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Religion IS crazy!

Re: Religion gone crazy!

Seems Islam has been bashed a bit here.

Not intentional, just listing the stories of the day where some religious events or decisions don't seem to add up in this modern world...

Malaysia's Muslims banned from yoga
November 23, 2008, 2:02 pm

Malaysia's top Islamic body fresh from banning tomboys has issued an edict prohibiting Muslims from practising yoga, saying they could be corrupted by elements of Hinduism in the exercise.

The National Fatwa Council's chairman, Abdul Shukor Husin, said Saturday many Muslims failed to understand that yoga's ultimate aim was to be one with a god of a different religion - an explanation disputed by many practitioners who say yoga need not have a religious element.

"We are of the view that yoga, which originates from Hinduism, combines physical exercise, religious elements, chanting and worshipping for the purpose of achieving inner peace and ultimately to be one with god," Abdul Shukor said.

News of the yoga ban prompted activist Marina Mahathir to wonder what the council will ban next: "What next? Gyms? Most gyms have men and women together. Will that not be allowed any more?"
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Seems Islam has been bashed a bit here.

Not intentional, just listing the stories of the day where some religious events or decisions don't seem to add up in this modern world...

"Malaysia's Muslims banned from yoga"
well kennas lol - surprise surprise, Moslems finding fault with Hinduism etc .. - By the way, it's dead simple to find a balancing counter to that one ... here is what some Christian nutcases have said about Transendental Meditation for example ....

This (first) bloke claims to be a PhD - probably specialising in the Druids or something.

Meditation is UnChristian. It is an act of evil which invites fornication, Satan and all his followers. It should be kept far away from decent, God-fearing folk

This one posted by Reverend Ian Porter (American) ... he seems to think that acupuncture is flirting with Satan lol. Never mind mate, whatever else you say about acupuncture, you can't say it's pointless lol.

America is populated by God Fearing Christians. Anyone treading the waters of acupuncture, homeopathy and other heathen rites is dancing with Satan and all his non-American demons. God Bless America - may he protect us from foreigners and their evil.

I agree with a bloke there who argues that prayer is just a form of meditation - the same self-hypnosis factor, but a considerably enhanced self-delusion factor to boot.

Some notes I took whilst reading Adam Smith's "Powers of the Mind" :-

You can use a mantra of "one" - or your can use a mantra of "Hare Krishna" - or for that matter "Jesus, show me the way" ... same feeling of peace in the end :2 twocents

I'd also agree with this bloke (a pom) ...

As an Englishman reading the article and some of these comments, I have just one thing to say:

These American Jesus Freaks who attack Meditation sound more frightening and "evil" than the people they are attacking, to me.

Here's a counter from an American ... (with which I do not agree - or at least should be put in perspective) ...

So , lol - as if people talking in tongues - or conversely passing out etc aren't "possessed" - possessed by a vivid imagination for a start. Even Sarah Palin was getting the special witch-soothsayer-treatment in a recent youtube :eek3:

Or the odd case requiring an exorcist etc ... Trouble is it takes more than just giving up vegemite to sort them out.

Summary, Muslims prohibit yoga? - well imo Christians are no better when/if they are frightened of Satan "attacking" them whilst they are meditating / or practicing listening to your lungs and heart , whatever you want to call it.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Lol ...
Advanced Degree My Ass
posted by chris mccasland on 22 Jun 2007 at 4:10 pm
Your grammar is horrible. You say 'us' christians and 'us' americans. It is "we". You couldn't pass a 7th grade grammar exam
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Key to a successful life...God, family, finances - in that for me!
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Well said Solomon.

Really the only people Jesus Christ got cranky with was the religous leaders of the day.

God, Family and finance for me to

Sure we need enough money to live, but we try to live a simple life. I try not to let money drive me.

With trading its more the challange to achieve rather than the money
Re: Religion gone crazy!

I agree. Trading's more about the fun than the money.The money is just a bonus.
Re: Religion gone crazy!


School chaplains 'worked miracles'
Caroline Overington | December 06, 2008

GOD has cured at least one state school student of attention deficit disorder and another of asthma, according to interviews with chaplains employed in 2850 schools under a $165 million federal government program.

The Lord has also made it stop raining at a state school assembly in Queensland and performed other miracles to bring state school children to Jesus.

One chaplain was able to "fix the head" of a disruptive student by placing his hands upon the boy's head, and praying for him.

$165m program to stop the raining during assembly?

God cured asthma as well! Incredible!

How about He distribute some condoms about Africa too. Oh no, can't do that because the Pope (His representative of Earth) says....
Re: Religion gone crazy!

I noticed a reference to Transcendental Meditation [TA] above. There's an interesting [non-religious] book titled "TA and Cult Mania" by Persinger et al. TA has a very checkered histroy if you bother to research it.
It offers far more [or less] than a "free" introductory course. Even a google search will tell you more if you are interested. See if you can find references to actual costs, the range of programs, the origins of the supposed secret mantras and the experiences of ex-followers. There was an international organisation called TM-Ex -- not sure of its current status.
Like shares I am simply suggesting you DYOR.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Religion is way to fulfill the spiritual needs of humans, it had been commercialized many years back to generate massive profits, you can see that Religious leaders are the most influential and wealthiest people on earth! they have become bigger than any government or political influence, for example the Vatican is the worlds largest property holder and owns many big corporations.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Key to a successful life...God, family, finances - in that for me!

well . . . i'm disappointed in "your" God a5e0i. have u watched SBS news lately? he/she sure is an under achiever.
Re: Religion gone crazy!


Are us humans really this stupid?

I guess we are.

Perhaps the title should be changed to 'Human's gone crazy', with one of it's obvious manifestations religion.

Oh, and Merry Christmas everyone!

50 'witches' beaten by villagers
By Sujeet Kumar in Raipur, India | December 22, 2008
Article from: Reuters

POLICE are investigating reports that villagers in a tribal area of central India beat 50 women with sticks and cut off their hair after accusing them of witchcraft,

The villagers acted on the advice of a local spiritual man who said the assault would protect them from evil spirits, in a forest in a poor district of Chhattisgarh state, 400km from the capital Raipur, police said.

Dozens of women are killed every year on suspicion of being witches or witch doctors in India, where superstition is widespread, especially in rural areas that lack an effective schooling system.

While there are few killings in Chhattisgarh, more than 100 women are tortured, paraded naked or harassed in the state every year, officials say.

The state passed a Witchcraft (Prevention) Act in 2005 to counter a rise in witchhunts, handing out jail terms of up to five years for offenders, though many cases are still reported.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

The Catholic church is getting desperate now. Jumping on the environmental bandwagon to stop, of all things, the pill!

The Pill 'polluting the environment'
From correspondents in Vatican City
January 04, 2009 06:38am

THE contraceptive pill is polluting the environment and is in part responsible for male infertility, a report in the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano said today.

The pill "has for some years had devastating effects on the environment by releasing tonnes of hormones into nature" through female urine, said Pedro Jose Maria Simon Castellvi, president of the International Federation of Catholic Medical Associations, in the report.

"We have sufficient evidence to state that a non-negligible cause of male infertility in the West is the environmental pollution caused by the pill," he said, without elaborating further.

"We are faced with a clear anti-environmental effect which demands more explanation on the part of the manufacturers," Mr Castellvi said.

The article was promptly dismissed by several organisations.

"Once metabolised, the hormones contained in oral contraceptives no longer have any of the characteristic effects of feminine hormones," said Gianbenedetto Melis, vice-president of a contraceptive research association, quoted by the ANSA news agency.

Pope Benedict XVI in October reaffirmed the Roman Catholic Church's condemnation of artificial birth control.

Contraception "means negating the intimate truth of conjugal love, with which the divine gift (of life) is communicated," the leader of the world's 1.1 billion Roman Catholics wrote on the 40th anniversary of a papal encyclical on the topic.

An encyclical is a letter usually treating some aspect of Catholic doctrine and issued occasionally by the pope.

The landmark document, whose title in English is On the Regulation of Birth, was published at a time when the development of the Pill was giving new sexual freedom to women across the world.

Millions of Catholics distanced themselves from Rome as a result.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Geesus... I'll have to watch where I go now I've mentioned 'astrology' and 'numerology' in another thread.

But seriously, some of these ancient rituals, dare I call them religions, are nothing short of barbaric.

The Catholic church is getting desperate now. Jumping on the environmental bandwagon to stop, of all things, the pill!

I won't be lending any support to the church's cause, but it seems it is an issue with recycled water for human consumption. Some reports claim there are gaps in the testing proceedures and known side effects.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

"We have sufficient evidence to state that a non-negligible cause of male infertility in the West is the environmental pollution caused by the pill," he said, without elaborating further.

They wouldnt consider that enviromental pollution is simply caused by over population I guess ....

How many people does the Catholics want on this planet I wonder .....
Re: Religion gone crazy!

The Pope is doing it for the baby bonus IMO.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

The Pope is doing it for the baby bonus IMO.
Maybe he'll put the funds towards a new plazma for the sacricity, or a new gold crucifix danging off the rear vision mirror of the Pope mobile?
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Should there be a time limit on these sorts of things?

Or, is the church just trying to save some compo payouts?

Church seeks to lift sex abuse claim time limit
Michael McKenna | January 17, 2009
Article from: The Australian

AUSTRALIA'S church leaders are secretly lobbying for the removal of a time limit that blocks child sex victims from suing for compensation over institutional abuse.

A multi-denominational push, led by Australia's Anglican leader, Brisbane Archbishop Phillip Aspinall, is pressuring Queensland's Bligh Government to set a nationwide precedent and exempt child victims from the laws, which normally require that they launch legal action by the time they turn 21.

Hundreds of victims - including those openly acknowledged as being abused for years by some of the country's most notorious pedophiles - have been blocked by state and church lawyers from having their claims tested and compensated by the court by the "time-limit defence".
Re: Religion gone crazy!

I was a little shocked to read this article thinking that this type of practice is a clear hangover from 6th C customry law in the region and has no place in the modern world, but then I read the last sentance and thought, aaah, that's fine then, these people are very forward thinking.

Top Saudi cleric: OK to wed young girls

(CNN) -- The debate over the practice of men marrying children in Saudi Arabia was back in the spotlight this week, with the kingdom's top cleric refusing to annul the marriage of an 8-year-old girl to a 47-year-old man.

Saudi cleric Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Sheikh says it's OK for a girl aged 10 or 12 to get married.

"It is incorrect to say that it's not permitted to marry off girls who are 15 and younger," Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Sheikh, the kingdom's grand mufti, said in remarks quoted Wednesday in the regional Al-Hayat newspaper. "A girl aged 10 or 12 can be married. Those who think she's too young are wrong and they are being unfair to her."

The issue of child marriage has been a hot-button topic in the deeply conservative kingdom in recent weeks.

In December, Saudi judge Sheikh Habib Abdallah al-Habib refused to annul the marriage of an 8-year-old girl to a 47-year-old man.

The judge rejected a petition from the girl's mother, whose lawyer said the marriage was arranged by her father to settle a debt with "a close friend." The judge required the girl's husband to sign a pledge that he would not have sex with her until she reaches puberty.
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