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Religion, Science, Scepticism, Philosophy and things metaphysical

So you don't think that other animals think or feel? or are aware of the world and their experiences?

I think you have a very human centric view.

chimps are capable of complex thought and problem solving, if you can't say they have a "mind" I think your human ego is to big.

You would have seen the video of chimpanzees using a stick to extract ants from a hollow branch. Apes as you know have about 98% DNA as humans. Dolphins are seen as intelligent too. On this forum I have already questioned what internal communicatioons animals use to act upon. The mind isnt telling the brain with words as such like humans do. You would have seen this 17 minute utube explanation from Yuval Harari.
The mind isnt telling the brain with words as such like humans do.

If an animal can think and solve problems, can communicate using language, and especially if it has a sense of self, it has a mind, I am not sure why you can't see that.
If an animal can think and solve problems, can communicate using language, and especially if it has a sense of self, it has a mind, I am not sure why you can't see that.
I consider mind as being "analytical". You don't, so there is no further value for me in continuing this conversation.
Last post word conversation meant to be exchange. Probably used that word because I communicate most of the time by talking rather than text. No Facebook/Twitter social accounts and mainly post on this Forum.
I consider mind as being "analytical". You don't, so there is no further value for me in continuing this conversation.

But only in a human sense? because ape problem solving is analytical in my opinion.
Yes that one was quite interesting.

It is truly amazing how many vids of people, making various NDE claims, are to be found in cyberspace.

The reason I selected this one, out of the wide range available, is that it seems that there has been, at least partial, corroboration of this woman's recounted experience of the surgical operation she underwent.

Is ESP real?

It appears that Russel Targ is, in his view, more than remotely satisfied with the evidence for the existence of remote viewing.

A little Autohotkey script. Esc to exit. Edit as you want.

L1 := "You're always trading profitably"
L2 := "You're finding profitable opportunities with ease"
L3 := "You take a loss when you need to"
Random, var, 1, 3
MsgBox, % L%var%
Sleep, 10000

Delusions or science? Could it be a case of both?

Dr. Sheldrake has an interesting perspective:

Well his "morphic resonance" theory can be shot down easily with the example of Aboriginals existence. While Europe and the Middle East made technological leaps forward, the Aboriginals did not.
Maybe he could change his name to Mandrake (the magician) or do a comedy routine as his presentation got plenty of laughs.
I would be most interested to hear your alternative explanation, for the acceleration in learning of the rats when introduced to the water mazes.

Resonance eh!

Might explain why Aboriginals didn't have a bow and arrow technology, even though same predated their migration from Africa, where bow and arrows existed 60k years ago. Perhaps the lack of resonance devolves cultures?
Pretty much the same as it ever was. Hear say, see say. Hear do, see do.
Personally, I no longer subscribe to the millions of years belief. Haven't worked out where I stand yet, I just don't know. My knowledge is severely limited in this area, but why should we assume the universe constants were the same in the very beginning, from which calculations are made? By nature the beginning was a mysterious event.

Another view on the age of the Earth . It's interesting alright...

Yes, Australian Aborigines invented a stick, that doesn't actually come back... Nothing more. Not even a wheel.

They didn't need a wheel, however.

Because there were so few of them.

The only reason Australian Aboriginal culture has a meaning is that they were so far behind the rest of the world, it's worth studying.

We should not honour this, but be critical of it.
Why would you assume so much of physics has changed just? I mean the hoops that the young earth people jump through to twist things to make them fit their story is embarassing.

The scientific theories explain some much, the religious stories explain nothing, and directly contradict the evidence we see.
The only reason Australian Aboriginal culture has a meaning is that they were so far behind the rest of the world, it's worth studying.

We should not honour this, but be critical of it.
I feel empathy for the true bloods.
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