Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Rudd Government failings vs. achievements

Geez they must be retarded in Townsville stamps have been self adhesive for a few years now

Yes todster, we are all well aware that stamps are self adhesive even in Townsville. We also lead a relaxed life in Townsville and can appreciate the humour expressed by Mary Vernon with lots of laughter, albeit at the expense of our Prime Minister, who, would have jumped in boots and all had the statement been true.

Hope you too have a sense of humour and have LOL!
if you factor in the spending they are going to do on the NBN it is nowhere near 2% per year.

The following is one of the comments following Terry McCrann's article:

That seems fair enough, doesn't it? The ETS has been shelved indefinitely, so surely it's right not to include the cost of it in the 2010 budget. And I've also criticised the non-inclusion of the NBN, but again that doesn't kick off in this financial year, so fairly reasonably should not appear?

However, I may be completely misunderstanding how the budget is constructed and be quite wrong about this.
Does anyone have proper understanding of how it's supposed to work?

Perhaps Tony Abbott will this evening shed some light on this.

One bit in the article also says;

One bit of fine print says the reserve includes provisions for "future equity investments" in the NBN. This is subject to the Government's final response to the implementation study and, accordingly, "is not disclosed".

with the emphasis on 'equity' which is technically different to spending.

Not sure about McCrann. But he certainly has a bee in his bonnet.

Appropriately, the fiddles relate to the Rudd Government's two great stupidities -- the National Broadband Network and the Emissions Trading Scheme.

He seems to be getting ahead of himself, worrying about (political) planning for projects up to three years or more away, even if they do get off the ground.

As far as I can tell the budget is technically correct. The significant thing that he is muddling is the difference between 'Planning' and 'Budgeting'... which blunts his arguement on financial and economic grounds... except maybe for those who don't have a good accounting understanding.
Another failing of the Rudd government - a woefully under-funded aged care sector.
To be fair, aged care was woefully under-funded by the Howard government as well. In fact I can't think of any government that's provided adequate funding to the aged care industry.

But a solution might be at hand for senior citizens - see below.


So you're a sick senior citizen and the government says there is no nursing home available for you - what do you do?

Our plan gives anyone 65 years or older a gun and 4 bullets. You are allowed to shoot 2 MPs and 2 Ministers – not necessarily dead.

Of course, this means you will be sent to prison where you will get three meals a day, a roof over your head, central heating, and all the health care you need! New teeth - no problem. Need glasses, great. New hip, knees, kidney, lungs, heart? All covered. (And your kids can come and visit you as often as they do now).

And who will be paying for all of this? The same government that just told you that you they cannot afford for you to go into a home.

Plus, because you are a prisoner, you don't have to pay any income taxes anymore.

You've excelled again, bunyip. lol :D

On a serious note, I'm sure I heard an old chap on the Sunshine Coast somewhere say he was going to stand as a canditate on the platform of doubling the age pension... at least I think he was serious.

Given the high aged population on the coast, he'll no doubt get some votes and preferences may even decide a seat.
Here's another one...

Rudd treats us like mugs with latest backslide on government ads May 28, 2010 - 12:44PM

...the Rudd Government has decided to suspend its own flimsy guidelines for policing taxpayer funded advertising in order to get $38.5 million worth of ads praising its tax reforms on the air. Pronto.

Kevin Rudd comes to office in 2007 promising he will not abuse the process of government funded advertising like the Howard Government did so egregiously.

If climate change was the "great moral challenge of our time" government advertising, according to Rudd in 2007, was "a long term cancer on our democracy."

He wins. He appoints the Auditor-General to police government ads.

The Auditor-General runs a ruler over everything, thinking he’s doing his job (given the cancer and all that). He asks lots of questions.

The government gets annoyed and bones him.

The government installs a new independent committee of former public servants to play the Auditors’ role.

These public servants report to the government, (unlike the Auditor-General, who is independent from Government and reports to the Parliament.)

To cap off the backflip, it amends it own guidelines to give itself more discretion to bypass even the new watered down process in order to respond in cases where someone in the government decides there is a ‘‘compelling reason’’ to ”” how can I put this delicately ”” go for broke at the taxpayers expense. Then, today, it fulfils its own disappointing prophesy.

It takes advantage of its new ‘‘flexibility’’.

It decides it won’t even bother with its new watered down accountability process and just whacks ads on the air.
Find below Kevin’s Report card for 2008, 2009 and 2010.
Mark of F ++++++++

• Save the whales – FAIL++++++
• Fuelwatch, $21M – FAIL+++
• Kids Laptops – FAIL+++
• National Broadband Network ($4b-$7B-$43B): To cost about $20,000 a connection – FAIL+++++++
• Mining Super Profit Tax – Share Market and Superannuation values crash – FAIL +++++++++++++
• Grocery Watch/Choice – dumped $13 million vow – FAIL++
• Federal takeover of hospitals by mid 2009 if no improvement. – EPIC FAIL+++
• Hospital Reform – just take the money from the States – FAIL+
• Schools Stimulus Infrastructure Program (BEBR - Builders Early Retirement Fund) – FAIL+++
• Bribe to Free To Air TV Stations – FAIL++
• Refugees: how many boats so far? – FAIL+++++++++
• Refugees suspension backflip – FAIL++++
• 2020 Summit - 1000 B&B; minds, $2+m = 9 usable ideas - EPIC FAIL+++++++
• Batts in , Batts out – SUPER DUPER 2 BILLION DOLLARS MEGA FAIL++++++
• Kill off Insulation Industry – FAIL+
• Upcoming Huge Budget Deficit – FAIL++++++
• Mining Tax – FAIL++++++++++
• Childcare Centre Building program scrapped – FAIL++
• Carbon emissions reduction - LPG conversion subsidies phased out – FAIL++
• Carbon emissions reduction (2): household solar rebate axed 9/6 – FAIL++
• ETS - Greatest Moral Challenge of our Time – FAIL+
• Return Schapelle Corby to Australia – FAIL+++
• Fight inflation genie – Oops GFC – FAIL++++
• Taxes up (gas, diesel,transport, alcopops) – inflationary – FAIL+++++
• Arresting Iranian leaders: stunt – FAIL+
• Bank guarantee - over 200,000 accounts frozen from September 2008. – FAIL+++
• Cash Splash 1 –borrowed – FAIL
• Cash Splash 2: borrowed $42B – FAIL
• Work Choices/fair work: awards backflips – tourism/food industry dispensation but farmers will be out of work. – FAIL+++
• Defence: cut expenditure & build weaponry? – FAIL
• Homeland Security Department – “non-core promise” broken Nov 28, 2007 – FAIL
• The buck stops with me – so where are you? – FAIL+++++++++++
• Tough Decisions – Ahh never – FAIL+++++++++++++
• Securing Murray/Darling water – FAIL+++++
• IVF: cuts. – FAIL++
• Medicare/private health: rebate same/lie – FAIL+++
• Dental scheme: gone 22.Cataract surgery: costs doubled – FAIL++++++
• Superannuation: government needs it more than us. – FAIL
• Home Savers Grant: fizzer, lack of people saving – FAIL
• First Home Owners grant: lifted, inflating house prices – FAIL
• GP super clinics - $275M. – FAIL++++
• Non-compulsory university union fees: voted down – FAIL
• Worker share options – blunder – FAIL
• Ruddbank – FAIL
• Reduce consultancies by $112 million = increase to $800 million (6354 consultancies) – FAIL
• Govt will pay small business invoices on time = takes a lot longer – FAIL
• No nuclear Waste Dump NT – election promise – broken June 2008 – FAIL
• $15 million to rural research & development corporations – election promise – broken May 2008. – FAIL
• A - E reporting on childcare standards & universal pre-school for 4 year olds – election promise – broken June 2009 – FAIL
• ALP Uranium Policy/stance – in tatters. Garrett approves uranium mine. – FAIL
• Diplomacy – Japan – biggest customer – FAIL+++
• India – Uranium contract – FAIL .
• USA – conversations (real/imaginary) released to media. – FAIL
• China, May 2009 – “difficult to deal with” Australia led Asia Pacific Body – thud. – FAIL
• Boost funding for aboriginal Legal Aid – lie – actuality = cuts to funding in first budget. – FAIL
• Scale back Intervention – ignored review recommendations. – FAIL
• Homes /renovations for indigenous – not one shovel lifted to date – FAIL++++
• Digital TV –Conroy, 2008, slash $22m from costs of changeover, original estimate $16m now to cost $66m – FAIL
• Cheaper Better Childcare – Govt regulations will see Childcare costs going up by about $1500pa on July 1, 2010 – FAIL++++++++++
• Internet Filter – FAIL
• Funding Equivalent Hospital Beds – Sorry Kev, can’t sleep in those equivalent Beds – FAIL++++++


  • Gillard & Kev.JPG
    Gillard & Kev.JPG
    45.9 KB · Views: 63
On a serious note, I'm sure I heard an old chap on the Sunshine Coast somewhere say he was going to stand as a canditate on the platform of doubling the age pension... at least I think he was serious.

He might have a chance as the way this government is spending money they will be running on the policy of - double the pension age!
From the Gillard for PM thread, but just as relevant here:

Gillard for PM? She already is.

Just look at the policies coming out of the 'politburo'. Class warfare, gender warfare. The politics of envy. Capitalism must be attacked. Borrow heavily to fund the social agenda, and run up the national debt.

Economically, how is that working out for european democratic socialism at the moment.

Das vydanya, comrade.
EPIC FAIL - In its pitch for office in 2007, Labor vowed to cut $3 billion over four years in what it called "wasteful" spending, including $395m on consultants. Guess what proletarians - Spending is now over 1 billion on external cosultants. The rate of hiring consultants surged after Wayne Swan's first budget last year.

Look at the date November 11th 2009. 470 million per annum or 235 million every six months so therefore 940 million PLUS 235 million = over a billion dollars spent of YOUR MONEY. But but but he promised to reduce this "wasteful" spending.

Lasting one term as PM - FAIL

being beaten up by a Ginger AND a girl - MEGA FAIL!!!

KRudd blurted out all the things he was proud at his farewell speech.

What were they again......?
Rudd's aspirations in song:

In youtube, search "The Herd Piss Take"

Funny as, and great clip from Julia at the end