NXM still has the characteristics of a basing chart I believe. Note the latest candles are prospective for a second shallow higher low and that volume was relatively strong this week.
Past comments have focused on the Walbrook project and the potential for Northern Star to take it out - or is that just hopium after all this time? Only briefly mentioned has been the simiiarly located Pinnacles project which looks to be a handy and fairly ready resource:
"Pinnacles has a JORC 2012 Combined Mineral Resource Estimate (ASX:NXM 27/2/2020) of: Total MRE: 609,000t @ 4.0g/t Au for
78,000oz (open pit and underground) Open Pit: 159,000 @ 2.4g/t Au for 12,000oz Au, Underground: 450,000t @ 4.6g/t Au for 66,000oz Au"
Of course a critical announcement that could move the share price might come in the Quarter or in a year, if at all. This month is a big ask.
Gold price coulld be helping. They had $5.7m left at end of Qtr 31 Dec.
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