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Racial abuse

Re: Racial abuse..........

It was diplomatic in one way but it just inflamed the situation.
They were all very happy to ruin the life of a 13 year old kid over what is really nothing.....
Re: Racial abuse..........

For the black community he may have just saved some kids from being called the usual names by making people think twice well at least for a while.

I'll bet this girl is called a lot more hurtful names than "ape" by her classmates. However, now that she has achieved celebrity status, she might become popular. "Ten minutes of fame".

You can play spot the oldies in this thread: "I remember the good old days when you could call a b___ a b ____ and they'd take it with a smile".
You can play spot the oldies in this thread: "I remember the good old days when you could call a b___ a b ____ and they'd take it with a smile".

Congratulations on the most ignorant post in the thread.

Just as the usual suspect have lined ups; the hand wringers, the PC brigade, the overly sensitive, the bleeding hearts and the alarmists have squealed like little piggies too.

Could have named them from the start.
You can play spot the oldies in this thread: "I remember the good old days when you could call a b___ a b ____ and they'd take it with a smile".

Why make a big deal out of it? Hopefully you don't discriminate against older people.

Oldies have plenty of wisdom. The Asians correctly give their oldies respect.
The saying was never discuss race, religion or politics - now add sexual gender. Interesting range of views...I could say what else would you expect from a Collingwood supporter but that'd be stereotyping.

The thing about being got at, whatever the vehicle used (race, religion, nationality, weight, etc), is that a single comment or slur doesn't cause the reaction. It's the accumulated exposure. I experienced this overseas and I am "white".

Ape & monkey has been used in a derogatory sense towards negroid and mongoloid people by caucasian people (to use old terms) for centuries. A reader of history should have come across it. A German term used for the British is Inselaffen meaning 'island apes' or 'island monkeys'. It's not a term of endearment.

Should she have said it? No.
Should he have been offended? If it was delivered in the sense that I think it would have been, yes.
Should he have left the field? No.
Should it have ended at the fence? Not sure. The girl needs to be made aware it's not right. Not sure how it could have best been handled.
Should it have made it past the papers and news after the next edition. No.

its just you...

i'm sick of it to be honest... we're all people so why do we need to insult each other by color and looks? time it was stamped out. I think A Goodes is a top bloke.

I'm with you blokes. Why on earth in this day and age do some people need to call others derogatory names? How about some respect within the community? In the end that's what it's all about, respect, which some people have none of. By the way the girl apologised on national TV last night, time to move on.
its just you...

i'm sick of it to be honest... we're all people so why do we need to insult each other by color and looks? time it was stamped out. I think A Goodes is a top bloke.

You really think his heart was broken ?
Attention seeking more like it.

The kid is 13 and there's the big bad footballer pointing "she called me names" why didn't he just front her himself ?

It's a football match, did you expect the ballet audience ?
They deliberately didn't post her image on the ABC, the Age, Channel 7 or channel 10.
Newscorp though put her on the front page of the Herald Sun. Pathetic company. No idea of child welfare.
They deliberately didn't post her image on the ABC, the Age, Channel 7 or channel 10.
Newscorp though put her on the front page of the Herald Sun. Pathetic company. No idea of child welfare.

Not true, channel 7 showed her face several times during and after the telecast on Friday night, then they got on their moral high horse the next day and said they would not show her face despite interviewing both her and her mum

Because there will always be idiots! Believe me the incidence of racial abuse is very low at the footy compared to what it once was and that is all to the good. But now with phones that can video people etc. the few people there are that are racist are being found out and publicised which is probably the worst thing you can do. It would be better if everyone ignored them or just quietly reported them to the relevant authorities instead of having a major national crisis and the media going into overdrive every time one of the very small minority of idiots in the crowd makes a dumb racist remark.
One wonders with the media feasting that has followed this whether it would have been better to have put her in the stocks and throw squishy tomatoes at her for 10-minutes before kicking her out of the ground.


  • Jaymie in the Stocks - Malta.jpg
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Yes, Over-The-Top...for sure.

I was called worse at school.

Exactly, I was called names, everyone was , kids pick on the physical differences and use them to taunt you.

Sorry everyone but ......that's life.
Exactly, I was called names, everyone was , kids pick on the physical differences and use them to taunt you.

Sorry everyone but ......that's life.
The Footy Show has been calling Dunstall and Lyon, and some others "apes" or "gorillas" for many years too.
The Footy Show has been calling Dunstall and Lyon, and some others "apes" or "gorillas" for many years too.

I don't think you can legislate against human nature, comments thoughts etc
You can legislate against discrimination.......sometimes I wonder what's offensive about the word "black" I guess it's the intent in which it's used, but "gorilla" ? breaking his heart and all the other BS and Maguire running to the opposition club rooms to grovel forgiveness and the media all over it...........just crazy stuff.
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