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PEN - Peninsula Energy

I am sure some of you have noticed the turnaround of PEN. My suspicion is the short term traders have returned. Real investors are still holding.

Any way I got this report from Intersuisse as a part of daily communique which they send to thousands of people enrolled with them.

What impressed me the line I have highlighted for PEN holders to read and note.

On 16 March 2011 06:42, xxxx> wrote:

Good morning,

Overnight news from Overseas.

Last night on global markets there was initially panic selling following media reports that sensationalised the Japanese power plant problems. We have seen a technical report that outlines the construction of the reactor concerned and the various processes that are being conducted to stabilise the shut down core. If correct, the report predicts that the cores will be stable within a day or so.Buyers returned to share markets which then closed above their lows for the day. The French market was down 2.5%, Germany 3.2%, the UK 1.4% and the Dow 0.8%. Copper fell 67 to 9118, nickel was 1115 lower at 24,705 and zinc lost 47 to 2282. Oil plunged 4.01 to 97.18, gold was sold down 32.10 to 1392.80 and our dollar fell to 99.18.

The US Federal reserve met and noted that employment and consumer spending were improving but kept stimulus actions in place.

Local News.

Our resources analyst, Pieter Bruinstroop, notes that companies in China have had limitations on borrowing and have been running down inventories of metals rather than buying more. This has stabilised metal prices so far this year but their inventory will not last too long and metal buyers will return to the market, driving prices higher again.


Today’s futures trading indicates a 13 point rise at our opening but this is not showing on our screen of individual stocks. An unpredictable day lies ahead with sellers and bargain hunters in play.Regards

Intersuisse Limited

Disclaimer : DYOR . It is not a recommendation from Intersuisse, me or any one. Seek Financial Advise and DO NOT rely on the extracted information which is a general commentary only
It looks like people thought enough is enough and started buying it while it is cheap. Price jump from 0.062 to 0.087. Given things are not so clear at the moment, this is pump and dump action by short term traders? No-one can't predict crowd, only price action will tell the truth.

Of course fundamental analysis is lunacy to a TA...

The company hasn't changed, but I bet you anything that the industry has/will change. Uranium spot price projection has certainly changed if nothing else.

And part of any fundamental analysis is the pricing of risk. Last week the risks were priced differently to this week. That is fundamentally different. The question is whether current share price reflects too much risk...
And part of any fundamental analysis is the pricing of risk. Last week the risks were priced differently to this week. That is fundamentally different. The question is whether current share price reflects too much risk...

Way way way too late!!

Your(Those holding at 12.5+) trade has been decimated yet for the life of me I cant understand why mitigating RISK back on the 7th of March has and was passed off as Quackery.

If I was a Fundi trader after this Id be looking at how to spot and mitigate RISK much much earlier.

Ill bet there are some SMSF bleeding to death as well!
Blah blah blah...

1) Your first link to Nuclear Marine propulsion. Those Russian Nuke ships can't sail in warm waters because they need cold water for cooling parts of their reactors on board. So in your theory, if the Japanese did indeed use one of these ships for power generation, they would only be able to produce power during winter. Also, the ships wouldn't be able to produce enough energy to power more than a few thousand homes at a time. So, you'd need a fair few ships. More ships, more potential for accident. Also, have a look at the link you posted on the net, scroll down, and look under the Naval nuclear accidents heading. They seem pretty accident prone mate.

2) Your second link; Troll-A Rig (that you highlighted). Not in a cyclone area ( Japan is and sometimes gets hit numerous times per year. Putting a Nuke Reactor in the ocean somewhere off Japan is asking for another serious accident.

As you said, Blah, blah, blah.....
And if the japanese adhered to international conventions they wouldnt be having this problem and the threat to Nuclear as a viable power source wouldnt be on the front pages.

Add to that the generators in question were scheduled to be replaced/ upgraded mor ethan 2 years ago as they were at end of life then. Again the japanese chose not to.

Risk management is a must but this current catastophy has affected teh viability of Nuclear power and placed all U308 miners and explorers under pressure and no amount of charting could have predicted this event though i do agree Pen was due for a pull back irrespective of international events.
PEN up 40.8%
UEQ up 15.3%
USA up19.3%
DYL up 15.5%
UNX up11.3%
PDN up10.2%
UTO up 8 %
EXT up 3.9%

Hope folks didn`t freak and dump too early.
Im doing some paper trading ATM and just picked up on PEN. Would it be a good time to 'invest' now?
Im doing some paper trading ATM and just picked up on PEN. Would it be a good time to 'invest' now?
I suggest you keep paper trading until you don't have to ask that question.
I suggest you keep paper trading until you don't have to ask that question.

Good advice that.

Also PEN (IMO) has recently been a very hard stock to trade, personally, Ive had a good trade for profit in on the break @ 7.7c sold at 11c back in again @ 12.5 and stopped out at a small loss a couple of weeks ago.
Not one for the beginers.
Given things are not so clear at the moment, this is pump and dump action by short term traders?
Can you explain that ?

No-one can't predict crowd,
if you mean 'can' then I tend to believe you are wrong, human panic behaviour is predictable.

only price action will tell the truth.
very true, regardless of individual fundamental views, you can only buy or sell current price.
Try telling your broker that you don't want to sell TLS at $2.60, you want $8.00 because that is what you believe it to be fundamentally worth and see how you go.

Predictable behaviour perhaps

and below

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Ridiculous statement, if it is going to get cheaper then it is expensive now.

Looks like (so far) you're wrong.

I'm not convinced. 15% of Human's energy needs are still coming from nuclear power (some 430 plants). That's a lot.
PEN up 40.8%
UEQ up 15.3%
USA up19.3%
DYL up 15.5%
UNX up11.3%
PDN up10.2%
UTO up 8 %
EXT up 3.9%

Hope folks didn`t freak and dump too early.

This post cracked me up.

Pen lost more than 100% from its highs and claws back to 7.7c still more than 100% from its highs.
--- hahaha man I hope you didn't freak!!--- and dump early---whats late I wonder?

Europe is looking weak--6c is looking good if it stays negative tonight!
Europe is looking weak--6c is looking good if it stays negative tonight!

That's exactly where I put my order in this morning. Although if the situation in Japan gets any worse overnight I'll pull out.
For any seriously gullible speculators out there, my Hebel-Johnston-Commodore 64 theory says that PEN will return to 0.12 on the 8th April after the next moon rise period, plus an enriched Ux medallion as a dividend for all holders, ex date April 8th 2012. It is a very descriptive and reliable system (but has never been right so far).

PEN is just like the town bike, loved temporarily, hated faithfully, ridden by all when it's not diseased and thrown into a ditch as soon as someone shouts herpes! (yes I know it is trade on price action, no emotion, that's how I work too) Couldn't resist the old town bike analogy though...

PEN still has exceptional qualities which cannot be denied. Very exciting times!

So funny... how many shares do I need to buy to qualify for the Ux medallion medal? And what price do you think I can sell them for on eBay targeting the Russian mafia?

BTW what are you smoking?

Yes, unfortunately that is the credo with the majority of holders on the PEN threads, they believe their resource is infallible. Its not so much the fact that U is toted as the next clean energy source, its just that the ramifications as we are now seeing in Japan, this commodities use has the ability to destroy/setback and cost potential lives, production and progress because its still an unknown.

Why live in fear exacerbated by the potential unknown of these reactors.

This will affect not only U stocks but all stocks across the board.
This will affect not only U stocks but all stocks across the board.

Both positively and negatively. I have a holding in Sunpower in the US that shot up 10% on Monday. Yesterday I bought into everyone's favourite whipping boy, Ceramic Fuel Cells as I believe that Japan's current situation will promote their technology.
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