Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Planning to retire


Captain Klutz
16 January 2007
Wondering why I am working for woke corporations, paying taxes to woke governments and active in groups trying to promote freedom and non-prejudiced philosophies to a majority of morons that don't know where they have come from and how valuable that journey was.

Got more than enough to live on and pass on to my kids.

Think it's time to be selfish.

Wanna retire and travel the country and world. Enjoy life more.

Any advice. (Non financial of course.)
Reasons to keep working:
- Wife has a business she loves doing. Won't retire with me.
.................... - Involves Me and the Kids part time which is nice. (Youngest needs assistance for 4 more years.)
- Kids 2 (VCE/Year 8) So I really got about a year till I'm really free.
- Work gives me some semblance of Rythm/normality/sense of worth.
- guaranteed income is always handy.
- Once I am retired a few years .... Can I get back into work if I want to?
- Sense of community. I'd like to help the next generation. Haven't found anyone to help but....

Reasons to Stop working:
- Get rid of moron tradesmen and do some of the House renos myself.
- Get out of the rut I am in. Seems life is stagnating and the longer this goes the less youthful activities I can pursue.
- Want to travel before I am too old. I like travelling rough doing out of the box things.
- World getting more and more woke. Restrictions on how you live your life are taking effect. Wars / Climate change / next pandemic restricting travel?
Do it. You'll be six feet under eventually. Live the life you want to live on your terms while you're still breathing. No regrets. The fact you can afford to retire means you're luckier than most.
Thanks mate.
I'm not miserable now. Lifes good .... but.........
More interested things to consider.

If I was younger I'd happily wait........
I'm 56 so in that not too young too old area.
@UMike four years ago I sort of retired.
Forced upon me by being attacked by one of our paddock bulls.
Several severe injuries that didn't allow me to do much except star at the ceiling in the bedroom for 6=7 months.
During this time i realised that I really enjoyed the contract and farm lifestyle.
Long story short, back working full time and have no intention of retiring in the near future.
Everyone to their own, and the decision has to be the right one for that perfect piece of mind.
@UMike four years ago I sort of retired.
Forced upon me by being attacked by one of our paddock bulls.
Several severe injuries that didn't allow me to do much except star at the ceiling in the bedroom for 6=7 months.
During this time i realised that I really enjoyed the contract and farm lifestyle.
Long story short, back working full time and have no intention of retiring in the near future.
Everyone to their own, and the decision has to be the right one for that perfect piece of mind.
I hear ya.

There would be a few I would really miss and would enjoy keeping going with.
Thanks mate.
I'm not miserable now. Lifes good .... but.........
More interested things to consider.

If I was younger I'd happily wait........
I'm 56 so in that not too young too old area.

Do it for the travel reasons you outlined if for no other. Travel is definitely harder when you get older. The creaky old bones and reduced stamina that comes with getting older make exploring foreign lands more of a challenge. You also become more of a target for thieves and other petty criminals.

I have been fortunate enough to spend a number of years wandering the world as a backpacker and I wouldn't hand back those memories for any amount of money. If you love travel then it's something you need to do. I doubt you will regret it.
I hear ya.

There would be a few I would really miss and would enjoy keeping going with.
Wayne of recent times I have had the good fortune to have been employed by some "new" customers.
Great people to work for and even greater as they pay as I am leaving the property.
Lots of new money has come into the area.
@UMike four years ago I sort of retired.
Forced upon me by being attacked by one of our paddock bulls.
Several severe injuries that didn't allow me to do much except star at the ceiling in the bedroom for 6=7 months.
During this time i realised that I really enjoyed the contract and farm lifestyle.
Long story short, back working full time and have no intention of retiring in the near future.
Everyone to their own, and the decision has to be the right one for that perfect piece of mind.
So with you on that. I actually enjoy the job. Even though I am over qualified for what I do.
I have offered to work 6 mths a year. Guess I have to push it again as the concept is blowing their brains. Might get to a take it or leave it scenario though.

@Joe Blow think I will. Yea Loved travelling in My late 20s Actually contributed greatly to my personal development.
Struggled in Vietnam last year and yea. Got thieved from twice. New experience that I've leant from and found some strategies to counter.
Looks like you have thought it through pretty well.

Some useless information from a left wing, communist / marxist / woke-esta, surfing bum.

A UK study saw a clear correlation in lifespan of men who retired and the number of groups they belonged to, more groups (greater than 2 from memory) the longer the lifespan, belong to 5 and the difference was significant.

Not hard to think through why.

Work counts as a group too even if you hate it still counts.

Then there is a wise old jungle say " Short life, long death" chose wisely.
Looks like you have thought it through pretty well.

Some useless information from a left wing, communist / marxist / woke-esta, surfing bum.

A UK study saw a clear correlation in lifespan of men who retired and the number of groups they belonged to, more groups (greater than 2 from memory) the longer the lifespan, belong to 5 and the difference was significant.

Not hard to think through why.

Work counts as a group too even if you hate it still counts.

Then there is a wise old jungle say " Short life, long death" chose wisely.
Totally agree.

There needs to be some sense of purpose.
I retired at 55, not from choice but from an ultimatum from the wife, long story short one of the kids has a couple of disability but lives with it and gets on with life.
When she turned 26 she asked the wife and I what we thought of her doing IVF to have a child, we supported her decision and then along came two more grandkids and really only us as the extended family to help.
We weren't overly well off but the wife said if you don't retire and help look after these kids, you wont be coming home to a happy house, I personally loved my job but reluctantly pulled the pin.

Well for the first 4 years I really regretted it and worried a lot, now nearly 14 years later looking back, it was the best thing I could have done.
We have travelled the World a lot since I retired and now as age creeps up, I realise that by the time we have spent enough to qualify for an age pension, we will probably be too old to travel anymore anyway.

As Joe Blow mentioned, travel doesn't get easier as you get older, also the body doesn't hold up as well as it did, that speech on ANZAC day when they say "age shall not weary them", that's BS, it does. :wheniwasaboy:

I think everyone is different regarding retirement and I think everyone knows when they are ready, if you are able to afford it, I would definitely recommend it.

But the old saying that time flies as you get older, is very true, when you retire times speeds up a lot. ;)
Wondering why I am working for woke corporations, paying taxes to woke governments and active in groups trying to promote freedom and non-prejudiced philosophies to a majority of morons that don't know where they have come from and how valuable that journey was.

Got more than enough to live on and pass on to my kids.

Think it's time to be selfish.

Wanna retire and travel the country and world. Enjoy life more.

Any advice. (Non financial of course.)
Do it while you are physically and mentally able ;)

I started ticking the bucket list in my 50s then 60s and the number of old or feeble people dragging themselves around the tourist sites was quite noticeable.

I went to Cape York on a tour, 4 people on the coach got to the car park and then could not walk the rocky track to the Cape, a long way to go then not be able to reach the endpoint.

If you like out of the way places or walking a bush track to a special site then now is definitely the time to go.

You also need to consider that not only do you need to be healthy but your wife needs to stay healthy as well, if she should suddenly get sick then you ain't going nowhere !
These are the words. It relates to the soldiers and nurses that lost their lives!

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
These are the words. It relates to the soldiers and nurses that lost their lives!

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
Yes Knobby, wasn't meaning to be disrespectful, the wife's grandfather was at the Somme and we got on really well.
He actually complained that the mustard gas took years off his life, he was a strecher bearer, reckoned it stuffed his back.
My grandfather was in WW2 shipping troops from India to Singapore.
My father also served in Singapore, my brother was born there.

But as with many things these days, we put in the extra mile to find a reason to be more PC than the next person.

It will eventually completely destroy Australian dry humour and slang, but then again we will all probably the better for it, as most of the new generation of critics develop and knock off our rough edges.
I feel a classic cancelling coming on.

Shame the thread has been hijacked, as usual.
Funnily by someone I would never have thought would bother.
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But as with many things these days, we put in the extra mile to find a reason to be more PC than the next person.

It will eventually completely destroy Australian dry humour and slang, but then again we will all probably the better for it, as most of the new generation of critics develop and knock off our rough edges.
I feel a classic cancelling coming on.

Shame the thread has been hijacked, as usual.
Funnily by someone I would never have thought would bother.
Not hijacked. It is actually my point.

Wife won't travel with me much. See is happy with what she does here. She won't stop me though. Doing a short trip to Tassie end of Feb so that's nice. I am going to spend a month in SriLanka mid year. She won't come.

@macca Yea take you point My German family came to my wedding and couldn't do any of the walking track activities.