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Religion IS crazy!

I am ashamed in the name of religion ... "aurat" INDEED !
Religion is Crazy.....

Judge rules on Jehovah's blood transfusion​

It’s good to see common sense prevail at last by this court ruling taking away the rights of this Jehovah Witness couple to commit what is in effect ‘legal murder’ of their child.
For far too long Jehovah Witnesses have effectively been allowed to sentence their children to death by refusing to allow them life-saving blood transfusions. If you or I refused life-saving medical treatment for our children, we’d be charged with a criminal offence. And rightly so.
I get heartily sick of the nuisance calls from JW’s who arrive uninvited at my place and start spouting their pious rhetoric about how we should be living good Christian lives that treat others with consideration and respect. Not that I disagree with them, but it’s hypocritical of them when their version of treating others with respect includes letting their own children die in an emergency medical crisis rather than allowing them life-saving medical treatment.
It’s yet another example of how religion can so warp the human mind that people become incapable of making rational decisions in some cases.

IRS Getting Pressured To Crack Down On Televangelists Following John Oliver’s Segment

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Was watching a video by matti Dialhunty as part of the patreon project.

What was interesting is he went over the Tower of babel story. I'm sure like many on this forum you had your indoctrination as to what moral of the story was.

Unsurprisingly, that moral is totally wrong

How would a moral God come to the conclusion that a people working together was a bad thing. Why is nothing being beyond their achievement a bad thing? There is nothing in the bible that says the people's motives were bad. So they wanted to build a high tower. I think everyone would agree there was no way the people could build a tower to the heavens. If anything, it sounds like a fearful God, fearing his creation may one day surpass him.

So a God who is moral, set about breaking up a people of one voice and in the end setting up the causes of many of the wars we've endured over the millennia.

People haven't realised that the Bible is full of allegories relating to the political situation at the time.

The Biblical God is an all powerful being and it suited people to believe that this being was "on their side" in conflicts. It was a way of improving morale for the Jews and later the Christians. The people who were attacked by the Christians didn't have a God of their own, so Mohammed had to invent one to give his own people belief that they had a powerful entity on their side.

The Bible and Koran are works of politics as much as they are of religion. Unfortunately they have outlived the politics of the time and have spread their influence (good and bad) into today.

There may be a God and It may be all powerful. I doubt if It's on the side of one tribe or another.
The people who were attacked by the Christians didn't have a God of their own, so Mohammed had to invent one to give his own people belief that they had a powerful entity on their side.


The Bible and the Koran both talk about the same God, the Old Testament, New Testament and the Koran are just part 1, 2 and 3 in a series of fan fiction.

That's why Jesus, Adam and Eve, and other bible characters appear in the Koran, and it's also why the Muslims and Jews both avoid pork, the Christians just ignore the bible verses banning pork, but the pork phobia started in the bible, the Muslims just carried it on, while the Christians skip that page.

The Jews believe part 1 is the only true account and part 2 and 3 are frauds, the Christians believe part 1 is old covenant and their part 2 is the word of God, and the Muslims believe part 2 and 3 were originally true, but have been corrupted and their part 3 is the only true account.

The fan fiction doesn't stop there, a convicted conman in the USA wrote the book of Morman as and extension of part 2, creating the mormans, and there are various other works different fan clubs follow.
Muslim leader waves away the death of 700 people

Yeah, everything's OK, sorry kids that you lost your parents, but that's the price you pay for belonging to our religion.


Life means nothing to them.
How dare they impose this on Australian manufacturers.


There should be more leading Australians like Dick, he gets to the bottom of important issues and anything
that amounts to selling out Australia is very important. Please pass this on and on and on.

You may be aware that " Dick Smith " chain franchise stores are being pressured by the Islamic Council of
Australia to gain 'Halal Certification' otherwise they will be proscribed and banned from Muslim custom.

This is their response:

"We at Dick Smith's have received a number of letters from people asking if we will be putting the Muslim
Halal logo on our food.

To acquire Halal certification, payment is required to the endorsing body (the Islamic Council) and involves a
number of site inspections of both our growers and processors in order to ensure that our practices comply
with the conditions of Halal certification.
It is important to note that this does not reflect the quality of the food being processed or sold – it only
means that the products are approved as being prepared in accordance with the traditions of the Muslim
We are aware of an increasing number of large companies both in Australia and overseas, such as Kraft and
Cadbury, who have obtained accreditation to use the Halal logo. We don’t believe they have done this because
of any religious commitment but rather for purely commercial reasons. Perhaps these large organisations
can afford to do this.
While we have a choice however, we would prefer to avoid unnecessarily increasing the cost of our products
in order to pay for Halal accreditation when this money would be better spent continuing to support important
charitable causes where assistance is greatly needed.
We point out that we have never been asked to put a Christian symbol (or any other religious symbol) on our
food requiring that we send money to a Christian organisation for the right to do so.
Others would add that money paid to ANY Muslim 'organisation' (and you had better believe it: these people
ARE 'organised') can easily find its way into the hands of Islamic extremist-fanatics and murderers,
irrespective of assurances to the contrary.
What other assurances do we accept from Muslims?
Oh, that's right, 'Islam is a religion of PEACE'!
How less Australian can companies get, than to place money into the hands of those who seek to exploit us?"
This is an example of how the leaders of Muslims in Aus/NZ are bullying large commercial organisations
(especially in the food industry) into paying what is no more than blatant extortion money. The amazing part
is that these weak-kneed organisations (Cadbury/ Schweppes/ Nestles/ Kraft etc.) actually pay the large
sums demanded by these self-appointed religious bureaucrats. Of course, the manufacturers promptly pass this levy
on to unwitting consumers as cost increases. Next time you buy a block of Cadbury's chocolate,
look for the Halal Certification seal on the wrapper. So, regardless of your own religious faith, you end up
subsidizing Islam.
The Council also controls the Muslim voter bloc which, as yet, does not have sufficient critical mass to
make a difference - but give them time.
Several state jurisdictions are under pressure to adopt or permit Sharia Law in Marriage, Family and Property
matters and some, under the delusion that they are being progressively liberal, are permitting this. This has
already happened in some local authorities in the U.K.
Google the U.K. Education Department's current investigation into the conduct of Muslim-run schools in the
Birmingham area of England .

How many more warnings do people need?

Check the produce on the shelf and don't buy anything Muslim extorted.


I would have thought Dick Smith would know how this game is play?
If he want to sell to Muslims, stick a Halal logo on it. Just like he stick the Australian Flag on his Aussie Mite...

If sticking both flag and Halal won't sell properly, then separate the shipment, or pick which market makes more money.

If he's selling biscuits or similar, all he had to do is stick a message on it saying "there is no pork or alcohol in this product" . The idea that you have to pay some loonies to confirm that, when they probably don't even test anyway is ridiculous.


I'm an atheist but somehow I think I am more supportive of religious freedom than those who claim a faith in some sky god.

I would definitely not agree with any religion trying to force a company to provide them funds in any way, but at the same time if these people willingly choose to have dictated what foods they are able to purchase, well that's their religious and personal freedom.

Religious freedom and tolerance seems to be degenerating into freedom and tolerance for a person's own religion and intolerance and restrictions for all others. You can see this increasingly in the USA. You can see the likes of bernardi and his ilk would love to move Australia to some form of theocracy, though they'd prob try to call it something else just so it doesn't seem too much like the setup they have in Saudi Arabia.

Hmm, it's a matter of how willing they really are.

Threats of being branded an apostate which still carries a death sentence in Islam if you try and give up your religion doesn't sound particularly voluntary to me.

Freedom OF religion should also include freedom FROM religion.

True, but we were talking about the issue of halal certification within Australia.

Why does no one have an issue with kosher certification?

The KA charges for Domestic Kosher certification, between $500 and $2200. For export certification, between $2200 and $6600. The final fee will depend upon the difficulty of supervision and is determined at the time of the issuance of certification.

The whole beat up over halal certification is just religious intolerance.

Maybe freedom of religion and freedom from religion means proselyting should be banned. You're free to hold you're beliefs, just not free to go out forcing them on others.

Then we could start looking at the tax free status of religions.
Why does no one have an issue with kosher certification?

Because the jews are very influential.

If you say "boo" against the jews, they have a "special word" to brand you with - "anti-semite".

I have just said enough to be labelled as such. What a crock of SH*T.

Yea, strange how some religious people aren't that tolerant of other people's religion or practice but demand theirs be tolerated and forced on others. Maybe not so strange.

I know a fair number of really religious people and they seem quite tolerant and open minded about others' faith... maybe it's up to the person and religious teaching is just an excuse intolerant people can point to to justify their prejudice.
Because the jews are very influential.

If you say "boo" against the jews, they have a "special word" to brand you with - "anti-semite".

I have just said enough to be labelled as such. What a crock of SH*T.

And I bet Kosher certifiers would charge more than Halal too... Jewish people are very good at making money, hahaha... OK, sorry, was channeling Cartman from South Park there. Serious, while I don't know any Jewish people, a lot of people I admire are Jewish - Steven Spielberg, Noam Chomsky, Ben Graham, Phillip Fisher, Jon Stewart is sometime funny... ah nuts, i think I just prove your point

Alright, to be fair, the Chinese are also very good at making money. They all do it opening restaurants, and with the Yum Cha they not only chip you with $5 for a few chicken feet, they also chip your bill at the register because there's no bloody price on your purchase and the dude does the totals in his head!
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