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Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters
And the figure for domestic abuse in straight relationships is ???

One in eleven = less than half of your mates.

Homosexuals are fairly violent people as it turns out..yes?
One in eleven = less than half of your mates.

Homosexuals are fairly violent people as it turns out..yes?

Really Tisme ? I've seen colanders that would hold more water than your poisonous observations.
I have no problem with recognising that all relationships can turn abusive - straight or gay. But your willingness to throw any mud at SSM relationships makes almost anything you say unbelievable and with a particular vindictive intention.

Domestic violence surveys in Australia.
You should study up on postmodernism plod.

Nobody's business, yes indeed, you got it, congratulations.
Studied its many facets over several years at uni, (RMIT 85 till 94) , maintain contact with peers in the field, tute and mentor others and always keen to learn more.

A clear explanation of my error would be most helpful wayneL.
Now they have that in marriage terms, but I doubt if the vast majority want the gay lifestyle shoved in their faces in the media.
would you object to an ad showing straight couples?

If not, wouldn't "fair and equal treatment" involve you not objecting to same sex couples, if you are only going to complain about the 1 or 2 ads showing same sex couples and not the 1000's of other representations of straight couples in media, can yo really say that you have given same sex couples "fair and equal treatment".

If you are still here complaining about same sex couples being shown on TV, maybe we still have a way to go, and we need further exposure to continue to normalise it.
would you object to an ad showing straight couples?

I said before that an ad for a phone based on sexuality is a poor ad. It doesn't tell me what the product does or why it is better. It doesn't induce me to buy the product.

If you are still here complaining about same sex couples being shown on TV, maybe we still have a way to go, and we need further exposure to continue to normalise it.

A stupid thing to do if you want to sell products to the 99% who find gay activities unnatural and revolting.
And they, we, don't have overwhelming revulsion at these relationships just because they are same sex.

Of course you don't. You have proven time and time again that whatever the prevailing winds, you will tilt against wind mills.

I propose that black is a combination of all colours, I'm sure you can find an argument to counter that?
I said before that an ad for a phone based on sexuality is a poor ad. It doesn't tell me what the product does or why it is better. It doesn't induce me to buy the product.


The ad is showing off the camera on the phone, the whole ad was shot using the camera on the phone.

Would you have cared if the subjects were straight couples?

A stupid thing to do if you want to sell products to the 99% who find gay activities unnatural and revolting

I didn't even notice they were same sex couples at first, all I noticed was pretty women in wedding dresses, I certainly wasn't revolted, I thought they were good looking.
Acceptance doesn't mean approval.

All those parents and grandparents may accept that their children/grandchildren are gay, but that doesn't mean that they prefer it that way, it's just that they can't do anything about it.

Traumatised relatives will nearly always rally around the runt of the family to protect them from the alpha males. It's those alpha males who innately preserve the strength of the group; that is why they don't put up with nonsense growl fests and the actions of the weak males.
The traditional cry is "Don't ever darken my door again. You are not my child". .

You want to quantify that? My experience is that is something that was rarely aired or spoken about. That is why closets were invented?

I don't think that the "Don't darken my doors again" line would be common in 2018 even with relatively conservative families. I don't believe that was the case 50-60 years ago.
Certainly the majority of parents and grandparents would like to see happy hetro sexual children. But I suggest that a happy gay child in an accepted relationship would be preferable to an unhappy gay child in a sham marriage.
Studied its many facets over several years at uni, (RMIT 85 till 94) , maintain contact with peers in the field, tute and mentor others and always keen to learn more.

A clear explanation of my error would be most helpful wayneL.
Well that explains your predilection for Greed/Red politics Plod.

Did you also learn that wholesale embtracement of postmidernism can only result in disfunction and dystopia?

Just like your Marxist brethren, you haven't applied reality to your ideological studies.

I'm just stating facts for all to see. You can refute them all you like, but facts is facts.

You're like Malcolm Turbull, whenever he's asked anything he hooks into Bill Shorten's laundry instead of just taking the facts and admitting he's right or wrong:- heterosexuals aren't to blame for the obvious rampant domestic/relationship violence amongst homosexuals.. the figures speak for themselves.

Apart from the obvious anguish trauma of having a special person in the mix, how many mums, dads and siblings have been abused by these people too?

I always had a problem with the idea of post-modernism based on the presumption that modernism is the territory of white heterosexual, racist, patriarchal males, modernism supposedly a movement to break tradition by drawing inspiration from and producing barbaric pastiches, a kind of oneupsmanship revolution within the ruling Victorian elite at the time.

Along comes post moderism which, I presume, is the lagging middle class who want to toss out anything elite and rehash it to include marxist ideals of turning traditional iniquity into fundamental liberties using homosexuality, womens rights and colonial oppression as the vehicles for change for the sake of change?

On the right track or too simple?
Diversionary rubbish to head off topic. Not able to explain or answer either.

You're not Malcolm Turnbull by any chance?
Apart from the obvious anguish trauma of having a special person in the mix, how many mums, dads and siblings have been abused by these people too?

I don't know Tisme. But probably only a fraction of those destroyed by sociopathetic, alpha males who delight in trolling/destroying anyone they can get away with to prove how tough they are.
Diversionary rubbish to head off topic. Not able to explain or answer either.

You're not Malcolm Turnbull by any chance?
It's a complicated topic but, if you would like to give us your vision of a postmodern future and we can create a discussion around there please go ahead
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