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Religion IS crazy!

If a person is of decent character, then who cares whether he or she is more interested in blokes or sheilas.

Hey I'm not riding the discrimination pony, just getting tired at "those" people being defended into untouchable tribes.

My views are well known to people like Rumpole and they are my views alone.

Last week I was at a wedding that included two friends in their fifties who are coupled. The DJ was playing disco, a sure sign I should bust some moves and like bees to honey for "those" types. They just stayed put so after an hour of making John Travolta look like Kel Night I asked them why they weren't dancing and the stubborn reply was predicable, so I said I would dance with them if that was all they were worried about ... in the end my daughter dragged one up on the dance floor and the self imposed exile ended without even a whimper, apology or defence.

I think what most of us want is to be able to get on with our lives without having other people's sexuality, religion or politics stuffed down our throats. OK, we can debate those things here, and that's our choice, but to hell with religious and political doorknockers and gay groups prancing down public streets in gold lame. Do what you want to do in private, I don't want to know about people's private lives.
My views are well known to people like Rumpole and they are my views alone

Well it takes one to know one

The following mangled sentence looks like gibberish to me.:screwy: Perhaps your soul mate rumpy could interpret.

The DJ was playing disco, a sure sign I should bust some moves and like bees to honey for "those" types.

Sounds a bit like you're stoned!
Snowmen condemned in Saudi Arabia amid concern they 'promote lustiness and eroticism'

Oh dear, snowmen put on ice in Saudi Arabia. Sounds as cold there as the heart of a Muslim cleric.
How any member of the Catholic church can be mute over this kind of bat sh!te crazy stuff is beyond me

You know, 2000 odd years of male domination at the Church undown within a few decades of feminism

Unfortunately, the radical feminist movement strongly influenced the Church, leading the Church to constantly address women’s issues at the expense of addressing critical issues important to men;

The goodness and importance of men became very obscured, and for all practical purposes, were not emphasized at all.

GASP. Woman are just everywhere in the Church

Oh to go back tot he good old days when woman, like children, were to be seen and not heard.

Those pesky feminists are to be blame for the woes of priest molesting children

Throw in a request for woman to start covering up a bit more and he starts to sounds a lot like....

The thing is that the Taliban, Boko Haram and other Islamic sects feel compelled to keep girls illiterate and obedient to stop the influence of women, the decline in fertility rates and freedom of expression.

This guy is probably more in tune with the unveiling future of religious states than we are.
How any member of the Catholic church can be mute over this kind of bat sh!te crazy stuff is beyond me

These old fuddy duddies pulling the strings are the reason that the Catholic Church is so backward.
It’s clear that blokes like this are absolutely determined to hang on to power by ensuring that the RCC remains a boys club that excludes women from positions of authority.
Catholics themselves are at least partly responsible for this sorry state of affairs due to their practice of crediting priests with powers they don’t have, fawning on them and putting them up on a pedestal.
For example, look at the words with which the interviewer opened the interview....‘Your Eminence, we are delighted and blessed to be here with you’.
It’s this kind of fawning, grovelling language that makes priests feel important and convinces them that they deserve all the hero worship and adulation, and are worthy of the high office they hold.
The reality is that Catholic priests are just ordinary people who are not chosen by God, have no divine powers and are no more worthy of hero worship than anyone else. Until the average run of the mill Catholic realizes this and lays off with the hero worship routine, men will continue to hold the positions of power in the Catholic church at the expense of women, and the church will continue to be pretty much as backward as it’s always been.
The reality is that Catholic priests are just ordinary people who are not chosen by God, have no divine powers and are no more worthy of hero worship than anyone else.

Don't forget that the Pope is God's go to man on earth, so if he says it's so then it must be so
Christian Violence.

Christian Paster Punches a child in the chest.

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yes really mind numbing that this kind of logic doesnt result in mass exodus from Catholicism. All the past clergy pedophiles will now be able to take solace knowing it was not their wrong doing - it was those damn feminists that caused them to do it and the church hierarchy understand and are supportive of them. And the current fiddlers will also be able to console themselves likewise. It is a type of naive and un intelligent blame shifting that occurs commonly with those with no personal insight, even less emotional maturity and a depraved and distorted moral code to boot.
Some of the rituals in the Catholic religion are quite bizarre.
My missus grew up as a Catholic in Ireland and she’s full of tales about crazy stuff they used to do in the name of their religion and because their priest more or less told them that’s what was expected of them. And priests being the important men they are, chosen by God and blessed with divine powers, you didn’t question what they told you to do.
One of the rituals they repeated at the same time each year was to walk up a mountain that had a man made monument on top of it as a tribute to God. Some of the people used to take off their shoes before starting the climb, so their feet were cut and bleeding by the time they reached the top. The more cut and bleeding you were, the more your soul was purged of the evil things you’d done.
Once at the top, the next step in the ritual was to walk around the monument several times on your knees while you asked God to cleanse your soul, and at the same time you could ask God for any blessings or favors that you thought you were worthy of.
Once again, the more you bled the more you were purged of sin, and the greater your chance of gaining favor with God and therefore being welcomed into his heavenly realm in the next life.

Ring kissing was another ritual......the Bishop was a man of God who possessed divine powers, so you never missed a chance to kiss the Bishop’s ring as a way of getting his blessing, and therefore enhancing your chances of making it into heaven after your time on Earth was done. The old Bishop would stand there feeling mighty important with his ring hand stuck out, and the people would file past one by one to lay a kiss on his ring, do a bit of a bow to show their respect, make the sign of the cross on their breast, and then head for the village pub!

It was always the village priest who would be pressuring his flock into joining in these rituals, and making it clear that they’d gain God’s favor and blessing if they did, and his disapproval if they didn’t. And God’s disapproval wasn’t something any sane Catholic would want.

As my wife grew up she increasingly questioned whether there was any point to all this nonsense, and by young adulthood she was so disillusioned with Catholicism that she was seriously thinking of giving it away. She consulted a number of priests to discuss her feelings, and every one of them said it was Satan’s influence that was making her question her religion, she was blessed to be born a Catholic, and the only way to defeat Satan and ensure her place in Heaven was to question nothing, but to believe everything her Catholic religion taught her.
My wife tuned her back on Catholicism shortly after that, and has never returned to it.
Numbers 21:8

"And the LORD said to Moses, “Make a fiery serpent and set it on a pole, and everyone who is bitten, when he sees it, shall live.”

Its amazing how few Christians actually try that trick

wow that is a perfect example of crazy.
About 150 churches in the states currently use venomous snakes in religious rituals and there have been several deaths ( surprise surprise).
wow that is a perfect example of crazy.
About 150 churches in the states currently use venomous snakes in religious rituals and there have been several deaths ( surprise surprise).

I like the idea. Under Darwin's principles it just another way of weeding out the idiots. Go snakes
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