generation has tended to do their bit for social justice, but then tends to get to an age were they dig their heels in on issues which later seem silly.
Love one another as I have loved you is NOT free love, basilio.
The left are good at destroying words and language.
Very Orwellian
Marriage - the GOLD STANDARD, one man and one woman -- needs to be preserved for the next generation and future generations.
It is equal and does not deny anyone in society.
Vote NO.
Stand up for the FAMILY.
Civil Unions were set up with all they need in 2008 for same sex and transgender.
I supplied the evidence. You have Blind Freddy disease it seems.
"Evidence !!!??" A third related connection to a website is your definition of "evidence" that a statement was made saying a boy could come to school in a dress?
Tisme that is so outrageously delusional..... I guess you must have good friends to keep you safe.
I mean my 81 yearly grandmother still gets upset when we go to the city once or twice a year because she thinks there are to many asians, she doesn't believe she is racist either.
When I am 80, religion will be gone hopefully.I can just see you at 80 complaining about too many Muslims and gays in the city.
In 50 years I might be looked at as an old stodgy hard nosed guy because I still want to eat steak, when the world around me has changed and wants to give more rights to sentient mammals, who knows.
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