Hello to all that take the time to look at my query.
This is my first posting, I am new to shares and am trying to get an understanding of how things happen.
This morning TLS in PRE_OPEN was showing 4.16m shares traded @ $4.75 (TLS2501.pdf) when the market OPENed (TLS2501a.pdf) 5.56m shares had been traded.
I understand that an algorithm is run in PRE_OPEN to set the day's opening price.
My question is if 4.16m shares were traded why is Today's HIGH not $4.75, which leads me to ask why those 34 trades were treated differently to other trades entered. ie traded when the market was CLOSED - 7:10am.
Not trying to be cynical but shouldn't all trades be treated equally.
I'm sure we would all appreciate the best possible prices.
This is my first posting, I am new to shares and am trying to get an understanding of how things happen.
This morning TLS in PRE_OPEN was showing 4.16m shares traded @ $4.75 (TLS2501.pdf) when the market OPENed (TLS2501a.pdf) 5.56m shares had been traded.
I understand that an algorithm is run in PRE_OPEN to set the day's opening price.
My question is if 4.16m shares were traded why is Today's HIGH not $4.75, which leads me to ask why those 34 trades were treated differently to other trades entered. ie traded when the market was CLOSED - 7:10am.
Not trying to be cynical but shouldn't all trades be treated equally.
I'm sure we would all appreciate the best possible prices.