Yes,excellent; this should be required watching for the politically correct Islami apologists. The peaceful majority of Muslims is irrevelant and we are living in a fool's world if we think that this majority would ever stand up to the jihadists, or even co-operate wth law enforcement to expose their illegal activities.
And I believe we’re living in a fool’s world if we think the average Muslim would be willing to fight for our country if there was an outbreak of war. Many thousands of Australian men and women volunteers signed up in the last two major wars that Australia fought in.
But I very much doubt that the Islamists we have in our country now would be willing to put their lives on the line for Australia – in that situation they’d be about as useful as boobs on a blowfly.
You did infer that centre link allowed married men to also claim benefits for defectors partners, and the way i read Sydboy's comment was that he was asking you to provide information on centre links terms and conditions that allow this. years, child marriage in this country has been hidden under layers of culture and tradition in tight-knit communities — a fringe issue that’s been difficult to gauge and hard to investigate. Then came news of a 12-year-old girl who was “married” in January to a 26-year-old Lebanese university student in an Islamic *ceremony at the girl’s home in NSW’s Hunter *Valley, and the layers of secrecy began to peel away. On best estimates, the number of girls in Australia being forced into marriage here or overseas is in the hundreds every year. Girls as young as 12 or 13 are disappearing from schoolyards, packed off to the countries of their parents’ birth to wed men they have never met, while others are taken from their homes in southern Asia and the Middle East and brought into Australia to marry.
The National Children’s and Youth Law Centre has identified 250 cases of under-age marriage over the past 24 months, while *Sharobeem, who was herself married to a cousin at the age of 14, says there are at least 60 child wives living in south-western Sydney alone. In Melbourne, Melba Marginson, executive director of the Victorian Immigrant and Refugee Women’s Coalition (VIRWC), says her women’s friendship network sees 150 women a week, most of whom come from communities where arranged marriages are practiced. “But what we are seeing is only the tip of the iceberg,” she says.
hundreds of thousands of Muslims fought in world war 1 and world war 2 on our side
In the Interests of fairness, I have served in both the Regular and Reserve Army, and I have met people of Muslim backgrounds in both.
also, hundreds of thousands of Muslims fought in world war 1 and world war 2 on our side.
to put it in perspective, Australia sent 324,000 soldiers overseas in WW1, India sent 1.5Million, over 400,000 Indian soldiers were muslim.
a large portion of Indian soldiers were Muslim.
Tell me – how did the Muslims you served with get on in relation to army meals and routine? I can't imagine that demanding Halal food, and wanting to pray several times a day, would get a nod of approval from the army.
As an apologist for Muslim culture consider this;
And I told him to do his own research.
Yas...Against Christians, in Europe.
I am not a Muslim apologist.
Pull the other leg.
" If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, it's a duck"
No you didn't. Your words were " Can you please refer me to information on centrelink".
I an not your flunkey. Do your own research if you wish to disprove what I said.
Yes, excellent ; this should be required reading for the politically correct Christian apologists.Yes,excellent; this should be required watching for the politically correct Islami apologists. The peaceful majority of Muslims is irrevelant and we are living in a fool's world if we think that this majority would ever stand up to the jihadists, or even co-operate wth law enforcement to expose their illegal activities.
My whole position here is that religions are Bad and should not be given any special treatment, You have argued that Christianity does deserve a special treatment because it is not as bad as Islam.
.The Germans after the huge losses before Moscow (December 1941) found themsleves needing to look for additional manpower. One of the places they looked was amomg Muslims. Here they found willing recruits both in the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, Both the Wehrmacht and SS formed military units with Muslim recruits
Yes, excellent ; this should be required reading for the politically correct Christian apologists.
WikipediaThe following are excerpts on homosexuality, taken from the Saudi Ministry of Education Textbooks for Islamic Studies:
"Homosexuality is one of the most disgusting sins and greatest crimes.... It is a vile perversion that goes against sound nature, and is one of the most corrupting and hideous sins.... The punishment for homosexuality is death. Both the active and passive participants are to be killed whether or not they have previously had sexual intercourse in the context of a legal marriage.... Some of the companions of the Prophet stated that [the perpetrator] is to be burned with fire. It has also been said that he should be stoned, or thrown from a high place."
What i said was "I am an atheist but I have tried to avoid taking cheap shots at the Christian religion which has served this country well."
This is a part of the Islamist religion which you and your cronies look at through rose-coloured glasses.
You on the other hand have lavished praises on Muslims because they served us well in two world wars.
You can forget about WWI. More Muslims fought on the German side
In WW2 it was mainly in defence against against the Japanese.
VC, a militant atheist, we would never have guessed.
A religion in itself.
Do you consider "OFF" a TV channel? or bald a hair colour?
Keep preaching, that is what you are doing.
Keep preaching, that is what you are doing.
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