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Peter Dutton - The Great Pretender?

I see Fairfax is after Dutton over this au pair, that he gave a somewhat personal pass, to stay in the Country.
They obviously were disappointed he didn't win the leadership, I wonder how long they kept it on the back burner for. lol
I see Fairfax is after Dutton over this au pair, that he gave a somewhat personal pass, to stay in the Country.
They obviously were disappointed he didn't win the leadership, I wonder how long they kept it on the back burner for. lol
I heard someone in the Liberal Party leaked it to get Dutton.
I heard someone in the Liberal Party leaked it to get Dutton.
Jeez politics is certainly a nasty place, I hope she is of another faith than christian, then they might be able to pass it off as humanitarian.
Peter Dutton meets Karma... and tells her he put rat poison in her coffee.

Karma tells Peter Dutton... she swapped cups while he wasn't looking
Peter Dutton meets Karma... and tells her he put rat poison in her coffee.

Karma tells Peter Dutton... she swapped cups while he wasn't looking

I would say the Coalition missed a bullet there, I can't believe this wasn't a set up.
Just lucky Morrison threw in his hat, or it would have been tears all round, I don't think we have heard the last of it.

It is just too well placed to be a co incidence, it smells of a set up, I love a conspiracy theory.
Yep, well I think Tisme had it right when he said Dutton was a stalking horse. Maybe it was Morrison himself who set Dutton up and played to his ego. Not personally of course but some of his supporters.

Morrison then played Dutton for the fool knowing he would be unacceptable to the majority.

Very nice play if it happened that way, but it's only one (conspiracy) theory.
I'm just pleased we now have a Government and an opposition, that are going to contest on their merrit, not a choice of the least unpalatable.
Trying to appease everyone isn't going to work for anyone, the parties have to show a strengh of their conviction to their policies, and then explain and justify those policies.
Someone posted today, that it has been shown that in the recent times, the lower income sector has done better than anyone, it will be a sad day when everyone aspires to become them.
Prepare yourself to be disappointed @sptrawler

The goalposts have changed and the next election will no longer be fought on policy or merit. It'll be fought on the legitimacy of this Govt which spent 6 years in opposition attacking the Labor Govt for being dysfunctional and divided only to then repeat the exercise in Govt as a show of rank hypocrisy at its very best. Whilst I'm happy to give ScoMo a chance the fact is any attempt to govern will be overruled by scandal and instability. The choice we have is trolls and their apparatchiks on one side of the bridge versus trolls and sycophants on the other side
I won't be disappointed PZ99, I've been around for too long, to care who is in Government. The bloodcurdling cries come from the young and blind, not from the old bulls.
As I have written at the bottom of my post, Allow for the worst, hope for the best. I have lived well over a half a century working on that basis, a change of Government won't affect my lifestyle.

I would more likely believe that the media brought it on, by constantly publishing negative press to the point that Labor winning was a foregone conclusion, Dutton was set up to roll Turnbull then this au pair thing would have blown them completely out of the stratosphere.

I think Morrison was the last thing the perpatrator's wanted, otherwise they would have rolled out the au pair issue earlier, which would have left Morrison uncontested.

Just my take, but if the Lib's new about the au pair issue, Dutton wouldn't have got past base camp. I think it was a set up, that went horribly wrong for Labor. Just my opinion.
I reckon it was set up by people like Ray Hadley, Alan Jones, 2GB and its affiliates, Andrew Bolt, Peta Credlin, The Australian newspaper, Sky News, News Corp, Rupert Murdoch and the Conservative right in the LNP... because they've all been trolling the Turnbull Govt since the day it started 3 years ago. Just as they did to the ALP prior to that.

I'm not into conspiracy theories but I do find it odd that Rupert Murdoch arriving in Australia a few weeks ago just happens to coincide with Ray Hadley confirming on air that Dutton will challenge Turnbull a week before it even happened. Morrison only arrived on the scene when Turnbull stalled the meeting by demanding 43 signatures on that letter.

The thing that makes it embarrassing is while the Australian Govt was on strike last week the Queen of England was far more relevant by donating to the farmers in addressing the drought.
She probably didn't even know we were a leaderless state at the time.

Maybe they should put Dutton in charge and give her a knighthood

This thing was a media assassination right from the start and it isn't over yet.

The NSW Right of the LNP threatened to destroy Sco Mo if he stood for the leadership.

So expect more of the same before the election.
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Jeez politics is certainly a nasty place, I hope she is of another faith than christian, then they might be able to pass it off as humanitarian.
If she was of a different faith then Dutton wouldn't have granted her a pass. This whole thing stinks, he has ignored the advice of his own department to assist a lady breaking the law because she has links to a Liberal party donor. Yet this asshole denied the visa to the Afghan interpreter who worked with our troops overseas, who's life was obviously in danger if the Taliban found him. Australia dodged a bullet last week when Morrison won that ballot. This is why we desperately need a federal ICAC.
Agree with you completely, it would have been the perfect set up, if Dutton had won the ballot.
Well now it's coming out. Dutton was the pretender, it was all set up by Tony, Scott and Mathias afterall.
It's the Conservatives (Alan Jones etc) pushing Dutton. They can't have Abbott so Dutton is their Boy.
I would say, Dutton was set up to get the leadership, then the SMH and Labor would have shot him to $hit.
I can't believe how well this has backfired, it is the perfect foil for the Libs, Turnbull has FFlckd off at last.
Dutton and Abbott have been completely nullified, and Morrison has risen to where he should be, unscathed. LOL
You couldn't write these outcomes.
Shorten will be back plaiting his $hite. lol
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