Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Religion preying on our youth

I can tell you that the third world can get it seriously mixed up ...
a) where was it ? somewhere they thought they'd pay homage to the "ole fella he lib long sky" - and made a special Easter tribute - trouble was they nailed Father Xmas to the cross ;)
b) I can tell you that you can buy prayers in Philippines - specially round Cebu - on small cards - one prayer I recall you could put under a pillow and you'd immeditely get over the flue - and also (the same prayer) under the pillow of a woman in labour would mean an immediate and painless delivery.
Wouldn't it be terible if you went to bed with the flue, and woke up with a baby !
rocket_science said:
your comment earlier:

this is telling me that you were saying that the teacher's story said that farmers could get rain any time they wanted simply by praying - which to me means that you are saying that she said that prayers will be answered in the affirmative every single time, guaranteed.

I think you most probably misunderstood the message she was tying to convey or maybe she wasn't as clear as she could have been.

Either way I doubt very much the story was as you described so that is why I'd like to hear her version of the story she told.

A few months ago we had on this forum a character called Bullmarket.
He had a habit of attempting to cast doubt on people who related real life stories and incidents.
He ended up getting banned, much to the relief of the forum generally.
You're not Bullmarket in disguise are you?
bunyip said:
A few months ago we had on this forum a character called Bullmarket.
He had a habit of attempting to cast doubt on people who related real life stories and incidents.
He ended up getting banned, much to the relief of the forum generally.
You're not Bullmarket in disguise are you?

Its bull for sure , easy to tell by the phraseology !
What a poor plasticine intellect :eek:
bunyip said:
A few months ago we had on this forum a character called Bullmarket.
He had a habit of attempting to cast doubt on people who related real life stories and incidents.
He ended up getting banned, much to the relief of the forum generally.
You're not Bullmarket in disguise are you?

Well, Bunyip, I don't know much about the "in disguise" bit - not much of a disguise when the warped personality shows through so clearly.

You'll have to do better than that, bull.

hi all..i think before any of us attacks or judges the church..we should look at our own lives to see what we r actually doing to help others and the Julia stated..the salvation army are doing so much work worldwide to comfort the poor and oppressed thru war vision does so much and many others..who are we to judge these ppl who could trade shares and be selfish and money they give their time and efforts to comfort others..judge and u will be judged
Havn't you guys got something better to do than crap on about the philosophy of us educated monkeys....get a life....go fishing....Wierdo's.......kill the Thread and go catch fish before all the Japs get'm....and good luck 'cause the Japs got most of 'em already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pacer said:
Havn't you guys got something better to do than crap on about the philosophy of us educated monkeys....get a life....go fishing....Wierdo's.......kill the Thread and go catch fish before all the Japs get'm....and good luck 'cause the Japs got most of 'em already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for your opinion, which one can glean from your rant, if one looks hard enough. ;)

Some people actually enjoy discussing such topics, even perhaps more than fishing. I have had several immensly pleasurable exchanges on the subject, some close to the point of action stations.

Politics... same deal.

Gets the blood up... exersizes the brain... good stuff.

Cheers :D
pacer said:
Havn't you guys got something better to do than crap on about the philosophy of us educated monkeys....get a life....go fishing....Wierdo's.......kill the Thread and go catch fish before all the Japs get'm....and good luck 'cause the Japs got most of 'em already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Pacer, what are you still doing up at 3.30 in the morning .......... hasn't that Burbon kicked in yet?? ;) We all know you go to church on Sundays so dont deny it :D Cheers, Barney.

PS I like the new photo Wayne ............still waiting for the "bear" to return ..... my "shorts" are getting tight!!
barney said:
PS I like the new photo Wayne ............still waiting for the "bear" to return ..... my "shorts" are getting tight!!

Thanks :)

I figure if I can trick the cosmos in thinking I've turned super bullish, it's bound to tank....

...and looks whats happened since I put the Dent photo up and the "Dow 2,000,000 by 2008" comment up. It's tanked it (with a little bit of help from Mr Ben) :D
wayneL said:
Thanks :)

I figure if I can trick the cosmos in thinking I've turned super bullish, it's bound to tank....

...and looks whats happened since I put the Dent photo up and the "Dow 2,000,000 by 2008" comment up. It's tanked it (with a little bit of help from Mr Ben) :D

Arh, so I see, I hadn't looked for a couple of hours .......... down 42 points as I type ... make that 49 points ............ that bear works fast :D .......make that 64 points the time I finish this sentence it'll be 71 ...........whoa there .............. 62 ............coming back ............... 59 ................... 52 .... now I'm getting dizzy .............. 47 .......... I think the bear fell off his bike Wayne !.................... 46 ............ 44......... 47 ...... He's back on :) ....... 55 good fight back only skinned his knees!

PS Sorry guys...pretty much off topic here ............ :topic forgot which thread I was in!
bunyip said:
I'm telling it how it happened. Believe it or disbelieve's all the same to me. Incidentally, I didn't say she told a story in which she guaranteed that everyone who prays to God asking for rain, sunshine, a new Ferrari or whatever, will have their wishes granted on every single occasion. Bunyip
1. When it comes to rain dances and the like, (or even trading I guess) its hard to overstate the importance of timing.
2. Hope springs eternal in the human breast / chest as applicable.
3. Even a heathen red indian's.
4. Even country folk I guess.
5. For the church to get involved, like that teacher - my bet is she's working on the "double or nothing" system. :2twocents
PS as for Bullrush whatever, what was it Shakespears said - the quality of mercy is not strained it droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven ? ;)

PS Rocket science - you keep up that dancing Id say we're gonna get rain for sure.
2020hindsight said:
1. When it comes to rain dances and the like, (or even trading I guess) its hard to overstate the importance of timing.
PS Rocket science - you keep up that dancing Id say we're gonna get rain for sure.

Talking of rain dances.....not sure if this is true or not but it makes an amusing yarn anyway.
Out on the central Queensland gemfields, at a pub in a little town called Anakie (I'm sure some of you have been there), a well known local called Jimbo was as drunk as a lord one night during the 1969 drought.

The blokes at the bar were discussing the drought, or more specifically, when it was going to break. Jimbo says "I'll break the drought tonight for you if you like...I'll do one of my rain dances. Matter of fact I'll do it right now".

So Jimbo staggers outside, followed by a crowd of people, and does a red Indian style rain dance outside the pub. By morning the sky was overcast and later that day, rain set in. And not just a bit of rain either....the story goes that it rained for a week and broke the drought.

Anyway, that's the I said, not sure if there's any truth in it. But some of the locals out there vow and declare it's true!

bunyip said:
Talking of rain dances.....not sure if this is true or not but it makes an amusing yarn anyway.
Out on the central Queensland gemfields, at a pub in a little town called Anakie (I'm sure some of you have been there), a well known local called Jimbo was as drunk as a lord one night during the 1969 drought.

The blokes at the bar were discussing the drought, or more specifically, when it was going to break. Jimbo says "I'll break the drought tonight for you if you like...I'll do one of my rain dances. Matter of fact I'll do it right now".

So Jimbo staggers outside, followed by a crowd of people, and does a red Indian style rain dance outside the pub. By morning the sky was overcast and later that day, rain set in. And not just a bit of rain either....the story goes that it rained for a week and broke the drought.

Anyway, that's the I said, not sure if there's any truth in it. But some of the locals out there vow and declare it's true!



Is Jimbo now a declared diety in what I imagine to be a large Aboriginal population?
bunyip said:
So Jimbo staggers outside, followed by a crowd of people, and does a red Indian style rain dance outside the pub. By morning the sky was overcast and later that day, rain set in.
Mate - do the math - say it rains once per 3 years and you drink 3 beers a night - thats 1 chance in 1000 to avoid paying for a shout for a month (100 beers)!! Or 1 in 10 chance for a free beer! might try it myself next time Im out west ;)

PS I knew a bloke at Rubyvale (just up the road from Anakie) - digging for sapphires obviously - He was the only bloke on the gemfields with a piano lol. But there was method in his madness - practiced "religiously" every day - then ...when we went into the pub in town, he would sit at the piano - and - neither of us ever paid for a beer as far as I recall ;)

I also remember the well being poisoned by someone - throwing in soap suds - sheesh - everyone got sick. After that we went to pub quite a lot.

PPS - your rain dancing friend would have been super popular on the gemfields - after decent rain , you can "spec" for sapphires and find em on the surface "all over the place" ;) - sure I found at least one that way lol.
Ahhhh......I see that Rocket Science or Bullmarket or whoever he is, now has the honour of having 'on permanent holiday' attached to his name.

Great stuff Joe......keep horsewhipping the silly bugger off this forum every time he shows up, and sooner or later he might just get the message that he's not wanted here.

Dunno about there being a GOD but now I belive in hell.....I'll never drink vodka again!!!!!

What a bummer of a day....went for a sauna and couldn't even work up a sweat.......DOH!

Did make $450 on CFD's though so it wasn't all bad....if only I could do that every day and give up the EVIL funny juice, I'd be alot happier......but a bored christian/buhddist geek trader with no
bunyip said:
Ahhhh......I see that Rocket Science or Bullmarket or whoever he is, now has the honour of having 'on permanent holiday' attached to his name.

Great stuff Joe......keep horsewhipping the silly bugger off this forum every time he shows up, and sooner or later he might just get the message that he's not wanted here.


Huh ??? things aren't always what they seem :eek:
bunyip said:
A few months ago we had on this forum a character called Bullmarket.
He had a habit of attempting to cast doubt on people who related real life stories and incidents.
He ended up getting banned, much to the relief of the forum generally.
You're not Bullmarket in disguise are you?

No, I think you have me confused with someone else :p:
Rocket Scientist said:
No, I think you have me confused with someone else

Rocket - maybe I can act as arbitrator. (ps Im in kamakazie mode) ;)

this is telling me that you were saying that the teacher's story said that farmers could get rain any time they wanted simply by praying - which to me means that you are saying that she said that prayers will be answered in the affirmative every single time, guaranteed. I think you most probably misunderstood the message she was tying to convey or maybe she wasn't as clear as she could have been. Either way I doubt very much the story was as you described so that is why I'd like to hear her version of the story she told.

What exactly is your problem with Bunyip's story? - The message is surely a common one - "kids are taught to expect prayers to deliver" Do you contest this? Do you believe otherwise? On what evidence would you tell kids to believe in miracles?
rocket_science said:
or maybe she wasn't as clear as she could have been.
- maybe she didnt know what she was saying - or maybe she had her fingers crossed behind her back ?. in any event it's a "reductio ad absurdum" - or "a questionable contribution to the thread"