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Religion, Science, Scepticism, Philosophy and things metaphysical

This link from the UK shows just how far things can go in gambling:

That link from a religious point of view shows that survival for churches is difficult and they need to raise money as they can. Even though people get poorer by giving their money away and they, the churches and other religious organisations, will gradually move just a slither away from out and out gambling - collecting in the proceeds of.

Bitcoin being accepted buy churches:

Churches that accept bitcoin in United States

Funnily enough it's not meant to be a joke. Space-stations will become common one day and visits to reasonably close planets, once technology advances far enough.
Funnily enough it's not meant to be a joke. Space-stations will become common one day and visits to reasonably close planets, once technology advances far enough.
Well it made me laugh a fair bit, and still does.

The gambler story...yeah, that's terrible. I know of 2 in my circles. One or both lost their homes. I bet other people here have similar stories.
I'm guessing more people in the future will not only have abortions but start terminating themselves as well.

Unborn children that old can sense pain...Don't know why they regard it as some kind of happy achievement.
I'm guessing more people in the future will not only have abortions but start terminating themselves as well.

Unborn children that old can sense pain...Don't know why they regard it as some kind of happy achievement.

There has to be some dividing line between life and pre-life, but nobody knows what it is, the best we can do is an educated guess.
'Catholics who voted 'Yes' in abortion referendum should consider coming to confession' - Bishop

This Bishop is a very bad loser and of course has to say that as the church would boot him out if he said you should vote "YES". Better a person should have their own beliefs and let others get on with theirs and not try to indoctrinate them
There has to be some dividing line between life and pre-life, but nobody knows what it is, the best we can do is an educated guess.

Those who favor the existence of God and morality (the two seem to exist together), may see it as an act of evil, while others see it as not a nice thing, but not an evil thing. Or maybe they feel it is wrong, but they don't care. Makes you realize just how much Christian influence there has been in the world (until recently) given the laws we've had. The coming of the “Kingdom” would spread everywhere to the gentiles (Isaiah's oracle)... Also, If a God exists, this God acted to remove homosexuality, hence the world has been predominately straight after Christ, and it's a truth that men and women are complementary to one another. If not, it was a successful myth.

This has been an ethical issue for a long time. The chaplaincy program is fundamentally flawed and can and does result in untrained people responding to complex psychological situations in silly and harmful ways - such as this chaplain apparently did. Of course, apparently, chaplains are not 'allowed' to promote thier religion or beliefs. That is a non sequitur - they operate from a religious ideology..or they would not be a chaplain. I have had direct experience of a local chaplain who would not refer similar cases onto appropriate professionals....all at the expense of the person. Why does the chaplaincy program exist? Why is it funded by the commonwealth? Probably economics..and focus group politics. Not as a way to put evidence based responses into the school system.
I'm guessing more people in the future will not only have abortions but start terminating themselves as well.

Unborn children that old can sense pain...Don't know why they regard it as some kind of happy achievement.

Proper sex education and access to birth control is the best way to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

However church groups have often protested both options, So you could say the high numbers of abortions are the churches fault.

There is a reason the "Bible Belt" in America is also the teen pregnancy belt, its simply because they don't give their kids proper sex education or access to birth control.
Also, If a God exists, this God acted to remove homosexuality,

really??? he hasn't done a very good job, maybe he doesn't exist?
Those who favor the existence of God and morality (the two seem to exist together)

Those that favour god can't even agree on the basics of morality. So I can't see how the two are linked.

I mean your over here saying god hates homosexuality, while some other churches are now accepting it, you are saying killing an unborn child is wrong, while other religious groups are cutting peoples heads off, some religious groups say eating pork is immoral, you are fine with eating bacon,

the list goes on, it seems to me using logic and evidence about what is best for well being is the best way to get to good morals, religious ideas just stick you in the mud,
Yes, VC, it seems you want the state to be your mum and dad.

Faith, Family, Truth and Freedom.
really??? he hasn't done a very good job, maybe he doesn't exist?


U reckon? Most of the world has been predominately straight for 2000 years, although our ancestors were bisexual before then. First the Jews were given the revelation that God created men and women to be complimentary to one another, then after Christ's appearance, it spread to the rest of the world. Do you see woman holding hands together down the street (maybe soon...)

Yeah, your a little too friendly with the state...

Knowing your kids are your own requires some confidence in fidelity, traditionally leading to marriage and a skydaddy keeping an eye on things and civilised tribes. Homosexuals don't have that concern, so marriage is really a sham concept when it comes to them.
This is a joke post right? You don't really think that there was ever a time when men and women didn't compliment each other. And you really do know that the reason woman doesn't hold hands together down the street is that she's holding 4 bags of groceries in one hand and a squirming toddler with the other. And as for the notion of some sea change in human sexuality 2000 years ago... You're kidding.
Do you see woman holding hands together down the street

It is not in the least bit uncommon for Asian women to do so. I see many Chinese ladies in Australia do it and lots and lots of ladies in Bali, particularly schoolgirls.
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