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One favourite argument of the anti-AGW crowd is that there has been no warming in the last decade. Interestingly, NASA published their end-of-year analysis of global temperature data a while back, which you can read here: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/?report=global&year=2009&month=13&submitted=Get+Report
It lists the Top 10 hottest years, in order, as 2005, 1998, 2003, 2002, 2009, 2006, 2007, 2004, 2001, 2008, 1997. It also states that the decade from 2000-2009 was the warmest decade on record (since 1880), a full 0.54C hotter than the 20thC average. The 90's were next, 0.36C above the 20thC average.
There are lots of reasons that that is doubtful, but once again, it's Groundhog Day.
We've been over this a hundred times.
Mr L, your many statements are poorly founded.You can wiggle and wriggle and twist and turn, but still no quote. Context is everything.
I say ad hominem so often because you people use it as a standard tactic.
You preach science, yet are unwilling to even consider Lindzen's points and crap on about some illusory quote on smoking.
On the science, I'm not going to write a thesis, but I have posted many links over the years, possibly as many as you rederob, yet you continuously deny that I do so. Possibly because you refuse to read them; that they will damage your faith.
My position on climate change (which despite your ignorant straw man claim as denialism, which it isn't) is based on my readings of the available science.
You seem unable to discern any science which contradicts your religious faith in AGW as science. You you understand how ridiculous that seems to people able to look to both views without bias? It's cultism, ironically, only common with people on the far left.
Your are getting more irrelevant to this discussion with every post, attempting to drag it backwards with petty jibes and retrograde debate.
I can only conclude that you are not interested in finding solutions to actual problems, instead there is some other malodorous political agenda at play.
I do note that Basilio and rederob....
Is this the light you were talking about lasty ?
Astonishing, isn't it. Before Copenhagen we were "facing the greatest moral challenge of our times", it was absolutely imperative that the ETS be passed prior to Copenhagen, etc etc., but following the utter fiasco that was Copenhagen, it's as though the great moral challenge has simply disappeared.Where's Penny Wong?
Where is Kevin Rudd?
Starting to see the light or worried about his future as the world catches up with his spin.
I read somewhere that China in one week pollutes more to the atmosphere than Australia does in one year? I could be wrong as I am relying on my memory for this tidbit of info. Also that the top 3 Chinese electricity generating companies pollute more than the entire UK ? Can this be right?
France don't need a carbon tax.
95% of their energy is nucleur....
THE worst polluted places in the world are socialist cities. Yet we have the socialist Greens and their army of useful idiots with a straight face pretending to want to save whales while setting up GULAGs for the humans.
Check this out, "10 most polluted cities":
The Sheep Albedo Feedback
The already-reeling "consensus" supposedly linking climate change to CO2 is about to receive its final coup-de-grace from a remarkable new result announced in a press conference today by Dr. Ewe Noh-Watt of the New Zealand Institute of Veterinary Climatology [1]. Noh-Watt and his co-workers, describing work funded by a generous grant from the Veterinary Climate Science Coalition, declared "We have seen the future of climate ”” and it is Sheep." Prof. Jean-Belliere Poisson d’Avril, star student of Claude Allegro Molto-Troppo (discoverer of the Tropposphere) reacted with the words, "Parbleu! C’est la meilleure chose depuis les baguettes tranchées!"
The hypothesis begins with the simple observation that most sheep are white, and therefore have a higher albedo than the land on which they typically graze (see figure below). This effect is confirmed by the recent Sheep Radiation Budget Experiment. The next step in the chain of logic is to note that the sheep population of New Zealand has plummeted in recent years. The resulting decrease in albedo leads to an increase in absorbed Solar radiation, thus warming the planet. The Sheep Albedo hypothesis draws some inspiration from the earlier work of Squeak and Diddlesworth [2] on the effect of the ptarmigan population on the energy balance of the Laurentide ice sheet. Noh-Watt hastens to emphasize that the two hypotheses are quite distinct, since the species of ptarmigan involved in the Squeak-Diddlesworth effect is now extinct.
The proof of the pudding is in the data, shown in the Figure below. Here, the Sheep Albedo Index is defined as the New Zealand Sheep population in each year, subtracted from the 2007 population. The index is defined that way because fewer sheep means lower albedo, and thus a positive radiative forcing. It can be seen that the recent warming can be explained entirely by the decline in the New Zealand sheep population, without any need to bring in any mysterious so-called "radiative forcing" from carbon dioxide, which doesn’t affect the sunlight (hardly) anyway ”” unlike Sheep Albedo. Some researchers have expressed surprise at the large effect from the relatively small radiative forcing attributable to New Zealand Sheep, or indeed to New Zealand as a whole. "This only shows the fallacy of the concept of Radiative Forcing, which is after all only a theory, not a fact," says Noh-Watt. "Evidently there are amplifying feedbacks at work which give the Sheep Albedo Index a disproportionate influence over climate."
The effect of sheep on wine quality is however a little more problematic. The flavour of sauvignon blanc – NZ’s flagship varietal – has been likened to “cat’s pee on a gooseberry bush”, and with overuse of wool offsets this can be a little more like “ram’s pee on a blackcurrant bush”. Trials with different breeds are continuing, and currently it looks as though merinos are the most benign on the basis of final bouquet.
Rererence. See above
I think it is absolutely critical to keep up with latest research on climate change and in particular when we can recognise human caused intervention.
Came across an excellent article in the Real Climate blog which examines the albedo effect of sheep on climate change and points out that the sharp reductions in New Zealand sheep numbers appears to correlate extremely well with recent increases in global warming.
The already-reeling "consensus" supposedly linking climate change to CO2 is about to receive its final coup-de-grace from a remarkable new result announced in a press conference today by Dr. Ewe Noh-Watt of the New Zealand Institute of Veterinary Climatology.
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