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Religion IS crazy!

Re: Religion gone crazy!

And after you marry the 8 year old, you're allowed to hit them and have sex with them any time you like, along with your other wives....

It's OK to hit your wife, says Melbourne Islamic cleric Samir Abu Hamza
By Mark Dunn
Herald Sun
January 22, 2009 12:01am

A MELBOURNE Islamic cleric has told his male followers they can force their wives to have sex and hit them if they are disobedient.

Coburg's self-styled cleric Samir Abu Hamza said despite Australian rape laws it was impossible for a man to rape his wife even if she refused to have sex with him, the Herald Sun reports.

In a recorded lecture entitled "The Keys to a Successful Marriage", delivered to his male worshippers but now broadcast on the internet and viewed by several thousand people, Mr Hamza said Islamic law allowed men to hit their wives as a last resort, but they were not to make them bleed or become bruised.

He said under Islamic law, as described in a koranic verse, it was a man's right to demand sex from his wife whenever he felt like it.

I like his analysis on why people get married.

Re: Religion gone crazy!

Shouldn’t we just accept it as part of heritage and culture?

After all they worked on it since 7th century didn’t they?
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Shouldn’t we just accept it as part of heritage and culture?

After all they worked on it since 7th century didn’t they?
I'm not sure if your taking the piss or not there Happy.

Pretty funny if you're being sarcastic.

7th centruy values are good for Australia I reckon. Other gems include; polygamy, stoning to death, apostacy, and praying five times a day to a myth.

Pure idiocy.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

I do not agree with my statement, and if it is called sarcastic so be it, but when I think about those hated by me words – ‘heritage and culture’ in reference to customs of people who came to Australia 35 or 40 thousand years ago I just see a lot of parallels to this somewhat slow to change way of living.

Did anybody notice that women in both cases don’t get an equal chop as men in both cases?
Just few weeks ago or was it months, our Nicole Kidman offended certain group of our society by daring to touch Didgery doo.
Is it acceptable for equal rights society to accept any of that archaism?

It just looks that the whole world must change no matter what, but some groups are allowed to lock themselves in yestertime plus of course all the modern developments: free housing, 4WDs, now we are going to close 17 years life expectancy gap in the most remote parts of our almost Europe size continent.

Did somebody notice that excessive piss and massive flocks of diseased dogs might have something to do with life expectancy not to mention personal hygiene?
Re: Religion gone crazy!

I wonder how close these guys were to actually bombing the G and Crown?

Maybe a good thing for Crown to cop it, but the G!!!! Sacrilege!!!

Is this 'religion gone crazy' as it may be based purely on religion affiliation, or is it more a social/cultural phenomenon, or maybe it's all the same...

Bomb the G!!!! Now there's a sign of Western excess!!! Maybe because of all the light beer being drunk in the outer, and chicks in bikini tops at the cricket?

Terror cell 'aimed to wage war on non-believers'
Mex Cooper
February 3, 2009 - 12:11PM

A Melbourne-based terror cell was dedicated to the destruction of non-believers, a Supreme Court judge has said.

Justice Bernard Bongiorno made the comments during the start of a sentencing of seven men found guilty of terrorism-related charges last September.

Abdul Nacer Benbrika, 48, of Dallas, became the first Australian to be convicted of leading a terrorist organisation following the country's biggest-ever terrorism trial that lasted seven months and cost tens of millions of dollars.

The father-of-seven faces a maximum 25 years' prison for directing the terrorist group that the jury heard had discussed attacking Melbourne's Crown Casino and bombing the MCG on grand final day.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Girl marries dog in bizarre ritual
(00:42) Rough Cut
Re: Religion gone crazy!

I think these guys are just anti-fun when it boils down to it. Now we have the fatwa against the evil and sinful cricket. What next?,25197,25144579-25837,00.html
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Afghanistan has just passed laws that allow a husband to rape a wife, based on Sharia.

Good one.

Now Islamextremists in Pakistan add more fire for the need to get religion based laws out of this world.

Although, I'm not sure where the 'immoral behaviour' law is written into the Koran.

Outrage at Taliban's public flogging of girl

FACE down before a crowd, the teenage girl shrieks and writhes, begging for mercy. But the three masked men holding her down merely tighten their grip while a fourth man whips her again and again.

"Leave me for the moment ”” you can beat me again later," she screams. Paying no heed, the commander continues the flogging.

The video of a 17-year-old girl being publicly lashed by the Taliban in Pakistan's Swat Valley has galvanised the nation, drawing protests from human rights groups, denunciations from the Government and expressions of revulsion from Pakistanis.

The video, made earlier this year, surfaced on Friday on Pakistani television and the internet.

While reports of abusive acts by the Taliban have been filtering out of the north-western valley, where the Government struck a truce with Islamic militants in February, such brutal scenes are rarely caught on camera and publicly aired.

"This is intolerable," said Asma Jahangir, head of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, in the eastern city of Lahore.

Ms Jahangir said the girl was believed to have refused to marry a Taliban commander. The militants then accused her of immoral behaviour and ordered 34 lashes as a punishment, Pakistani news reports said.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

And Australian soldiers will continue to die for these people.
Re: Religion gone crazy!


Ms Jahangir said the girl was believed to have refused to marry a Taliban commander. The militants then accused her of immoral behaviour and ordered 34 lashes as a punishment, Pakistani news reports said.

If she was allowed to walk away from that forced marriage, maybe 34 lashes is nothing compared to what she would have to endure for the rest of her life.

If she got the 34 lashes and then got married anyway, then I must say she is in big trouble. And clear message for other females to just obey.

Anyway, for our multicultural Australia looks that we've got it wrong too.
We should have one democracy, one set of rules and transparent education otherwise we will allow different groups to educate their kids to unknown standards.

Remember school that Australian anthem was not part of curriculum?
Re: Religion gone crazy!

And Australian soldiers will continue to die for these people.
The new Afghan laws seem to be rebated at the moment, but this article was about Pakistan, although I think we'll all be in there soon also.

Yes, why should we be sacrificing our own for this?

It's quite ludicrous really.

On the surface of it.

Can we bring about change, for the 'good'?

Will this region wake up to modern day values?

Or, because they are living in the past, should they stay in the past?

Are the past values right for them in their world?

It seems to me sometimes that there are societies around the world that shouldn't have 21st century values enforced on them.

They can only live in the past due to their ecosocio circumstances and laws relevant for their survival.

Perhaps this region is one of them??

They need to have 6th century laws because they are living in the 6th century....
Re: Religion gone crazy!

If she got the 34 lashes and then got married anyway, then I must say she is in big trouble. And clear message for other females to just obey.

Re: Religion gone crazy!

So females should accept that?

That's what Taliban wants and recent development shows that they partially get it legally (every 4 days woman must submit to sexual advances irrespective if she has a headache or not)
Re: Religion gone crazy!

That's what Taliban wants and recent development shows that they partially get it legally (every 4 days woman must submit to sexual advances irrespective if she has a headache or not)
Ah, sounds fine to me.


Re: Religion gone crazy!

yes i think they should send the big one into areas inhabited by the talis. it makes more sense to use precision bombs but really a message needs to be sent. maybe putin and obama need to cut some sort of a fausian deal, as europe is pathetic.
i suspect only the soviets have the willpower to crush the extremists, as much as i sympathise with a small part of osamas ideals and determination.
nuc's are not quiet as bad as some make out.
if they used one in the valley when they knew oasma and his leaders were hiding out, it would be a different story now possibly.
the border with iran needs to be locked down too, like with technology and low population density, it should be relatively simple, but i guess too many are making too much.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

That's what Taliban wants and recent development shows that they partially get it legally (every 4 days woman must submit to sexual advances irrespective if she has a headache or not)

Maybe it will be short lived misinterpretation of misunderstanding taken out of context (as one mufti would say).

Re: Religion gone crazy!

Females should just be locked up at home in the kitchen!

With a hood on!

A black hood actually!!!

Re: Religion gone crazy!

That's what Taliban wants and recent development shows that they partially get it legally (every 4 days woman must submit to sexual advances irrespective if she has a headache or not)
What you've omitted is that the husband must only offer sex to his wife once in four months! How unfair is that??
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