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Religion, Science, Scepticism, Philosophy and things metaphysical

Talking about speeches.

The hall of presidents show at Disney world features a lot of the great speeches that helped build America

Imo while he seems to be talking to soldiers to fight for liberty, I took it as fighting for liberty and not in the militaristic sense.
Yes, only you would contend that telling soldiers to die so that liberty does not perish has no militaristic sense - hardly credible.
Again, you missed the points as made. Chaplin separately addresses these senses during his speech.
You keep inventing your own narrative.
But it is a great way to get people roused enough to go die for a cause. Even if misused. In the end Germany ended up in slavery.
If you had basic comprehension skills you would have picked his quite separate senses.
In the end (as meaning now and the case for several decades) Germany became the economic and industrial powerhouse of Europe.
But I guess you will again twist what you want to believe what you like.

No you are absolutely right. Words are powerful. Powerful enough that (screw liberties) people need to be censored. Anyone republishing speech we don't like needs to be jailed (at least 6 years).
And people need to be assaulted.

I believe 100% that words are dangerous and therefore we should punish all those against us.
Mmm hmm
Yes, only you would contend that telling soldiers to die so that liberty does not perish has no militaristic sense - hardly credible.
Again, you missed the points as made. Chaplin separately addresses these senses during his speech.

Read it again as is written.
I'm going to be AWOL for a while gents. Possibly an upcoming bereavement so don't feel much like arguing.

Hasta la vista.

Condolences, take care hope to see you back soon cheers
It's been a while since I chimed in. God exists or not, I find there is something powerful about the Christian lifestyle. I've been doing a little self denial (nothing rigid) in recent months, and am surprised by this 'order' that I've been feeling within . That's primarily why I don't post much anymore . All of it really – phone, texting, cooking, even arguing with dubious acquaintances– just less of everything , which is good. In fact, along with the other benefits I'm getting, I think it's really good. But I should actually respond to another post from some time ago.
You may be surprised that the 3 main religions regard suicide (not in all instances though) as a highly selfish act, likened to murder, and worthy of eternal perdition . And this is what quite a few people -even on this forum – think , so should be pointed out.

There is definitely something selfish to ending your life imo, if it's not going how you want it to go.

Augustine (City of God from memory) provides a different perspective .
Read it again as is written.
No bites?

Fine.... Chaplain was a pacifist even met Ghandi. Refused to enlist etc. You still want to reduce his speech to kill nazis?
You simply do not get it, do you.
This was about democracy.
That to preserve it we have soldiers willing to commit themselves to fight.
The first half of Chaplin's speech was about the values we all should hold dear, and about those trying to suppress them.
The obvious backdrop of Nazism was convenient, and as Hitler borrowed Chaplin's famous moustache, it was doubly useful to mock him.
Chaplin could just have easily referenced Stalin's pogroms, or his liquidation of kulaks in the early 1930s. But Chaplin bore no resemblance to Stalin.
Not fight and die in wars champ. He was a pacifist. Read his speech.
Comprehension is apparently your strong point.
Not fight and die in wars champ. He was a pacifist. Read his speech.
Comprehension is apparently your strong point.
You have yet to make a point which is credible.
He clearly intends through his speech that men should be willing to die for democracy.
That dies not conform with pacifism.
You need to separate Chaplin as a person in real life from his movie role.
You clutch at straws, invent new meanings, and deny the obvious.
Can you quote that part of the speech.
Well, islamist suicide bombers killing infidels in the blast have a straight path to heaven
Yet it is suicide isn't it?
Suicide is frown on but murder suicide celebrated
He clearly intends through his speech that men should be willing to die for democracy.

Oh wait I missed the "intends".
You read it like that. Mr comprehension himself.
So you dismiss the background of the man. On a speech he wrote and rewrote for months. To write something that was deeply personal to his beliefs. And thinks he sold out for dirty lucre.
You didn't just soil the speech, you shat on the man.

Apparently if you look real hard he makes a cameo in Rambo.
Oh wait I missed the "intends".
You missed everything pertinent.
You make up what you want to believe and convince yourself that it's sensible.
You should re-read some of your comments for a guide on how not to present a case.
You missed everything pertinent.
You make up what you want to believe and convince yourself that it's sensible.
You should re-read some of your comments for a guide on how not to present a case.
Just like to shake trees.
Who knew you would fall out and land on your head.

Pretty sure I understood a speech you posted as "great".
Greatly misunderstood maybe.
Well, islamist suicide bombers killing infidels in the blast have a straight path to heaven
Yet it is suicide isn't it?
Suicide is frown on but murder suicide celebrated
That would seem to be a kind of military operation. The Japanese did that as well.

Regards receiving numerous virgins as a reward, I believe Islam to be gravely mistaken . The Christian belief makes far better sense:

“ You are mistaken because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God.…In the resurrection, people will neither marry nor be given in marriage. Instead, they will be like the angels in heaven.…“ (Christ)
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