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Religion IS crazy!

That was then...ths is now. The various branches of Christianity are completely disorganised. Islam is well organised. Can you imagine the hilarity if the pope put a fatwa on some guy because he didn't like his books, and yet when some idiot who called himself Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the Supreme Leader of Iran issued a fatwa on Salman Rusdie we all took it seriously.
Can you imagine the hilarity if the pope put a fatwa on some guy because he didn't like his books,

Well they did try and kill Galileo because they didn't like his writings.

It is only years of secular influence that has tamed the church leaders, lets never forget how they acted when they had all the power.

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Our Muslim apologists continue to rant on over what the nasty Christians did decades ago. Meanwhile here and
Pakistani version of Sex in a Brothel called Paradise

Notice how contemptuous he is of "earthly" women.

This explains why it is easy to get male suicide bombers (martyrs), but what attraction is there in paradise for female suicide bombers?

There is no provision in paradise for Muslim women. If Muhammed was a nice guy he would have teed up an agreement with Allah, for Muslim women to partake of some of the delights in paradise. e.g. providing 70 studs, each with the stamina of 70 males to bring the rapture to each woman that she never experienced on earth due to genital mutilation.

Pakistani version of Sex in a Brothel called Paradise

Notice how contemptuous he is of "earthly" women.

According to this deranged poor bastard, ’the penis of the elected never softens – the erection is eternal’ .
Good grief.....I don’t like the sound of that at all....could be rather embarrassing if you’re at the beach in your speedos!
I just ask myself, if only religious groups put as much effort into eradicating paedophilia as they do homosexuality, well things would likely be a lot better in this world.

people from 50 churches doesn't make this too much of a fringe grouping

The group’s leader Steven Uggen was quoted saying: “The Lord really wanted to demonstrate his goodness to this community by releasing healing of HIV and AIDS, so we believe we’re going to see people healed of HIV and AIDS.”

From their facebook page

426 people participated from 50 churches during this last weekend for the Humility Outreach.
2476 people were talked to.
1124 people heard someone's testimony or the gospel.
935 were prayed for.
80 people surrendered or recommitted their lives to Jesus!!!!
40 healings!!
14 baptized in the Holy Spirit!

but wait, there's more craziness out there - he must have enough agreeing with his position to be "published" by the Russian People’s Line.

The priest called this summer’s games a “homosexual abomination.” More specifically, he said that soccer players’ brightly colored shoes were promoting the “gay rainbow.”

In a column penned for the Christian website Russian People’s Line, Shumsky claims that by “wearing pink or blue shoes, [the players] might as well wear women’s panties or a bra.”

“The liberal ideology of globalism clearly wants to oppose Christianity with football,” the priest wrote.

He added: “Therefore I am glad that the Russian players have failed and, by the grace of God, no longer participate i this homosexual abomination.”
the not so very humble banana

the not so very humble banana

Yes, that's a classic. Ray the Banana Man presenting "The Atheist's Nightmare". After real scientists showed up his ignorance on the evolution of the banana he apologised for that particular bit of "Living Waters" science. Pity "Living Waters" and their partners in stupidity over at "Answers in Genesis" don't issue a blanket apology for all of their website content and for the talks and books of all of their "evangelists" for their constant promotion of wilful ignorance.

Below is one of the many scientific rebuttals of what he said.

Notice also towards the end of the video clip sydboy posted the Darwin quote taken deliberately out of context. Typical of the Lying for Jesus brigade.

Just a quick look at Wikipedia tells what Darwin really wrote.

In 1802, philosopher William Paley called it a miracle of "design". Charles Darwin himself wrote in his Origin of Species, that the evolution of the eye by natural selection at first glance seemed "absurd in the highest possible degree". However, he went on to explain that despite the difficulty in imagining it, this was perfectly feasible:

"...if numerous gradations from a simple and imperfect eye to one complex and perfect can be shown to exist, each grade being useful to its possessor, as is certainly the case; if further, the eye ever varies and the variations be inherited, as is likewise certainly the case and if such variations should be useful to any animal under changing conditions of life, then the difficulty of believing that a perfect and complex eye could be formed by natural selection, though insuperable by our imagination, should not be considered as subversive of the theory."

He suggested a gradation from "an optic nerve merely coated with pigment, and without any other mechanism" to "a moderately high stage of perfection", giving examples of extant intermediate grades of evolution. Darwin's suggestions were soon shown to be correct, and current research is investigating the genetic mechanisms responsible for eye development and evolution.
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This link is exactly what I have been saying about the Fabian's modus operandi when they opened the flood gates to Muslim boat people.

It was implemented to create division in our community and cause hatred between Muslims and Christians.

Muslims appear to be peaceful people until they get the numbers to show their muscle.

I say stop any further entries now or regret it later.

Think about it?....Is this what we really want?
the not so very humble banana


and here is his buddy Kirk Cameron disproving evolution, lol.

Not only does it show he has no idea how evolution works, But he has no interest in understanding it. His faith in the biblical account of creation is too strong.

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Macro evolution is 100% unscientific

Why is that?

Macro and Micro evolution are the same thing, the only difference is time.

can you describe what you think the difference between Micro evolution and macro evolution is?
Absolutely not.

One is a decrease in genetic information, one is an increase.

Staggering that a supposedly intelligent person laughs at the fact that someone believes there can be a God, yet thinks it is intelligent to believe that humans today evolved from pond scum.
Hilarious delusion!
One is a decrease in genetic information, one is an increase.


How is micro evolution a decrease in genetic information?

But anyway regardless of what crackpot creationists say, It has already been shown that duplications and mutations can create new "information", so I don't know why your pulling out previously refuted claims.

Staggering that a supposedly intelligent person laughs at the fact that someone believes there can be a God, yet thinks it is intelligent to believe that humans today evolved from pond scum.
Hilarious delusion

Well both you and I agree we came from simple beginnings, the only difference is you believe we were created fully formed from dust, in an instant, by a god using magic.

I believe that we were not created in an instant by a supernatural god using magic, But rather we came about by natural processes, over a very long period of time.

The evidence we encounter in the really world tends to point to it happening over a long period of time by natural processes, rather than a god. We would have to figure out a way to prove a god exists before we could give him credit, especially because the ancient account in the bible seems to be totally false.
There is zero evidence that:

1) something can come from nothing (and by nothing, I mean nothing, not anything at all).
2) life can come from non life.

Unless you can show a scientific example of either, then you cannot account for our origins with your beliefs.

1, The theory of evolution doesn't say something comes from nothing.

2, the theory of evolution doesn't say life can come from non life

the theory of evolution doesn't start until after self replicating molecules have arrived.

But doesn't your creation account depend on god making things from nothing and then turning non- life into life?

the Bible account says god made man (life) from dust (non life), So doesn't your own god hypothesis relies on both of your points being possible?
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