Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Religion preying on our youth

voiceover :- "This camp is by many accounts perhaps a small and extreme slice of what some say is a growing intensifying evangelical youth movement "

Theres that word "perhaps" = Mate it is looney tunes personified!!

lol - what is it? a spade or a shovel is by many accounts perhaps a metal implement used, some say, for digging. ;)
Be interesting to hear what the Pope would say about that website / footage- him being a reluctant member of Hitler youth and all.
True Forgiveness: Amish mourn killer of five schoolgirls
Sunday Oct 8 11:37 AEST
AP - Dozens of Amish neighbours came out to mourn the quiet milkman who killed five of their young girls and wounded five more in a brief, unfathomable rampage. Charles Carl Roberts IV, 32, was buried Saturday in his wife's family plot behind a small Methodist church, a few kilometres from the one-room schoolhouse he stormed on Monday. His wife, Marie, and their three small children looked on as Roberts was buried beside the pink, heart-shaped grave of the infant daughter whose death nine years ago apparently haunted him, said Bruce Porter, a fire department chaplain from Colorado who attended the service.

As I understand it, JC had pretty much one principal principle "forgiveness works!". It has to be the backbone of a heap of psychology. I get the feeling (reading the above news) that the Amish would understand this better than most. And are the healthier for it.
I would guess that JC's intention was that forgiveness should be unqualified, forgive, forget etcetc. However I found a couple of quotes which suggest that not all Americans think that way ;)

Hillary Rodham Clinton: In the Bible it says they asked Jesus how many times you should forgive, and he said 70 times 7. Well, I want you all to know that I'm keeping a chart.

John F. Kennedy: Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names. (try the CIA and the FBI john, ... et tu Hoover?)

nor a pom...
William Blake: It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.
Don Hirschberg: Calling Atheism a religion is like calling bald a hair color.
Lol. I was wondering if anyone can think of a smart bit of repartee here lol...

a) presumably an agnostic has one of those blue/red/blonde/brown/auburn conglomerates that show up in hollywood from time to time - preferably with dreadlocks in question marks, :confused:
b) So what have you got against gloss pink, Don
c) Just because youve got dandruff Don, much of which you're not even aware of...
d) At least bald people are easily shown not to be hiding any horms
e) I have a lot more trust in hair restorers than I do in heaven and hell?
f) Calling Galileo a bald heretic is like saying the world is flat.
g) Calling Science a religion is like taking all the fun out of wild speculation
h) ...

Jimmy Buffett : Is it ignorance or apathy? Hey, I don't know and I don't care. ;)
2020hindsight said:
f) Calling Galileo a bald heretic is like saying the world is flat.

I was bit surprised to hear that universe is flat, it makes those pre-Copernicus look as if they knew something.

Another bit of info grabbed my attention that some Muslim taxi drivers refuse pick up clients with alcohol and clients with guide dogs.

I wander how this will pan out?
Happy said:
I was bit surprised to hear that universe is flat, it makes those pre-Copernicus look as if they knew something.

Another bit of info grabbed my attention that some Muslim taxi drivers refuse pick up clients with alcohol and clients with guide dogs.

lol you got me - technically more correct to say the earth revolved round sun ;)
I copy this from a previous post ;) ( to Bloved as I recall)
I think Galileo 1564 - 1642 takes the cake for the Semmelweis award, at least for the 17th century - over his opinion that the Earth revolved round the sun, although the church insisted otherwise. "G was forced to recant his views and placed under house arrest for the rest of his life. Following his recantation, G is said to have murmured Eppur si Muove (still itmoves). He was finally cleared of heresy by a Vatican commission in 1992!" Who said the church wasnt heavily into forgiveness.

Yes Ive found Muslim taxi drivers who frown bigtime on drinking - they don't drink why should others etc - quote the Koran etc. Never realised there was a problem with guidedogs though - presumably its the dog thats the problem?
Where are we heading m8? well nowhere in that taxi at least ;) (dont ask me).
Once again, we can't seem to see the wood for the trees.
It isn't following a particular faith, but the application of said faith that holds to most trepidation for the general populace (read: most vocal members of the popular media).

When two groups of people are fighting over who has the better "imaginary friend", the semantics of whichever ancient text they follow would seem a little irrelevent.
Extrapolating this unwillingness to do something, imagine if doctor refused life saving treatment on religious grounds.

Actually anybody serving community, refusing service on religious grounds should not be in service industry.

Our leaders will have to think of something.

I wander how penalties for spitting are going?
Are introduced laws upheld, or blind eye is turned for a while to cater for religious reasons?
True Forgiveness: Amish mourn killer of five schoolgirls
Sunday Oct 8 11:37 AEST
AP - Dozens of Amish neighbours came out to mourn the quiet milkman who killed five of their young girls and wounded five more in a brief, unfathomable rampage. Charles Carl Roberts IV, 32, was buried Saturday in his wife's family plot behind a small Methodist church, a few kilometres from the one-room schoolhouse he stormed on Monday.

Hey 20/20...
The forgiveness these people have shown and the ethics they obviously live by are more then admirable IMHO... [No wonder they frown on ties with the outside world.] If more people had hearts and minds along those lines we would be a lot better off.
cheerful :)
nelly said:
I for one being christian found this disturbing....very disturbing..

check it out....
The 'spin' man puts on everything......

If people have ever wondered why I think the USA is the most dangerous country on the planet...these are the types of folk with their finger hovering over the red button.

Yessirree these are the Christian Zionists.
Happy said:
Extrapolating this unwillingness to do something, imagine if doctor refused life saving treatment on religious grounds.

Actually anybody serving community, refusing service on religious grounds should not be in service industry.


I can assure you there are doctors out there who will never refer a woman for a termination of pregnancy and will not prescribe oral contraceptives to ummarried women!!! Yes, really!

Julia said:
. ..will not prescribe oral contraceptives to ummarried women!!! Yes, really!Julia
Ill stick with the uncontroversial one Julia lol - but there's a couple more promises to add to the new years day citizenship commitment ...

I promise ( I promise)
that if become a taxi driver or a doctor (that if i become a taxi driver or a doctor)
that I do solemny swear ( sorry - I refuse to swear )
nono -- ok we'll skip that part
that I will pick up someone carrying a sixpack and/or prescribe contraceptives to unmaried women" (that I will pick up women using contraceptives )
nono , you have to read the page...;)

PS don't forget the Pope (who knows about these things, after all he goes out each Friday night and celibates) says that you go to hell if you use oral contraceptives ;) and eternity is a long time to be stoking fires.
20/20 have u been taking humour pills or summmit.......your posts have been to say it......well funny...haha funny.
[the only laugh i've had all day]
cheerful :70:
Id like you all to raise your hand and sing the national anthem -
But firstly have a gander - look at all the rest and count'em
If any of you reckon that there's more in here than 4???..
then sorry but youve failed test one - and there's the flaming door.

Now crowd around the three of you and here's a simple question
how many times has Shane Warne been accused of bold incest-ion
And also how do googlies fly when he is on his metal?
You've No idea? well sorry love, try next year's test my petal.

Now...two of yous, and one more test - The Kelly gang was how big?
I'm sorry these are so damned easy - (thats a bludy dig ;))
1000 you say - damned if I know, - that sure sounds too many !
So sorry mate youre out as well, its surely less than twenny.

OK mate congrats, last one, promise - for the koala bear,
Repeat for me the words intact of "Vance Australia Square"
"Australians all eat ostriches?" - well that'll do for now..
Now here's your piece of fancy paper - face the queen and bow ...;)
Hi Julia,

On that subject, I think it is Merriwa in NSW where the only pharmacy in town refuses to stock contraceptives on religious grounds (RC).
Here's an example of the claptrap that religions use to brainwash kids in Australian schools.....

When two of my children attended a private Catholic primary school in a rural town, one of the teachers was telling a story at assembly one Monday morning.
The story was the wondrous tale of Farmer Brown, who planted his crop but then ran into a patch of dry weather. Not a problem.....Farmer Brown prayed to God to send down rain on his crop. And God sent down the rain and Farmer Browns crop grew strong and healthy and produced a bountiful harvest.

There were many farming families who had kids at that school, and quite a few of these farmers and/or their wives were present at that assembly, myself included. As this silly little twit of a teacher was telling this ridiculous yarn, making out that farmers can simply call for rain any time they want, and God will oblige, the farmers present were looking at each other and rolling their eyes in disbelief and disgust. The entire district was at the time in the grip of a severe drought. My own sorghum crop had failed and I'd already fed it off to cattle. The various churches had held numerous 'pray for rain' meetings.
But the drought continued, yet here was this silly little female teacher, fresh out of Brisbane on her first teaching job in the bush, brainwashing the kids and even telling us adults that farmers could get rain any time they want, simply by praying for it.
This sort of thing goes on in schools of all religions, not just Catholic.

Was just watching a segment on TV about the severe drought in the Golburn Valley. The city of Golburn is in dire straits with regard to water. One of the church congregations has held a 'pray for rain meeting' every weekend for the last four years, yet the drought goes on and the water storages continue shrinking. When it finally rains, you can bet your bottom dollar that the Golburn Christian community will be spruiking about the power of prayer.

macca said:
Hi Julia,On that subject, I think it is Merriwa in NSW where the only pharmacy in town refuses to stock contraceptives on religious grounds (RC).
A. Being (sadly) serious - deadly serious - for a minute - (and stating the well known obvious) there are plenty of third world countries where condoms arent used because the church disapproves. (Why doesnt the church keep its nose out of sex? - stick to the teachings of JC?).

I guess you'd have to say that Heaven will be overcrowded with the victims who obey this anticondom instruction, .... and it will get damned lonely in hell, where they used em. Forgive those missionaries for they know not what they are doing...

B. Speaking of missionaries - and a 180degree change of direction - I remember a bible-belt-judge in USA (mormon as I recall) ruling that a young man who had killed his father was sentenced to become an overseas missionary for 2 years - "go out into the world and tell people how to behave - bring em to jaysus !!" - what a cheek lol. I wondered if that judge really thought of how stupid and hypocritical that sentence was - but I bet he wouldn't understand my concerns even if I painted them in ten foot letters. :(

Like the old red indian said - when the white man came, we had the land, and he had religion .... now we have religion, and he seems to have most of the land. Such an honourable breed those pioneering christians.
"religion is the opiate of the masses" - as every US president, and every army colonel has known since JC was a boy in nappies.

PS Bunyip
the power of prayer
- not wrong mate - and if I didnt believe it before, I sure realise by now that you've seen it up close and personal. ;) My cousin had a property for 3 years - no rain - before she realised the roof leaked - but I gotta feeling she had more sense than to blame God for either the drought or the rain. Maybe global warming, but not God ;) "so dry that the trees were chasing after the dogs" as they say.
Bunyip, I'd like to hear the teacher's version of what was actually said before deciding on who has their facts straight and who hasn't.

I doubt very much that anyone would tell a story in which they guarantee that every one who prays to God asking for rain, sunshine.....a new ferrari :D .....that their wishes will be granted on every single occassion.

If you want guarantees for wish-lists then try looking for an ancient bottle washed up on some deserted beach and hope there is a jeanie inside :D
rocket_science said:
Bunyip, I'd like to hear the teacher's version of what was actually said before deciding on who has their facts straight and who hasn't.

I doubt very much that anyone would tell a story in which they guarantee that every one who prays to God asking for rain, sunshine.....a new ferrari :D .....that their wishes will be granted on every single occassion.

If you want guarantees for wish-lists then try looking for an ancient bottle washed up on some deserted beach and hope there is a jeanie inside :D

I'm telling it how it happened. Believe it or disbelieve's all the same to me.
Incidentally, I didn't say she told a story in which she guaranteed that everyone who prays to God asking for rain, sunshine, a new Ferrari or whatever, will have their wishes granted on every single occasion.

What she did was tell a fanciful story about a farmer who prayed to God to send down rain on his crop, and God complied with his request. The clearly implied moral of her story was that God delivers when asked for help.
This is similar to the sort of nonsense that was constantly fed to me in Sunday school, which my mother forced me to attend every Sunday between the ages of about four and twelve.

bunyip said:
I'm telling it how it happened. Believe it or disbelieve's all the same to me.
Incidentally, I didn't say she told a story in which she guaranteed that everyone who prays to God asking for rain, sunshine, a new Ferrari or whatever, will have their wishes granted on every single occasion.

What she did was tell a fanciful story about a farmer who prayed to God to send down rain on his crop, and God complied with his request. The clearly implied moral of her story was that God delivers when asked for help.
This is similar to the sort of nonsense that was constantly fed to me in Sunday school, which my mother forced me to attend every Sunday between the ages of about four and twelve.


your comment earlier:

But the drought continued, yet here was this silly little female teacher, fresh out of Brisbane on her first teaching job in the bush, brainwashing the kids and even telling us adults that farmers could get rain any time they want, simply by praying for it.

this is telling me that you were saying that the teacher's story said that farmers could get rain any time they wanted simply by praying - which to me means that you are saying that she said that prayers will be answered in the affirmative every single time, guaranteed.

I think you most probably misunderstood the message she was tying to convey or maybe she wasn't as clear as she could have been.

Either way I doubt very much the story was as you described so that is why I'd like to hear her version of the story she told.