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qldfrog weekly Skate inspired system

Another bad week:
The frog is now negative for the FY: lost $7.5k today and now in red for the FY.
Not happy, WHC NHC falling, PM down a bit of currency plays and this was enough.
The XNT lost 1.64% this week
I can not blame the systems which are 100% cash with MOA going cash on Monday and no more invested system
MOA lost $147 going cash or -0.26%
all daily unchanged as are VWMA and Obelix
So a good week systems wise but more than $12k in smoke for the discretionary...
Tip #1 Don't Look in the Rear Vision Mirror!
Tip #2 Just Do Better Next Week!

I hope this helps

Salute and Gods's speed
Tip #1 Don't Look in the Rear Vision Mirror!
Tip #2 Just Do Better Next Week!

I hope this helps

Salute and Gods's speed
View attachment 152857
Thanks for the support, you are 100% right
Andh Tere is a positive here, my 3 systems worked as intended, they disconnected based on trend and volumes
if they had remained invested and followed the ASX or small cap index falls, it would have been twice as painful.
Just disappointed that I caught up my whole initially DD for the FY, gained a sizeable profit and now am back in negative for the FY .
Ahh well
Pardon my Ignorance?
But What is a DD?

qldfrog I have noticed that Skate has been absent for some time. Any information as to his where-a-bouts or well-being??
Draw down..the loss from your top equity level we use this a lot in systems
In building systems, there is a fine balance between getting maximum return and a lower DD..trying to avoid zigzag performance which are not good for blood pressure?

Pardon my Ignorance?
But What is a DD?

View attachment 152858

qldfrog I have noticed that Skate has been absent for some time. Any information as to his where-a-bouts or well-being??
Sadly, I can not provide any news.
I am similarly intrigued and slightly worried, even if I try not to be.
Another member and I have been trying to check if all is well for a little while wo result.
Mr @Skate is a private, free spirit, strong will character and perfectly in his rights to take a break ,pause or better long holiday
But it would be very welcome to know he is OK.nudge nudge nudge
Thanks @farmerge
Much the same as Mahail in the old forum. Leaves one wondering if all is well or not !!
another week flying by, still feeling trapped by economics, and forces bigger than me...
On the systems side:
XNT fell 1.13% this week
both daily untouched..lack of time/availability
MOA 100% cash unchanged
VWMA 100% cash unchanged
Surprisingly, Obelix reinvested this week
Obelix 49% invested lost $88 or 0.28% not bad but why going in this week
Discretionaries fell again and lost $4k+ this week with AMP, WHC and NHC doing their best indeed
another week gone and not flashy
XNT fell 0.25% this week so not too bad
daily volatility US untouched..
small entry in daily volatility ASX lost $10
MOA 100% cash unchanged
VWMA 100% cash unchanged
Obelix 29% invested only lost $371 or -1.18% but we have a parcel of SLX in trading halt for a SPP so losses are pending :-(
will see if I want to participate for my investor side
so systems lost $400 or -0.16% of system money;
discretionary portfolio lost another $2.5k on PM, currencies and general down market shares
It is good to hear that you recognise that Draw Downs are Polite lingo in substituting Losses
as Draw DownsI

I must admit
It sounds a lot better IMHO to refer to Losses as Draw Downs

Well Done!

I must use that one in future

Salute and Stay Safe and Dry
Sailing the SLX
Crikey! What a little Beauty!

Might be a good time to take some profits and a Well Earned Rest IMHO

Salute and Gods' speed
DD draw down or lossesi personally never really saw a great difference
DD are a retracting value from a peak yes they are losses but a portfolio will always have losses..just a matter of timeline unless you have a term deposit or use cash only
i try not to get too emotional
another week gone , good for the frog but NOT thanks to the systems
XNT fell 0.1% this week so flat
Would you believe it that my Mother Of All (MOA) was entering on Monday;
It is usually a vry conservative system and this was the first entry since end of january
As this system was not taking into account the friday crash in the US, I did a discretionary decision:
I put my buy order just at the close price, not above;
and I reduced my entries by half;
->at the end of the week
MOA is 37% invested (should be more than twice that) and lost $1.3k or 2.33%..gushh thanks for the discretionary choice this week...

daily volatility US untouched..
small entry in daily volatility ASX was stable no win no loss
VWMA 100% cash unchanged
Obelix kept the parcel of SLX previously in trading halt for a SPP (8% invested) and lost 1.1k or 3.8% outch between SLX and disposal of other stocks
so systems lost $2400 or -0.93% of system money; Not good
Discretionary portfolio gained an extra $7.5k+ on PM, currencies and shares so ended up as a nice week overall
I expected a bloodbath: was bad but not THAT bad...
XNT fell 1.2% so bad
For the systems:
daily ones
volatility US unplayed and fully cash, unchanged
volatility ASX 19% invested only gained $323 or 0.6%

sadly was75% invested and lost $1.7k or 3.2% and while still leading the XNT since inception is loosing its edge and only up 6% since inception....
VWMA fully cash, unchanged
Obelix back fully cash, gained $32 or .1%
so systems lost $1.35 k or 0.52% of systems capital and remain 80% cash
Sadly discretionary part did not help and lost another $4.6k so no celebration
XNT fell 2.05% so bad
For the systems:
daily ones
volatility US unplayed and fully cash, unchanged
volatility ASX I messed up,
after an initial gain, i expected a rebound and failed.I ended the week 21% invested with a loss of $680 or -1.26%

Back to cash and lost an extra $545$ or 1%
VWMA fully cash, unchanged
Obelix fully cash, unchanged
so systems lost $1k or 0.4% of systems capital and remain 96% cash
Discretionary part helped and lost today yet added $6k so a good week for the Frog but no celebration as except for PM and a few blue chips, I am mostly back in cash and have no clue where we will end
My FY 22-23 total trading and investment went green again before falling back red again today

Coming out even in the next year or so will be a very good thing.
another week with systems mostly cash
The XNT went down 0.56%..I thought it was more severe;
the three weekly are unchanged and remained 100% cash:
MOA, VWMA and Obelix unchanged $0 gain
daily US volatility not played..unchanged
daily ASX volatility:37% invested, $530 gain or just below 1%
The PM surges helped the frog to add just below 5 figure this week to the portfolio so happy chap...

You deserve a nice Aussie red to celebrate surviving the current storm.
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