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Religion, Science, Scepticism, Philosophy and things metaphysical

I think, as you say , there are a few Stalinists here, but they just don't know it. They think it's good to control religious people, while at the same time thinking it's not cool to be a communist

Hillary and Obama were actually forcing religious organizations to do things against their belief in the past. When we see this, it's a great outrage to us, but we have to put up with it. In the end though, I'm convinced that what comes around also goes around to everyone else.

That parable that VC quoted relates to all this. My memory of it is scratchy, but Christ was basically saying that His morals would be non-negotiable, and to keep them , would lead them to getting killed, and many of them did die for it. But in doing so, they took out the Roman empire (as was foretold by Daniel). When someone is willing to die for their faith, this kind of activism is much more powerful than any other. We haven't really seen such conflict here, since traditionally we've always been Christian, but that has changed. You saw the supreme court case in the US, with the cake baker... You'd think the amendment would have had him covered, but he had to go through all of that.
Shrove Tuesday is Christian.

Shrove Tuesday is the day before Lent starts on Ash Wednesday. The name Shrove comes from the old middle English word 'Shriven' meaning to go to confession to say sorry for the wrong things you've done. Lent always starts on a Wednesday, so people went to confessions on the day before. This became known as Shriven Tuesday and then Shrove Tuesday.

The other name for this day, Pancake Day, comes from the old English custom of using up all the fattening ingredients in the house before Lent, so that people were ready to fast during Lent. The fattening ingredients that most people had in their houses in those days were eggs and milk. A very simple recipe to use up these ingredients was to combine them with some flour and make pancakes!

Examples ?

Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday:- french) is an alternative name for Shrove Tuesday too.

Seems quite satisfactory that an abomination to Christianity should wear the same name as the day before the observance of the 40 days the Christ wandered around the spring desert getting heat stroke, empty stomache and dehydration.
I have put this up before.


Faith breathes life and hope into our world. We must diligently guard, preserve, and cherish this unalienable right.

President Donald J. Trump


In his first year in office, President Trump has taken strong action to restore the foundational link between freedom and faith in the United States of America.

On May 4, 2017, the President signed an executive order to greatly enhance religious freedom and freedom of speech:
taking action to ensure that religious institutions may freely exercise their First Amendment right to support and advocate for candidates and causes in line with their values; and
ensuring that religious Americans and their organizations, such as the Little Sisters of the Poor, would not be forced to choose between violating their religious beliefs by complying with Obamacare’s contraceptive mandate or shutting their doors.
The President has announced a reversal of the Obama administration’s policy denying disaster aid to houses of worship, allowing houses of worship to receive crucial aid in times of crisis.
The Trump administration has taken a stand on behalf of religious liberty in the courts:
supported students declared ineligible for a scholarship because they attended a religious school;
supported the Archdiocese of Washington in its effort to buy ads for the holidays on public transportation; and
supported baker Jack Phillips’s right to operate his bakery in accordance with his religious beliefs.
In January 2018, the Trump administration took a stand for international religious freedom by placing Pakistan on a “Special Watch List” for severe violations of religious freedom and designated 10 others as countries of particular concern.
The President declared January 18, 2018 to be Religious Freedom Day to “celebrate the many faiths that make up our country.”


President Trump has issued new policies to ensure religious freedom is a priority throughout the Federal Government.

In October 2017, the Department of Justice issued twenty principles of religious liberty to guide the Administration’s litigation strategy to protect religious freedom.
In January 2018, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced three major policy changes to protect freedom of religion:
forming a new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division, providing HHS with the focus it needs to more vigorously and effectively enforce existing laws protecting the rights of conscience and religious freedom; and
proposing to more vigorously enforce 25 existing statutory conscience protections for Americans involved in HHS programs, protecting Americans who have religious or moral convictions related to certain health care services.


President Trump has stopped the attack on pro-life policies, implementing policies to enshrine sanctity of life as an American value.

Within a week of taking office, President Trump reinstated and expanded the Mexico City Policy, which protects $9 billion in foreign aid from being used to fund the global abortion industry and its advocates.
President Trump cut off taxpayer funding for the U.N. Population Fund.
President Trump signed H.J. Res. 43 into law, overturning a midnight regulation by the Obama Administration, which prohibited States from defunding certain abortion facilities in their Federally funded family planning programs.
President Trump expressed strong support for the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would have stopped late-term abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy—the point at which science tells us that an unborn child can experience pain.
President Trump’s Administration issued guidance to enforce the requirement that taxpayer dollars not support abortion coverage in Obamacare exchange plans.
President Trump rescinded an Obama-era policy that hindered States in their efforts to direct Medicaid funding away from abortion facilities that violate the law or fail to meet relevant standards of care.


President Trump has made a consistent effort to reach out to religious groups and partners to bring them back into the policy making process.

On February 2, 2017, just two weeks into his first term in office, President Trump spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast.
On June 8, 2017, President Trump spoke at the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority Conference.
On October 13, 2017, President Trump spoke at the Value Voters Summit.
On January 19, 2018, President Trump became the first President to address the March for Life rally live via satellite.
Vice President Mike Pence addressed the March for Life in 2017, becoming the first sitting Vice President to do so in person.
As was mentioned in the American thread, VC

Our founders invoked our Creator four times in the Declaration of Independence.

So what?
Are you American?

the more important document is the constitution, and it lays out secularism very clearly.

Our currency declares “IN GOD WE TRUST.”

that was added in the 50's
We recite the Pledge of Allegiance and proclaim that we are “One Nation Under God.”
Again that was added in the 50's
Chapters 8 and 9. what I just gave you. all of it. one verse by itself is pointless. the commentary will help you. it spells history. you have to be familiar with history of course. the commentary will help

So I read those chapters (against my better judgement), and the claims that they accurately predict the future empires is just false, the discriptions are so generic.
No, I am not an American.

I stood up for Margaret Court, Family and our Christian heritage.
Faith - Family - Truth - Freedom.

As I have said, our constitution has Almighty God.

One Nation Under God.

This is my view

Ladies and Gentlemen.
A "Christian" heritage that had people transported to the ends of the earth for stealing a loaf of bread and children abused in Catholic churches.

It's called tough love. Or rape and abuse, depends on who you're asking.

Contraception, bad!

Food for hungry kids from poor family, also bad!

Abortion is terrible under all circumstances. Life is sacred!

Gun control, please sir. No! Guns are good, shootout are also good.

One Nation Under God.

And let me guess, you want it to be you brand of god?

Before you get to far ahead of yourself, how about proving a god exists, then once you have established that, then you can start a discussion about which god it is and whether or not we should put our nation under him.

Because even if you could prove a god exists, it in no way is automatic that he should be part of our political system.
VC, I very much agree with you in your above comments. IMHO religion has no place in politics/constitutions etc (nor for that matter on investment forums).

Before you get to far ahead of yourself, how about proving a god exists

Yes, when having some time to kill, I've let some Jehovah's Witnesses into the house for a cuppa and let them try to convince me. They have never been close to proving anything.
VC, I very much agree with you in your above comments. IMHO religion has no place in politics/constitutions etc (nor for that matter on investment forums).
Examples ?
A little late here but anyway... just something I read about how the nuns in the US had to sell contraception or something at hospitals, or not get their wages. The past view was to be grateful to get free health services in the first place (Church provides massive free health care). Not we're gonna make you do things against your religion and get free services from you.
Contraception, bad!

Food for hungry kids from poor family, also bad!

Abortion is terrible under all circumstances. Life is sacred!

Gun control, please sir. No! Guns are good, shootout are also good.

In light of a Creator using contraception is regarded as a misuse of sexuality (same with masturbation). Sexual things are good but when directed to their proper end. Otherwise you get problems. A few days ago someone actually told me it wrecks marriages. Indeed, divorce rates have increased with contraceptive innovation in recent times.

I believe it can also change sexual desire and make it less sound. Think of food. A person that is always thinking about it enjoys it in a confusing manner. He may even begin to disdain good food if he becomes very attached to his hobby of eating. Sexual desires can also morph and become less natural, and less sound.
Because even if you could prove a god exists, it in no way is automatic that he should be part of our political system.

Interesting comment.

Lets just say it can be proved, tick

But who is to say god is good? What metric is used to determine whether he/she/it is of a positive value to society?
It is just assumed that God is good and the devil is bad?

Maybe the story of God being good and the devil being bad was the first case of fake news in history.

exactly, we know hitler existed but that doesn't men we should worship him, and giving him political power was a mistake.

Also, say we could prove a god exists, but still have no way of communicating with this god in real time, do we just automatically assume the religious folk know the gods mind and put them in power, No bloody way, we wouldn't even no which brand to select.

I think God's scribes' version of proper use of sex is just for procreation. That's fine and good for those who don't care for sex, for most people having kids from sex is more often than not an accident.

I think there should be a balance... some people take sex too liberally and would sleep with anyone. Some takes it too Biblical and sleep with their relatives, oh wait that's too far back

Having sex just to procreate... so a married couple would do it twice in a marriage? Mate, with modern info-tech and fancy apps, women are pretty good at timing their cycle... trying for two kids might very well mean doing it like 4 times.

And the Bible also want to take away pr0n and masturbation?

I'm surprised religion ever got more than a dozen followers.
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