I think the key thing for any subscriber of this thread is to think about actually what is going on in China and are "they" thinking for themselves.
Say for instance you go to Guangzhou in Beijing. A very affluent area where you can buy a Diamond-studded Cartier watch for maybe $40,000, cheap by western standards, of course.
But like I have done, go there in the middle of winter and see what you'll find.
After exiting the Guangzhou shopping area by foot, within 5 minutes you should meet many peasants carrying starving/sick or probably both children just trying to keep their child alive. ALL they want is $1.
When you experience this disparity between rich and poor, you would have to have an IQ below 46 to realise the disparity between rich and poor in China.
The point of this....
Do you as an investor/shareholder want to maintain this disparity?