Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Religion IS crazy!

Good on them, I agree with their stand.
Keeping our Christian heritage is important.

Any discussion of the Christan religion here seems intent on denigating the Churches for the actions of a few. I am an atheist but I have tried to avoid taking cheap shots at the Christian religion which has served this country well.

What cannot be ignored is the Muslim treatment here of women and girls which should see the perpetrators locked up or deported.

And yet we are ignoring it.

Reports, including in The Australian, have revealed how hundreds of teenage girls have been forcibly married to older men in some Muslim communities. Some of these girls have given birth to their first baby while still children themselves. Many have been brutalised and isolated. This is not a norm we should tolerate or accept.

Muslims from Southeast Asia, India and Central Asia have been part of this nation since soon after European settlement. Along with so many other cultures, they form a rich and integral part of our national story. Yet child brides and homegrown jihadists are beyond our cultural tolerance whether we are Muslim, Christian, Buddhist or atheist Australians.

The difficult question for societies based on tolerance is whether it is *self-defeating to tolerate subcultures that exhibit extreme intolerance. The way some extreme versions of Islamic tradition are practised in our country is anathema to our accepted values. We cannot hide from the dilemma this poses.
Keeping our Christian heritage is important.


It may be important to you, but it's not important to everyone else that's not Christian, or the growing number of people who want to break ties with religion and live in a society free of the religious divisions.

If you want to be religious and attend church, that's up to you. But preying on people in trouble to subvert them into a religion, or using your command authority to press a religion in wrong.

It may be important to you, but it's not important to everyone else that's not Christian, or the growing number of people who want to break ties with religion and live in a society free of the religious divisions.

If you want to be religious and attend church, that's up to you. But preying on people in trouble to subvert them into a religion, or using your command authority to press a religion in wrong.

Especially when I find more often it's those lacking a strong religious affiliation that seem to show more Christian charity in action than a lot of those who puff up their chests to proudly proclaim just how religious they are.

The same applies for those of other religions.

The way people can justify their actions when it flies in the face of their religious teachings just amazes me. How often do we hear the ends justify the means, whether the catholic hierarchy protecting paedophiles or muslim leaders justifying suicide murders or even using people with limited mental capabilities to act as suicide murderers.

I truly believe a world without religion would have had far fewer wars. Funny how God is on everyone's side.
Bunyip, I think all of the ABC TV programs are available after broadcast on iview.
If you just go to the ABC website, type in the name of the program you're looking for in the Search box, it will usually come up. Just click on the program and then access archives to find what you want.

Righto Julia, I'll file that info away for future use. Thanks.
Any discussion of the Christan religion here seems intent on denigating the Churches for the actions of a few. I am an atheist but I have tried to avoid taking cheap shots at the Christian religion which has served this country well.


Can you name any good thing a religion has done that couldn't be done in other ways.

To me religion is a pill with some very terrible side effects, You say it has done some good things, But I would say it hasn't done anything that can't be achieve in other ways, and when a pill has terrible side effects, you shouldn't use it if there are other ways.

Also nothing justifies lying to people.
Can you name any good thing a religion has done that couldn't be done in other ways.

Nope. But at the present stage I think the Islamists are doing more outrageous things than the Christians, especially in the treatment of women. Obviously you don'f agree.
Nope. But at the present stage I think the Islamists are doing more outrageous things than the Christians, especially in the treatment of women. Obviously you don'f agree.

I am not interested in totalling up which religion does the most harm, to me they are all equal glimpses of the untrue, and they all contribute a lot of really bad side effects onto society.

Christianity is certainly not free of guilt when it comes to the mistreatment of women.

Also, favouring one religion over another is not the way to stamp out the wrong doings of religions, All you will do is put the other religion into the under dog position and allow extreme views to form.
+1 to syd's and value collector's posts above.

To suggest that anyone is damning whole religions because of the actions of a few is disingenuous.

The collective, systemic and organised covering up of widely known abuse by its members of the churches is, if possible, even worse than the abuse itself.

Even when they were forced to admit what had happened, their lawyers tried to screw the victims into the ground.
So much for love and compassion.:(:(
I am not interested in totalling up which religion does the most harm, to me they are all equal glimpses of the untrue, and they all contribute a lot of really bad side effects onto society.

Christianity is certainly not free of guilt when it comes to the mistreatment of women.

Also, favouring one religion over another is not the way to stamp out the wrong doings of religions, All you will do is put the other religion into the under dog position and allow extreme views to form.

I spite of the hate posts here, I am sure that most Australians who don't adhere to a Christian church, if asked to choose between Christian values and Muslim values, would choose the former. Your choice would obviously be in favour of Islam. But you can't excuse their behaviour towards their women by saying that Christians do it too.

It is strange that those critical of my post, steer away from the main topic of my post... the harsh and illegal treatment of Muslim women by their males.

By the way, is that a mosque depicted in your avatar?
I spite of the hate posts here, I am sure that most Australians who don't adhere to a Christian church, if asked to choose between Christian values and Muslim values, would choose the former.

Perhaps that is true, But that is only because their experience is with the very much watered down modern Christian teachings based on cherry picked bible verses, and the fact that most people are unaware of the damage Christianity does. I doubt many Australians would be favour of biblical Christian values which condone slavery etc.

Your choice would obviously be in favour of Islam. But you can't excuse their behaviour towards their women by saying that Christians do it too.

No, I would choose neither, as I said they are both equal glimpses of the untrue, should be given no special treatment. I am not trying to excuse their behaviour " because Christians do it too", I am saying neither should receive any special position, You are trying to give Christianity a higher position than it deserves and I am just pointing out that it is no better.

It is strange that those critical of my post, steer away from the main topic of my post... the harsh and illegal treatment of Muslim women by their males.

The main topic of your post was to point out that Christianity had been a force for good, and that it deserved respect because it wasn't as bad as islam, I am simply saying neither deserves respect and both have committed atrocities

By the way, is that a mosque depicted in your avatar

No, that's Sleeping beauties castle in Disneyland California , with a statue of Walt Disney holding mickey mouse's hand.

Any discussion of the Christan religion here seems intent on denigating the Churches for the actions of a few. I am an atheist but I have tried to avoid taking cheap shots at the Christian religion which has served this country well.
The Catholic church likes to depict itself and its popes as paragons of virtue. It almost beggars belief to see how much they’re idolized and put up on pedestals as role models of compassion and decency.
And yet popes, priests and others of high ranking in the RCC have for decades or even centuries been guilty of some appalling criminal behavior. The same can be said of other churches, although to a lesser extent.
To make the world aware of this is not ‘taking a cheap shot’ at the RCC or at churches generally. I’d rather this sort of thing is brought out in the open instead of being covered up. There’s been too much cover-up already.
The Roman Catholic church will have more credibility when it shows people that it practices what it preaches. Some people within the church already do so, but too many do not. Ditto for a number of other churches as well, but the Catholic church is the standout among Christian churches for appalling behavior.
Sure they do some good things as well – I’ve acknowledged that in more than one post. But the more unsavory behavior within the churches can no longer be swept under the carpet on the pretense that it doesn’t exist. It exists alright, and those who expose it are not taking any cheap shots, they’re simply facing up to reality.

What cannot be ignored is the Muslim treatment here of women and girls which should see the perpetrators locked up or deported.

And yet we are ignoring it.
No, we’re not ignoring it. Our Prime Minister has spoken out publicly against the practice of forced marriage of young girls, and our media are exposing it whenever they get wind of it. I’ve watched a number of TV programs dealing with this very issue. And I’ve read about it many times in newspapers. We have laws and penalties to deal with any offenders. Perhaps the penalties are not strong enough, but at least we’re making an effort to combat this sort of horrible behavior. The problem is that it’s usually done on the quiet, with only the families concerned knowing anything about it. That makes it pretty damn hard to report it, or take action against the guilty parties.

As for the lesser issues, such as making women wear veils, or dress in head to toe do you combat that? A government wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell of passing a law that dictates how people dress.
Tim Blair on fire.

Tim Blair
Monday, June 23, 2014 (5:14am)

Next year’s Anzac Day parades should be colourful affairs, what with the first appearance from our brave fighting boys in the 1st Disability Pension Infantry.

These welfare Wahhabis and their holy bludger brigades are currently sweeping through Iraq, laying waste to civilians and soldiers alike in a bid to create some kind of Islamic purity state.

Good luck with that. Let’s assume, for the sake of it, that ISIS (Impaired and Subsidised Islamic Soldiers) achieves its aim of overthrowing governments in Iraq and Syria. What happens next? Well, nothing. Nothing at all. These blokes can’t work, and they’ve got the official medical documents to prove it.

If post-war welfare systems in Iraq and Syria turn out to be anything like Australia’s, they’ll be flooded with compensation claims from every Tom, Dick and Hudhaifah Karim al-Rashid presently murdering their terrified co-religionists.

It says something about just how low the bar is set for disability payments in Australia that people qualify as unable to work even though they are capable of living – indeed, thriving – in war zones.

These must be the only combat veterans in history who arrived at the war on crutches and were able to walk afterwards. Or perhaps we’re witnessing authentic religious miracles; behold Habib, who defied medical science by rising from his sick bed (his fully sick bed) to slaughter other Muslims.

Unfortunately for the future economy of their great Islamic state, however, killing is about all these chaps can do. Thanks to Facebook, we’re already seeing signs of how things might be under the rule of the bludjahideen. Sure, they’re great at putting bullets in the back of captured Iraqi soldiers’ heads. But they clearly can’t find any laborers to bury the bodies.

Life in the compo caliphate won’t be much fun within a generation or two, once everybody is signed up for free government cash. Welfare only works when there are workers. It’ll be a little like Tasmania, except with a slightly less ridiculous electoral system.
What a scumbag!!!

'Honour killings' speech prompts boycott of Festival of Dangerous Ideas

A speaker at the upcoming Festival of Dangerous Ideas will seek to defend so-called honour killings - the murder of women deemed to have brought shame or dishonour on their family.

Uthman Badar, a Sydney-based Muslim speaker, writer and activist, will deliver a presentation titled "Honour killings are morally justified" and argue that such acts are seized on by Westerners as a symbol of everything they dislike about another culture.

The announcement sparked condemnation on social media from those arguing the Opera House stage should not be used as a platform for such radical and confronting propositions.

Mr Badar is an Australian spokesman for Hizb ut-Tahrir, a group described by the festival as "global advocacy group working for positive change in the Muslim world via the re-establishment of the Islamic Caliphate" - a state under sharia, or Islamic law.
IMHO.......Islam is religious front politics.......Christianity is a business to make money.

The Vatican makes millions every day......You have to pay to go in but I am not sure how much......I went though in 2006 with a touring group and the visit was included with the package....but I can tell you we in through a special door because we were booked in at 8am but there would have been a triple que 1 km long at 8am......the end of the que would not have entered until 3 pm.

It may be important to you, but it's not important to everyone else that's not Christian, or the growing number of people who want to break ties with religion and live in a society free of the religious divisions.

If you want to be religious and attend church, that's up to you. But preying on people in trouble to subvert them into a religion, or using your command authority to press a religion in wrong.

Great post. It's all dogmatic rubbish. If one chooses to believe it then I couldn't care less, but that doesn't make it self evident, so please don't pester me about it.