Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

RBY - Rockeby Biomed

Looks to me that the market is worried about the lack of cash at the end of the quarter.
Yep. I agree it looks like they tried to raise some cash by issuing some options but that was not very successful. I am wondering why this stock should be of any interest even though they get the cash that they need??
I don't understand very well where the big source of future revenue might come from? :banghead:
Fab said:
Any suggestions where this share is heading and why ? :eek:
There is a well posted history to this thread that explains why RBY is not a clever investment.
Can't see anything that has changed in the last year or so.
Share plan has been annouced. I am wondering if that would be interesting to enter at this low level. At what price are they also offering this shares to current shareholders ?
Why would RBY be a good investment ?
RBY down again today after finalizing a placement to sophisticated investor. Look like they are short in cash but then if they get to sign the deals they are working on , this share could go up a fair bit in the future ;)
Fab said:
Interest is growing on this stock. Anyone following it ? :)
I have watched hundreds of people get sucked in to one of the classic dog stock on our exchange.
I suggest you turn your mind to more fruitful pursuits.
Good luck.
Fab said:
Do you know this stock well ? Why are you saying that ?
I know this stock exceptionally well and have been following it and krisbarry for around a year.
RBY's present price action is possibly the last of its dead cat bounces.
But if you have insightful news, you should post it.
Otherwise you are little better than krisbarry who was god's gift to ramping.

All I know is that they are offering a SPP and that their research in HIV and bird flu test seems to be interesting but they don't have much cash.
My problem is that I bought some at 0.048 and they are now at 0.015 which is a big drop. I am hoping maybe to grab some at around 0.010 to average and then maybe sell them.
WHy is this company a dead cat ? If you know it so well can you tell me why to invest or not to invest it ? Risks and advantage ?

Thanks :)
Fab said:

All I know is that they are offering a SPP and that their research in HIV and bird flu test seems to be interesting but they don't have much cash.
My problem is that I bought some at 0.048 and they are now at 0.015 which is a big drop. I am hoping maybe to grab some at around 0.010 to average and then maybe sell them.
WHy is this company a dead cat ? If you know it so well can you tell me why to invest or not to invest it ? Risks and advantage ?

Thanks :)
There is a saying about throwing good money after bad.
I think it is wiser than your willingness to "average" into a stock that has a demonstrated habit of making a loss year on year.
If you want to lose some money on a cheap equity, pick an oil driller - every now and then they strike it lucky and you make a motza: Mostly you lose.
rederob said:
There is a saying about throwing good money after bad.
I think it is wiser than your willingness to "average" into a stock that has a demonstrated habit of making a loss year on year.
If you want to lose some money on a cheap equity, pick an oil driller - every now and then they strike it lucky and you make a motza: Mostly you lose.


Rederob has given you good advice. Have you actually read this thread through from the beginning and taken a look at the chart?

If so, why would you even remotely consider putting money into it???

I read the thread and noticed the free fall since they went to around 5 cents but the way I see it is for a company like RBY which develops drugs it would take a fair bit of time to get the drug ready and then market it which seems to be what they are trying to do right now by using the SPP.
I don't know much about the company but the drug that they develop for bird flu and hiv sounds pretty interesting.
My main worry is they seems to have very little capital and very big ideas (going global).
Fab said:
My main worry is they seems to have very little capital and very big ideas (going global).
Fab, you mean like Alan Bond and Chris Skase.
We have much larger, well capitalised companies that try to global and have a rough trot.
Have a close look at CCE for a very good example, with a proven world class product that is achieving good sales.
CCE graph looks similar to RBY one indeed.
I guess RBY would not be worth 1.5 cents if it was a proven successful company. It is probably the risk you take when investing in companies in early stage of development or expansion.
My problem is I don't know much about the management , the product and so on therefore it is very much a gamble to me.
Actually it is now 25% up now based on the asx website ? with a 10 000 000 volume. Do you know why ?

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