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Religion, Science, Scepticism, Philosophy and things metaphysical

Didn't read the entire piece but it's pretty silly.

Obviously Australia, being colonised by White, English and Christian liberators, would have a whole lot of Christian influence and heritage.

With convicts and lawmakers being predominantly English and Christian, of course the holy days and other excuses for drunkenness are based around Christianity.

But to then conclude that such and such heritage and tradition means Australia is a Christian, not a secular, democracy... that's just bad scholarship, not to mention failure to observe reality.

If Parkes and his pals wanted Australia to be a Christian state, they'd say so at Federation. Since they didn't, since they separate Church and State, permit freedom of religion... That's thinking far and wide, that's having imperial ambition, that's being practical about welcoming barbarians and coverting savages into taxpayers regardless of their race or religion. Priorities.

That and knowing how to celebrate and party. Imagine working hard all week and all you can do with your salt is give to your wife, some to the Church and spend the weekend either at Church or preparing for Church. No alcohol, no loose women, fish on Fridays... it'd be like a prison all over again.

I don't think they could have perceived we would abandon our heritage and national pride so readily as we have. As is often the case, lofty principles of today are championed only by the very few who are dreamers without suitable proteges.
I don't think they could have perceived we would abandon our heritage and national pride so readily as we have. As is often the case, lofty principles of today are championed only by the very few who are dreamers without suitable proteges.

Australians all celebrate Christmas and will celebrate all other Christian holy days. English is still the national language. The top of practically all organisation of any weight is run, owned by White people... White people haven't lost their empire down under, yet

Imagine Christmas or holidays where every Australian takes days off. How will most of us eat out? Or have the rubbish taken away? Or weekend construction work being done? Or cash on hand transactions?

In all seriousness though, I don't think Australia would be a great place it is today if it were to remain strictly, legally enforced, Christian. It'd be the same oppressive, backward, highly racist country all other theocratic state would be.

As it should be.
Imagine Christmas or holidays where every Australian takes days off. How will most of us eat out? Or have the rubbish taken away? Or weekend construction work being done? Or cash on hand transactions?

What is the point of this statement ?

Are you saying only the white people take holidays while the others do all the work ?

Holidays are not racially segregated.
What is the point of this statement ?

Are you saying only the white people take holidays while the others do all the work ?

Holidays are not racially segregated.

No, only Christians takes Xmas off. Christians being people of any race worshipping Christ.

So on Xmas holidays you'd have most Asian businesses/restaurants opening; you'd have Muslim tradies taking a day or two of public holiday off but will be back at it after boxing day etc.

Same during the Lunar New Year.... Chinese and Asians take time off work. They go to businesses where the owner/operator do not celebrate Lunar New Year.

Multiculturalism at work. One hand washes the other
I thought I'd share this clip with everyone , perfect for a thread like this. Although I wasn't there, I'm confident it is what it appears to be, an extraordinary display of divine power in broad daylight before a crowd. I really believe signs and wonders do happen, and not just in this particular denomination.

miracle scenes:


“Unseen realities “ (as expressed by the apostle Paul) or “sky fairies” (ValueC's terminology), decide for yourself... They say when the praises are strong, occasionally God likes to show up.

(note: it can get emotional at times)

Looked at the so called miracles at the time marks you gave. The explanation is simple. It's just the distortion that one normally gets when looking at the sun at sunset due to the low angle, particularly when just above a mountain range. The amount of "atmosphere" (which includes cloud cover) one is looking through at a low angle is considerably more than when looking directly up. Additionally, this amount increases dramatically over the last few degrees of the setting sun (or decreases dramatically over the first few degrees of the rising sun). Different density layers of the atmosphere causes magnification (+ and -) and cloud cover effects opacity. These are more pronounced at low angles (just as the virtual bend in a straight stick dipped in a river is more pronounced when looking from a side angle rather than directly above). So for the sun to appear dancing (which the video doesn't show) is simply the apparent size of the sun increasing and decreasing as its light passes through the extensive atmospheric density differences and cloud coverage differences when viewed at such low angles.

The fact that thousands witnessed it and believed it was a miracle is just testimony to the gullibility of simple poorly educated masses. Remember, these are the same people who fall for the miracle incision free surgery trickery rampant in the Philippines, where fraudsters appear to put their hands into the chests of people suffering ailments and pull out the bad parts without any incision being made.
Whilst I happen to be very theistic in my views, and believe miracles to be an everpresent feature of existence, I do get somewhat concerned when readily explicable phenomena are hastily attributed to "supernatural" or "paranormal" causes.

You will undoubtedly, have just witnessed, for yourself, how quickly, and easily, this incident can be used to support an accusation of gullibility and poor education, on the part of those preferring the metaphysical interpretation.

I happen to believe that the antitheists have gotten it wrong (when it comes to the question of existence). So let's not do them a disservice by making it too easy for them to maintain confidence in their fallacious belief system.
Let me know when god helps some one regrow a limb,
By all means set the bar as impossibly high as you like! Try as you might, your approach is unlikely to alleviate personal insecurity surrounding the unanswered mystery of existence.

For what it's worth, whilst I happen to believe very firmly in the existence of one (or more) higher beings, I do not automatically attribute "paranormal" phenomena to the actions of such beings.

My perspective on the Lourdes miracles is that, these phenomena are more likely related to some people believing so strongly, that they are able to transcend limitations imposed by societal conditioning.
As has been mentioned, schools and hospitals started in monasteries.

I think schools predate Monastic institutions Tink, but I'm guessing you mean the shape and form of modern establishments?
My perspective on the Lourdes miracles is that, these phenomena are more likely related to some people believing so strongly, that they are able to transcend limitations imposed by societal conditioning.

So you believe in self healing through thought?
No, only Christians takes Xmas off. .........
Multiculturalism at work. One hand washes the other

Tell that to the muslims, hindus, my would be chinese daughter, and even a south korean (whatever skyfairy she obeys) who celebrated Xmas with me and my own and have done for decades around my xmas table. I even have roman catholics join us.... !! This year we had one less viet = only three because one is in love, but one of the girls brought her chinese b/f.

It's hard being a racist and fart at the same time
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