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Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters
I just saw the iPhone ad.

I'll never buy one now.

Why companies try to pander to the one percent and risk turning off the 99% I'll never know.

I don’t see it as pandering to anyone, it’s just that same sex marriage is a recent thing in many countries, I could imagine them doing an ad highlighting slavery ending or segregation ending if the phones were around at those times.

Also your 1% figure is way off, firstly well over 61% of voters supported same sex marriage, so they are appealing to majority opinion,

Also, for every 1 gay person you have 2 parents, 4 grandparents plus siblings, cousins, aunties, uncles, neighbors, friends, work colleagues etc etc who all care about that gay person and increasingly would be happy to see that person happy and this ad speaks to all those people

Not only that, images of happy weddings make a lot of people happy regardless of whether they are same sex or not.

Live and let live buddy, be happy, don’t sweat the small stuff, especially when it doesn’t affect you in any way.

And they, we, don't have overwhelming revulsion at these relationships just because they are same sex.

I believe that a lot of the 60% who voted yes did so because they were virtually beaten into submission by the relentless media campaign and just wanted the (w)hole thing to go away, and certainly didn't want the gay deviances shoved in their faces at every availability.

Selling a phone on the basis of sexuality is a pretty crude advertising ploy anyway, and if they can't sell the device on its merits then it raises questions of how good it really is.
They are saturation marketing Twatter with that ad. Universally the comments are one of revulsion, with many of those being optically punished saying they voted YES, but didn't want to see any of the mechanics ... .what you don't see can''t hurt you

The mechanics of kissing? Male - male kissing has been commonplace in many cultures (Eastern Europe, Russia) for centuries. Men kissing on the lips is a bit more intimate but hardly deserving of revulsion when the meeting of the lips was for just a few seconds. People will get used to it.

Hey it's not me posting the comments on Twatter. Go look for yourself.

I just remind them that they voted for it so they will have to suffer the consequences of their actions....which for some reason doesn't go down well.
For me its not the same sex snogging that is so off-putting... (And it is)

Its the underlying postmodern agenda.

Apple (and a whole bunch of other companies), can go #$@* themselves.
For me its not the same sex snogging that is so off-putting... (And it is)

Its the underlying postmodern agenda.

Apple (and a whole bunch of other companies), can go #$@* themselves.
Not sure that I agree on your take of the Postmodern as an "agenda". It was generally regarded as a rebellion or statement of independence, a bit like your "can go #$@* themselves." ole Pal. The (pre-post) "modern" equalled the status quo (generally)

It should be nobody's business who one loves, how its expressed or what people do providing it has no actual effect on others nor breaks any laws (as distinct of course from the biblical)
You should study up on postmodernism plod.

Nobody's business, yes indeed, you got it, congratulations.

Acceptance doesn't mean approval.

All those parents and grandparents may accept that their children/grandchildren are gay, but that doesn't mean that they prefer it that way, it's just that they can't do anything about it.
And they, we, don't have overwhelming revulsion at these relationships just because they are same sex.
Yeah, to be honest I didn’t even notice it was same sex couples st first, all I noticed at first was the pretty girls in wedding dresses.
Acceptance doesn't mean approval.

All those parents and grandparents may accept that their children/grandchildren are gay, but that doesn't mean that they prefer it that way, it's just that they can't do anything about it.
Either way “approval” rates would be much higher than 1%, and know that the vote happened, and its law, more and more people will both accept it and approve, ads like this help normalize it, so it’s good.
In the big picture family and friends want their children/friends to be happy in a relationship with someone who loves them and cares about them. Hopefully that person has good character and isn't going to rip off/hurt their child at some stage in the future. So we all hope.

In a strictly white bread world that person had to be of the opposite sex, the right social class, about the right age (not much younger or older - unless there were special circumstances) the right colour ( absolutely !) the right religion and... anything else ? Help me out here folks.

If our world has progressed at all it has become more accepting of inter faith relationships. The naked hatred between Catholcis and Protestants has receded markedly. Even non believers are now accepted as potential marriage partners !
Racism has become less overt and families can accept potential partners that are from other cultures. Parents and friends understanding and accepting their child's sexuality and accepting their subsequent choice in partner is just helping to make the world a happier place.
Acceptance doesn't mean approval.

All those parents and grandparents may accept that their children/grandchildren are gay, but that doesn't mean that they prefer it that way, it's just that they can't do anything about it.

Well actually they can. The traditional cry is "Don't ever darken my door again. You are not my child". The threat or action was usually enough to ensure acquiesance and usually ended up in a unhappy marriage to some poor person who couldn't quite understand why their new wife/husband wasn't comfortable with them.

And if the kid did finally up and leave society treated them as perverts /criminals /weirdos. And that was well within our lifetime Sir Rumpole.

Don't take it to extremes bas. The fact is that the vast majority of parents and grandparents want heterosexual children/grandchildren because that is simply the norm. Sure they all want their relatives treated properly but that doesn't mean that they prefer them to be gay.
Sure they all want their relatives treated properly but that doesn't mean that they prefer them to be gay.
No one here has claimed people “prefer” gays, we have only claimed that same sex couples deserve fair and equal treatment.
No one here has claimed people “prefer” gays, we have only claimed that same sex couples deserve fair and equal treatment.

Now they have that in marriage terms, but I doubt if the vast majority want the gay lifestyle shoved in their faces in the media.
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