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Queensland election Jan 31 2015

28 October 2008
Has Campbell Newman trumped Clive Palmer's senate inquiry into his government with a Jan 31 election date, almost two months early ?
Has Campbell Newman trumped Clive Palmer's senate inquiry into his government with a Jan 31 election date, almost two months early ?

I think Campbell Newman as caught Labor with their pants down also.
Has Campbell Newman trumped Clive Palmer's senate inquiry into his government with a Jan 31 election date, almost two months early ?
Here was me thinking it was just his own party opening the door for him to leave two months early. Pretty clever way of changing leaders, don't you think?
Here was me thinking it was just his own party opening the door for him to leave two months early. Pretty clever way of changing leaders, don't you think?
His own seat may be the most interesting aspect of this election.

Sportbet's odds are against him but the date as yet doesn't reflect the advised election date.

Saturday 28/02/2015

Will Newman win his seat of Ashgrove?

No 1.45, Yes 2.50.
He wants to be judged on his record, so we need to untangle the legacy stuff Bligh left like:

Hospital developments
Road infrastructure
Parks and wildlife conservation
Gladstone port facilities
Coal basin developments
In the three years since they lost office Labor in Qld has offered no hint of what their policies might be.
Just silence other than the predictable carping.

Across all the Premiers and their Opposition leaders in Australia, I've not observed any who seems so poorly equipped for the job than the Labor leader here, Annastacia Palaszczuk.
He wants to be judged on his record, so we need to untangle the legacy stuff Bligh left like:

Hospital developments
Road infrastructure
Parks and wildlife conservation
Gladstone port facilities
Coal basin developments

Newman certainly has the states finances in far better shape than when he took over from Labor and under some difficult times.

Queenslanders will go to the polls on Saturday, 31 January 2015 in an election that will decide if Queensland stays on a path to prosperity. The Queensland economy is showing significant signs of recovery, and – particularly in uncertain times – it’s vital that we don’t risk stagnation caused by election speculation.
Newman certainly has the states finances in far better shape than when he took over from Labor and under some difficult times.
And has achieved significant reduction in crime, whatever the bikies may think about their loss of freedom to terrorise.
Newman certainly has the states finances in far better shape than when he took over from Labor and under some difficult times.

You got certified a copy of that....I'd like to know what the net cash at bank and balance sheet looks like?

The problem I have is the disparity of the asset worth the LNP depreciated to for the Costello audit to that of the ratings agencies at the time.

I'm wondering if those assets are still valued on par to the methodology used to demonise the ALP or if we will see a miraculous revaluation. I say this because the initial valuations put on the asset sales are in excess of the valuation used to justify the sacking of 24k public servants and winding back infrastructure spend that will eventually have to carried out via borrowing.

Julia there is more to governance than having a plan and weeding out crime. A plan is merely a set of aims, objectives, strategies and tactics, it is not a certainty blueprint for prosperity and harmony. The ALP may well have a plan, but the Courier Mail would never let it through their LNP rose coloured glasses without dismissive contempt editorials.

The only things I can think of this govt's milestones are the VLAD laws, the sale of public service buildings for a new one and I think the once past wannabe premier doing good stuff in the health portfolio. Apart from that I can't think of anything that would mark them as an achievement govt to remember, but I will remember them for trying to force the legal fraternity into submitting to an LNP oligarchy.

The OP is correct in saying Newman has dodged the senate inquiry, because I would bet London to a brick our Bruce Flegg would have a dossier of mud to fling.
Julia there is more to governance than having a plan and weeding out crime.
Goodness, I never would have known that.
I simply mentioned one area where I've heard (always on the ABC so it must be right, can't comment on the Courier Mail because I wouldn't bother reading it) various figures, well and truly exceeding the 2.1% reduction in crime.

Ves, From the ABC, July 2014:

If the Police Commissioner considers that crime is down significantly, I'm probably going to take his word for it.
If that's all right with you.
If the Police Commissioner considers that crime is down significantly, I'm probably going to take his word for it.
If that's all right with you.
Of course he does, he has a vested interest.

The official stats say overall reduction of 2.1%. It's in their report.

The official stats also say crime has been reducing, some would argue significantly in Australia, since about 1998.

I deleted my post because I know no one here will actually bother reading the report or anything I link.

You can believe or take anyone's word, of course, it's up to you if in doing so you choose to ignore reality.
Be interesting to see if the trend towards independents continues as the voters continue the disengagement with the majors. I think the last study in June found that only 40+% of voters think the major parties will make a difference in governance and that the majors are servile to vested interests rather than the majority of the population's interests.
His own seat may be the most interesting aspect of this election.

Sportbet's odds are against him but the date as yet doesn't reflect the advised election date.

Even Queenslanders can recognize a cheap thug when they see one.
I work with someone who previously worked in the Qld PS (the actual PS, not a government-owned company etc).

He's said more than once that it was basically a case of act first, think about it later with regard to the staff cuts. Some sensible ones yes, but other situations where they've ended up paying consultants etc full time $150+ an hour to replace just one former PS employee who turned out to actually be needed. The whole thing sounds incredibly chaotic and disorganised, a panic really and not properly thought out.
fully agreed, decision made on ideology, not fact or thought through

as per current federal government;

Did we need to reduce PS, offload some assets, etc
Most probably especially when you can get better price for infrastructure than your own ROI.
So main concept ideas were right but implementation a rush at the worst time for the local economy.
And not to forget the usual pollute at all cost, private sector get profit, public pay the cost so part of liberal mantra, etc
And we have had no change in the over regulation/nanny state that Liberals are expected (by their voters) to reduce
Very disappointed and once again we may end up with Labour by default next month here in qld as we ended up with JG at the federal statge
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