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Religion, Science, Scepticism, Philosophy and things metaphysical

From memory the Bible doesn't mention masturbation (or pr0n) but there is Jesus's teaching on purity (the parable about a man gazing excessively at women), a somewhat new thing for its time. The Church often applies the morals to various circumstances. Masturbation is quite common, and I think many people get addicted to it, and I think many marriage partners have to compete with their partner's issues. I believe that when a person starts to develop sanctity many disordered carnal desires (not just sexual ) melt away and a more fuller and happier feeling starts to reside inside the person.
From memory the Bible doesn't mention masturbation.

No, but it does give you some tips on how to clean up afterwards, hahaha

Turns out god invented the entire universe just to watch you masturbate and then make sure you bathed after.

It’s at this point one must remember the book was written by goat hearders not a god.


Leviticus 15:16-17
'Now if a man has a seminal emission, he shall bathe all his body in water and be unclean until evening. 'As for any garment or any leather on which there is seminal emission, it shall be washed with water and be unclean until evening.

Seminal emissions?
What were those goat herders up to?
It’s at this point one must remember the book was written by goat hearders not a god.
Ok, there are some peculiarities, but seriously, thanks to you guys showing me more of the OT , it seems even more real to me now than before. I mean, you got an entire law designed by a deity, and recorded in detail. And it really does sound like a God. Figure that out...amazing....

“I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster... “

Already wrong on the 1st sentence. Darkness is the absence of light and is thus not created. But herdsman of the time didn't know that. They thought darkness was a "thing" in its own right.

And this crass ignorance to you sounds like a God!
Already wrong on the 1st sentence. Darkness is the absence of light and is thus not created. But herdsman of the time didn't know that. They thought darkness was a "thing" in its own right.

And this crass ignorance to you sounds like a God!

I thought darkness was visible light brightness turned down. The light spectrum is very wide and visible light is a tiny fraction sitting somewhere between Y Rays and bigarsed radio waves, all of which are electromagnetic radiation, thus quantifiable....... the shepherds were fu$5in' genius astro physicists it seems
Already wrong on the 1st sentence. Darkness is the absence of light and is thus not created. But herdsman of the time didn't know that. They thought darkness was a "thing" in its own right.

And this crass ignorance to you sounds like a God!
Based upon my scientific understanding of light, I might have been tempted to agree.

However, there was a period in my earlier life, where encounters with a darkness, which somehow seemed to radiate in a way, that it actually seemed to be smothering light, left me with little choice other than the investigation of metaphysical avenues in my search for explanations for this phenomenon.

What I will say is that ardent secularists may be thankful to not have shared this experience, as it would be nigh on impossible for them to remain so resolute in their current beliefs and demeanour.

It is also important to remember that theistic scripture does not typically limit itself to contemporary scientific understandings, (nor should it be expected to do so!!)

Mankind's grasp of science, as wonderful as it may seem, is only able to explain mere fractions of existence within the perceived universe.
E=mc^2 is a bit harder to explain.
Einstein's accidental plagiarisation of Newton's formula for kinetic energy, namely :
one half times mass times velocity squared.
Funny how the scientific community failed to notice!
Many a god religion is really a dog religion. Most religions are very expensive to run and use up valuable property space. People contribute even when very poor and get even poorer. Did any God or Prophet really mean this to happen? If they did they were certainly no God or Prophet.
I think I can recall reading some scriptural passages that, amongst other things, extolled the virtue of judging trees by the fruit born, cautioned wariness about the presence of false prophets etc.
E=mc^2 is a bit harder to explain.

Ah but if that equation were in the first paragraph of Genesis with the subtext that the reason why will be revealed over time as man comes to better understand God's creation, wouldn't that have gone a long way to proving the Bible was the word of God. Instead we get stories of talking snakes and burning bushes, proving beyond doubt that it was the work of simple herdsmen lacking any understanding of pretty much everything.

So the creator of the universe cares about whether you have cleaned your Jizz of your leather??? Riiiight...

I will leave you to that, personally I think it is more likely it came from tribal laws of some paranoid goat hearders, nothing say “deity” to me.
The line fills me with some wonder actually. Very God-like

Which part is god like?

I have read better descriptions by Stephen hawking.

If you want some real explainations of how simple it is to explain how things really work, what this video, and see better explanations than anything written in the Bible, and even some light comedy, no god required.

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